Four Color Goddesses

Chapter 7: Volume 1 - CH 7

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Posted on February 28, 2022by Soafp

Translator: Soafp

“Let’s go to that cafe next time!”

“I hear it’s got a good reputation.”

“The parfait is super delicious. Yuuhi will definitely get addicted to it, right?”

“Uuu, I’m going to get fat.”

“You’ll make up for it with your energy.”

A few days have passed since then.

Akazawa and Nekoda made up for the time they had spent together and got to know each other better.

Nekoda became more cheerful. Rather, she had returned to her old self. She talked openly with everyone and had a dazzling smile on her face.

When she returned to her original personality, her popularity exploded at once. In the past few days, she was actively talking to her classmates and quickly became a part of the top caste group. When she cut her hair and wore a smile, she caught the gaze of all the guys.

She was originally known as a beautiful girl even in junior high school. Her friendly smile and cheerful personality had charmed many people. It was no surprise that she was even prettier than she was then.

It must have been a bolt from the blue for her classmates.

The red goddess and the gloomy cat, both of whom had been giving off a bad vibe, were hanging out together. In addition, they’ve elevated their relationship from friends to best friends. It seems that they go out somewhere every day after school.

If you want to go back to being best friends, why don’t you just make up with her?

She’s got a stubborn personality. 

But there was no way I could say that, so I complained in my mind.

“Good morning. Nijitani-kun.”

I was about to take my seat when Akazawa approached me.

“Good morning.”

The problem is that Akazawa and I have become a little closer. Even so, we only greeted each other and made small talk.

“I’m really thankful.”

“You don’t have to thank me again and again. It was just meddling.”

“Yes, but still, thank you.”

It had been a long time since she had smiled at me with all her might. The relationship must have passed, but the smile was so dazzling and nostalgic that I couldn’t look her in the eye.

“……, Nijitani-kun, you look a bit like that person.”

I wonder if that person is the important person she was talking about.

It was probably my good friend, Renji Inuyama.

He was definitely a meddlesome guy. He’s the kind of guy who reaches out to those who are isolated, as a matter of course. This confirmed who the important person was.

If that’s the case, I’d be wondering what Nekoda did to Renji, but there’s no way I’m asking that now.

That’s all Akazawa said and went back to the group.

I would have preferred to stay out of it, but I guess I had no choice this time.

Let’s think positively.

I’ve become friends with the most popular person in school. Now I’m less likely to be isolated in high school. If I don’t get too close, I won’t be preyed upon.

Besides. I was able to pay back my debt to Nekoda. It’s been over two years, though. The result was not bad at all.

By the way, I’m not interested in or even thinking about revenge for the past.

I’m not even thinking about getting revenge on those demons, not one bit. There’s more than one of them, and they’re popular in school. If I took revenge, their supporters would retaliate. My stepsister also goes to this school. I don’t want my stepsister to be maligned because of my personal grudge.

Just before the class started, Nekoda came running back.

“Good morning, Nijitani-kun!”

She had a bursting smile. I raised my hand to the original Nekoda, whose double teeth flickered.

“Ou, good morning.”

“I’m going on another date with Yuuhi.”

“I’m glad you two made up.”

“Yes. I’ll pay you back for this!”

“Don’t worry about it. It was my own doing.”

“I knew you would say that. So I’ll take the liberty of thanking you and returning the favor.”

It’s good to hear her appreciation. Now I’ve repaid the debt, I won’t be accused of dishonesty.

It was a blunder to have contact with Akazawa, but this was not a bad ending.

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“Well, Shota is amazing. I can’t believe you were able to get those two to make up.”

Mahiro said as he watched the two of them chatting amicably.

“I didn’t do anything. They just made up on their own.”

“That’s a very cool line to say.”

“Oh, you think that was a cool line?”

“Yes, yes. Thanks to Shota’s cool line, I was glared at, though.

He must be really upset that I told Akazawa about the fight.

“I’m just kidding, just kidding. But I’m grateful to Shota. The better the mood of the class, the better it is for me.”

“…… I really didn’t do anything, though.”

I just confirmed the intentions of both parties.

The rest of the time, they made up on their own. Nekoda apologized, and Akazawa just accepted it. There was no room for others to intervene.

That reminds me, when they made up, they were talking about something. I didn’t hear the part that sounded important. I don’t even know how they got into the fight in the first place. It would be foolish to ask that question.

“I’m praising you for forcing your way into their conversation.”

“Do you mind?”

I don’t usually do that kind of meddling. I was just returning the favor.

“By the way, what was the cause of the fight between the two?”

“You don’t know?”

“Until now. Someone talked to me after Nekoda-san and Akazawa-san.”

So now that they’re reconciled, they can talk.

“You want to know?”

“I’m the one who intervened.”

“The fight between the two of them, or rather, Nekoda-san’s behavior, was in junior high school. It seems that she said something terrible to Akazawa-san’s loved one, and that was the cause of the fight. At that time, Akazawa-san didn’t know that fact. She only found out about it after a while.”

Is it because of swearing or rude words?

I wondered if she had spoken out against Renji. I don’t know much about the relationship between Nekoda and Renji, so I can’t say for sure.

” ……But I don’t get it. How did she find out about it later?”

“I don’t know that much about it either. Well, there was a lot of commotion at the time. Akazawa-san also tended to take a lot of time off when she was in the third year of junior high school, so there might have been a lot of things going on behind the scenes.”

Did she tend to take time off?

Akazawa was physically strong. She rarely got sick.

“Was it a cold or some kind of illness?”

“I don’t know. I was in a different class.”

“…… Right. So, what’s all the other thingsabout?”

I don’t know about disturbances. There were no window breaking incidents or bullying incidents at Eastern Junior High School.

I dare say I was the only one who was bullied.

“Strange rumors, people falling down the stairs and being rushed to the hospital with serious injuries, broken bones during club activities, fistfights between girls, unexpected makeovers, people withdrawing from school, people who have just graduated getting in trouble with the police, that kind of thing.”

That’s scary.

I know the first two things about myself. But I don’t know anything about the second half of the story. I didn’t know that such an uproar occurred after I moved to a new school.

“It must have been a pretty rough school.”

“It might look that way.”

“…… Maybe the goddess had something to do with the roughness?”

“You guessed that right. There’s a lot of Goddess stuff in that story.”

As soon as I disappeared, it was like they were torturing me to relieve their stress.

I’m so shocked, still shocked

I’ll definitely try to stay away from them in the future. I’ve come into contact with Akazawa, but the other demons are in a different class, so as long as I stay away from them, I should be fine.

I’m sure that my safety is secured now.

…… However, the world often does not work out like the way you want.

You wonder why?

Because life is a giant pile of s**t.

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