Four Color Goddesses

Chapter 43: Volume 2 - CH 16

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Posted on May 12, 2022by Soafp

Translator: Soafp


I look for a reason to say no, but unfortunately it doesn’t come to me so easily.

“Are you sure you don’t want to join the others?”

“It’s fine. I’ve already contacted them.”

Akazawa showed me her phone.

I’m sorry, but it’s not that easy to come up with a reason for refusing. It’s strange that I refused Akazawa’s request for consultation even though Nekoda asked for my advice. I’m a classmate, but if I refused Akazawa, I’d be the bad guy. If this story gets out, I will be beaten up by her fans. If that happens, my peaceful school life may be disturbed.

She wants to talk to me for a minute

“If you’ve contacted them, that’s all fine. So, what do you want to talk about?”

Let’s get this over with. I’ll get right to the point.


For some reason, Akazawa did not speak. In the silence, fireworks were shot off in succession. I was fascinated by the powerful spectacle.

A boy and a girl who were watching the fireworks were giggling in front of me. The two children ran to their parents holding hands.

I saw myself and Akazawa in the past overlap with the friendly children.

“….The fireworks are beautiful, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they are.”

The first time in years that I’ve watched fireworks alongside this girl.

However, I was more concerned about the kids than the fireworks. I hope they will always be close to each other. I don’t know if they are siblings or friends.

“Fireworks are fine, but what did you want to talk to me about?”


“Is it something you don’t want to talk about?”

“It’s not like that.”

If that’s the case, I’d appreciate it if we could get going as soon as possible. I’m still hungry.”


Silence returns.

A possibility comes to mind.

“You don’t actually want to talk about it?”

“T-that’s not true. There’s no way I told a random lie just because I wanted to be alone with Nijitani-kun, okay?”

Akazawa, whose voice was suspiciously hoarse, coughed one time.

“That …… consultation is about my younger sister.”


“Yes. I have a sister.

I know that. How could I forget? She is also a childhood friend.

She was estranged from me before Akazawa. There were several reasons for the estrangement, but the situation with Akazawa was different. I didn’t have a fight with her, nor did I dislike her.

So I was curious.

“What’s wrong with your sister?”

“We’re fighting.”

“…… fighting.”

“I want to make up with her, but I thought I’d get a good advice from Nijitani-kun.”

It’s a more sane advice than I had imagined.

But you never know with the passage of time, do you? The Akazawa sisters used to be good friends and did everything together.

However, it has been quite a few months since I stopped seeing her sister. The younger sister has probably changed, and the older sister has a bad character. Of course we would fight. I mean, they are sisters, so fights are a common occurrence.

But that’s not the point.

“Why are you asking me for advice?”

“You know, you broke the ice with Hazuki before. Besides, Nijitani has a younger sister, so I thought you might be able to give me some advice.”

I see. I’m sure she thinks Kanon and I are real siblings, so she wants to ask me how to reconcile with her sister. It’s a reasonable question, I guess.

This is not good.

I’ve never had a fight with Kanon before. I don’t know how to talk to her about making up with her. I was an only child until a few months ago, so this is a heavy burden for me to bear.

“…..What is the reason for the fight? “

” I was stupid.”

Did this girl even do something stupid to her own sister? Come on, it’s too much of a bummer that she did something to not only me, her childhood friend, but to her own sister as well.

“…… Well, sisters can be a lot of things. I know it’s difficult because it’s a sister thing, but if Akazawa thinks it’s wrong, why don’t you just apologize?”

“If that would end it, it would be over already.”

It seems that the problem has deep roots.

I have no experience with siblings fighting, so I can’t say anything more than that. If I say something bad, I might get blamed for it.

“Nijitani-kun’s younger sister is Kanon Nijitani-kun, a first-year student, right?

“Did you know that?”

“Eh, uhm …… I found out by chance. I happened to have a chance to ask her name. I remembered it because the surname Nijitani is rare. I thought it was probably Nijitani’s sister. She’s also famous for being a black chaser.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since it’s an uncommon last name.

And when Kuromine and I got into a rumor, people around us thought that Kanon’s presence had brought us closer together. That’s how Kanon’s name spread.

“Are you on good terms with Nijitani?”

“In its own way.”

“What’s it like at home? Do you play together often?”

“Sometimes we study, sometimes we play games.”

“…..playing games together?”

“She comes over to my room a lot.”

At that time, fireworks were shot off in succession again. The beauty of the fireworks caught my gaze again.

Mixed in with the loud noise, I heard a voice from next to me.

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“Not fair not fair, what’s that, I’m super jealous. …… I didn’t hear anything about playing games together in the room. I’m super jealous.”


That’s what this is. I guess she’s jealous that I’m good friends with my sister. For Akazawa, who is in the middle of a fight, episodes of friendship are a source of irritation. I’ve heard good things about this.

…… Let’s try to irritate her a little more.

I would have looked bad.

“Come to think of it, she was reading a comic book in my room this morning. Lying on my bed.”

“Lying on your bed?!”

Akazawa, who had uttered a loud voice, stood up.

“Ou, she was lounging around like she was having a good time. On the way there, she took away the snacks I was eating, she’s a really bad person, you know.”

Akazawa’s expression turned anguished as I further aggravated her.

“You know,…… it’s great that you and your siblings are close, but you’re high school students. I think you should stop that kind of thing. They might get a weird misunderstanding.””


“Even if you’re brother and sister, you’re still a boy and a girl.”

“Don’t say weird things. There is nothing wrong with it. We are brother and sister.”

It’s just a setup.

“But that’s not good for a high school student. Kanon might be looking at you that way. She might unexpectedly be a bad sister who loves her brother.”

“It’s not so bad if she loves her brother–“

As I was talking about these things, I heard a gorgeous talking voice. A group of people in yukata were walking nearby. My eyes met with a familiar face in the group.

It was Kanon. She was approaching me. Several men and women appear from behind her. At that moment, I did not miss the slightly stern look on Akazawa’s face as she sat down next to me.

“Osu, Onii-chan”

“Ou, I never thought I’d see you again.”

Kanon turned around.

“This is Kanon’s Onii-chan, everyone.”

She introduced me to the people who had come with her.

There are a few faces here and there that I have seen at the school. Kanon said she was going with her classmates, so she must be a first-year student at Tenkain. Each of them greeted me with a “Hello.”

“Long time no see, Shota-senpai.”

“Oh, it’s Yakumo-kun, isn’t it?”

The one who greeted me briskly was Yakumo Shirase. Yakumo-kun, dressed in a yukata, was as handsome as ever. With him nearby, I guess I won’t have to worry about her being picked on. Kanon would be left in his hands.

After greeting me, Kanon saw who was standing next to me.

“Oh, it’s Akazawa-senpai after all!”

She flushed and approached Akazawa.

Kanon’s classmates, reacting to her voice, also approached Akazawa.

“Uwaa, she’s so beautiful!”

“Her hair is so beautiful, she looks like a real goddess.”

“She is a red goddess.”

“Maybe they look alike in this way.”

As a result, the face of Akazawa has lost its ruggedness and a friendly smile is pasted on the face of the idol.

“I’m Yuuhi Akazawa, a sophomore. Nice to meet you.”

Then she waved his hand. I could see that the juniors were getting excited.

The idol of the school is alive and well. The juniors then shook hands with Akazawa one by one. Some of the boys were moved to tears. It was like an idol handshake session.

“Hey, hey, Onii-chan”

Kanon, who had finished shaking Akazawa’s hand, came up to me.

“What is it?”

“Why were you alone with Akazawa-senpai?”

“I was just taking a break because I was tired. The other guys are nearby too.”

“What…… I actually thought you were on a date.”

“Unfortunately, no. Like you, I’m here with my classmates.”

“But the current situation is a great opportunity. Good luck, Onii-chan. I saw you from a distance, but you looked pretty good together. I thought they were a couple.”

Give me a break.

The idiot Kanon is again approaching Akazawa to talk about something. I can see Akazawa’s expression change little by little. She didn’t say anything strange, did she?

The conversation seems to be over.

“Kanon and her friends are going to go now. See you later, Onii-chan.”

Kanon and the others were leaving.

The afterglow of the conversation seemed to have not cooled down yet, and the junior guy was still talking about Akazawa. I’m tempted to tell the excited guy what she’s really like.

“I’m sorry my sister made so much noise.”

“No, it’s totally fine. I’ll take back what I said before. Kanon-chan is a good girl.”


Why all of the sudden?

Akazawa’s expression was somewhat satisfied. What in the world is going on?

“We should go back.”

“Huh, are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

“I’m fine now. I’ll talk it over with my sister.”

“I see. I hope it goes well.”

“Thanks. Let’s go.”

Although I don’t know, it’s fine when the consultation is over.

After that, I met up with my classmates and we talked about our impressions of the fireworks. After eating yakisoba, we were satisfied and decided to go home.

Aside from the consultation from Akazawa, I was glad to have participated in this event as it brought me closer to my classmates. Nekoda also felt refreshed.

The summer festival was over, and I took the train back home.

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