Fragment of An Existence

Chapter 1: [Prologue] Fragment of The Once You Are..

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[3rd PoV]

"CAN YOU EVEN TEACH CHILDREN WHEN YOU CAN'T EVEN DO YOUR PAPERWORK RIGHT?!" A loud shout was heard throughout the empty corridor of the school. 

"If you can't even do this maybe your status as a teacher is just a lie then?" The voice said like a provocation. But it was only answered with a silent gust of wind.

"ANSWER ME!" The voice demanded.

"I am a teacher, I'm sorry for my mistake in doing the paperwork, I will fix it as soon as possible" Then another voice answered the demands.

"As you should be! Now scram! I don't wan't to see your face here until you fix those documents!" The voice shouted and soon was followed by a loud slamming of a door.




[1st PoV]

"Did he shouted at you again, Sohen-sensei?" Suddenly a colleague of mine appeared out of thin air.

"*sigh* Yes, I done a little mistake on my documents. I will head back to fix it, don't worry about it" I said to him. He still looked a little worried but I just patted his shoulder and went on my way.

"Listen, Sohen-sensei. You were our senior even when we still first started teaching you were already teaching since we were still teenagers and we know that you are busy but we hoped you would take breaks more often" He said sincerely. I looked back at him and smiled brightly.

"Don't worry about me. I will be resting fine, Thank you for your concerns" I said and he released a sigh. 

"No problem at all, Sohen-sensei.." He said back. After that I just walked away and out of the school area.


"*sigh* Coffee is getting expensive.." I looked at the price of a single can of coffee.


"Ahh.." I enjoyed my favorite drink for the night. Black Coffee. It might seem unhealthy which it is, but it is necessary for alternative of expensive energy drinks.

"What a lovely night.." I stared up to the sky. I could see the constellations bright up in the sky. The moon was no where to be seen as well as the clouds. The stars was shining brightly alongside the busy and hustling city. 

The cold wind blows, chilling the city. The dry and crisp air of winter and the warm clothes that everybody wore. The city looked busy and lively as how it is meant to be.

I was just walking peacefully until when I saw a familiar face walking across the busy city. It's the face of one of my students. I am teaching in a quite popular highschool with me one of the oldest teacher to work there.

But she seemed restless, she was looking around her seemingly in search of something.. perhaps someone. She occasionally placed her phone on her ears like she is calling somebody. I looked around her, she didn't seemed to be followed or anything then what could have happened.. I then just approached her slowly while letting her know that I'm approaching her.


"Good evening, Why are you-" Before I could greet her she cut me off in a panic.

"Sohen-sensei! My little sister when missing!" She said. I widens my eyes and turned serious. I drunk all of my remaining coffee and focused.

"Where do you last seen her?" I asked her for pieces of information.

"We were shopping some needed groceries in the convenience store right there before I realised she was missing" She pointed at a convenience store that was the direction she came from.

"Did you see any suspicious person? Any clues?" I asked her but she just shook her head.

"Damn it!" I cursed in annoyance. She looked really surprised that I cursed.

"Don't think about it, come on follow me!" I immediately ran towards the area of the convenience store. I stopped at it's front door and looked left and right. Then I remembered about a hotspot of kidnapping crimes near the area and immediately ran that way.

"Quick don't lost your way!" I said to my student. She nodded and catches up to me.

When I was near the area, I saw a suspicious man that is very weary of his surroundings entering a tall building.

"Come!" I instantly went into action and tailed the man silently. The man was really suspiciously weary of his surroundings and when I realised he lived in a crime invested area I became even more suspicious.

We went inside the building and were surprised by what is inside of it. Drugs stored in boxes upon boxes. I could tell most of them are drugs based on how they were packaged.

"Sensei.." I heard my student.

"I know" I understood her worries but worrying wouldn't do much.

"Let's keep on following him" I said to my student, she only nodded and kept on following me.

"Those kids were sent for testing new types of drugs right?" We stopped and eavesdropped the man's conversation.

"Yes, they will be sent tomorrow, gave them food" Another man said.

"I know" The first man answered.

"You know what this means?" I asked my student.

"What..?" She seemed confused.

"That means.. we could get crazy!" She then finally saw my angry face. I was really angry when I heard literal children were used for drug testing?!

"Wait here.. I will finish my job" I said to her, she seemed to wants to object.

"No. No means no, it's dangerous. I will get all the kids. You stay here! Call the police and gave them our current address" I said sternly while silently moving along the walls behind the boxes. I looked back at her and she was silently crouching there.

'Great.. Now the main problem' I thought while looking at a guarded heavy metal door. Inside them are probably either drugs or the kids or even both. But then I have an idea..

'Let's follow the man that gave the kids food..' I thought. It was a simple idea but I think it will work. I then simply followed the man and observed the paths of the buildings. 

'Hmm.. It seems they are just connected rooms..' I thought when I saw the hallways. But then I accidentally knocked over something and it caused a noise.


"Who's there!" The man immediately turned his head back and looked around. I carefully hid behind a wall where he can't see me.

"I know someone is there! Don't try to hide!" He took out a gun which surprised me.

'Shit.. This is going to get hard..' I thought.

"Don't try to hide!" He said while skimming through the room. I hid again trying to went around him. But I accidentally kicked one of the boxes.

"Shit.." I muttered.

"There you are!" He aimed his gun towards my area. Then he without any hesitation pulled the trigger.


The bullets missed me by pure luck and I charged in towards him. It successfully startled him and allowed me to quickly disarm his gun. I quickly retreated back and pointed the gun at him.

"How the tables have turn.." I said to him. He held his arms high in the air begging for me to not shoot him.

"Please! Don't shoot me! I have a family to feed!" He says. But I just looked at him with cold eyes indicating I don't care.

"You just tried to shot someone with the intention to kill and now you're yapping forgiveness?" I said to him with an angry voice.

"No! No! If they found out they will die!" He said in panic. I widens my eyes but I did not keep my guard down on him.

"They have my family in hostage! Please! Don't shoot!" I stared at him for a moment and said.

"Nothing is free.. You should know what I meant" I lowered the gun but I still kept my hand on it.

"Yes! Yes! I will tell you everything!" He said with happiness. 

"Great now start talking.." I said and he started talking.


"Tch, are you saying that it's too late to stop them?!" I was getting a little mad and pointed the gun closer at him. I grabbed him by his collar and he began to panic and started trembling.

"I will save them.. I will always do it" I said while releasing my grip on him.

"Go away, I'll let you go. Report this to the police. They'll help you." I turned away and walked to the direction of where the kids' were stored.

"Thank you! I will never forgot your kindness!" He said while running away.

"Now.. Let's do this" I said while holding the gun on my hand.


I never really was much of a talented person. I don't have a spesific skill in one aspect but I have an equal skills in most of things. I am what you call a Jack of All Trades, Master of None. 

But I have one passion that I really enjoyed. And it was to.. Teach, Educate, and Help others. All people I know said my knowledge are too shallow to teach other people. They said my skills are too average to be a help. But I didn't care about what they said and kept on going to pursue my dreams to become a teacher that one day will made their name be carved into history. 

The reason why I started loving my passions started in a normal but a fateful day for myself.

It was the past. I am around 21 in age, I was just like most young adults I was trying to find a job that could provide me. My first job was to be a waiter in a Café but I was eventually fired when they found a better replacement for me. I worked there for only 3 months.

My next job was to be a delivery worker. The job was nice but with the demanding working condition I was a little uncomfortable. But it was mostly nice. But just like my previous job I was fired but for a different reasons. This time I was fired from an accident that happened towards me. I worked there for around 6 months.

After that I was left unemployed. I don't have any relatives and my friends were mostly vanished into thin air so I tried to use as little money as possible for food. And doing so comes problems after problems. From malnutrition to even starvation. I have gone through most of them while trying to find jobs.

My unemployment lasted almost the rest of the year when in 6 days before christmas, I done something that will change my life forever.

 "..." I am in the middle of the city center. There is a giant tree decorated with christmas ornaments and a lot of bright lights. Under the tree were presents. Near the trees were children playing and near the children was an old lady watching the children running around and playing with each other.

I did not came here to do exactly anything but I came here to only enjoy the joy of christmas and the spirit of winter. I never expected for the place to be crowded like this.

"Hmm.. at least they're well behaved" I muttered. Until I heard something that took me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm~~" I heard music.. not any normal music. The humming the melody of the recognisable instrument.

[Insert Song: Trust Yourself- Duggy]

"Hmm~~ Hmm~~ Hmm~~" But there is something missing about the song. So I slowly walked towards the source of sound and saw a young child was the one playing..

'What a young child..' I thought while watching the child plays her symphony. It was a soft yet strong piece of symphony. I silently enjoyed her play of piano. But then I noticed..

"It lacked something.." I approached her. I took out something that I coincidentally brought for a performance. I started to complete her piece by using my instrument, Violin.

When I went in and improved her piece she was surprised and looked at me for a while with wide eyes while still playing the piano.

"A great performance would be greater if two of them are great" I declared to her and she nodded and focused back on her performance. Her play was simple yet beautiful. As a famous musician said.. A symphony made from the heart was the best symphony you'll ever hear.

'A piece of tranquility, a symphony representing beauty..' I thought

We played for quite a while and when I think the song is reaching it's end. I said..

"Let's end this symphony.." to her which she nodded. I smiled a little and only was playing by my own feeling.

The pieces started getting developed more and more. It started to form a full fledge song that is ready to be released. It fits the atmosphere of the christmas winter night.

'This child has her talents set..' I thought when I was playing my violin. At her young age she is already as good or even better than me at playing the piano.

Without me realising more and more people started to watch us play. Even the chaotic children that were playing a lot calmed down and were watching us.

"Hmm~ Hmm~ Hmm~" The song was ending, I could feel it. I slow down my pace and eventually she came to a stop and at that mark I also stopped. 

Then after a short delay she started again but I let her solo it because it was her show, she started it and she will end it herself. Then it ended..

The whole crowd was silent. No one made any sounds and they were only silently watching us with wide eyes. Then suddenly..

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

We started hearing clapping. The crowd starting to clap one by one and by a few moment, they all were cheering and clapping. I placed my violin back into it's case and brought it up towards me sleeve. 

I then turned around quickly and decided to leave as it is not my show. I mustn't interrupt anymore. But as I was trying to leave I suddenly heard. 

"W-Wait!" I looked back and saw the child holding the back of my shirt.

"What is it?" I asked her nicely. But she seemed to be really shy and stuttered.

"M-May I know your name?" She asked me. I was a little startled but I just told her the name everyone calls me by.

"Just call me Sohen.." I said to her and turned back again trying to leave. But I still felt her tugging on my shirt. So I looked back once again and saw her pouting face.

"?!" I was a little startled at her face but I kept calm.

"Is there anything you wanted to say to me..?" I asked her as she looked like she wanted to say something.

"My name is Fuko.." She suddenly introduced herself.

"C-Can you become my partner..?" She ask innocently. I was a little shocked at what she said but I just tried my hardest not to scream.

"P-Partner for what exactly?" I asked her.

"Music.." She muttered but I catched what she was saying. I smiled at her gently and patted her head.

"Of course, I have nothing to do anyway.." I said to her.

"Promise..?" She held out her pinky finger and I held out mine as well.

"Promise" I made a promise in a winter night. Not any normal promise however, this will be the promise that would changed my life.


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From that day on, I was busy every single night. I would went onto the same park, the same place, to meet the same person. 

"Say why do you keep going here everyday?" I one day asked after I have been going here for around 4 months straight. In the meantime, I also found a job that could provide me and still have enough time to get here.

"I was bored.." She said while playing the piano.

"Don't you ever get tired of going here?" I asked again. She seemed to get a little sad.

"Yes.. but this place is the only place I could go right now.." She said while looking up to the sky. She then looked at a certain building off the distance while holding a sad expression on her face.

"Nee.. Sohen-san" She suddenly called out to me. I looked at her immediately and questioned her.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her. But she only continues to play the piano and looked up to the sky. Then suddenly she said..

"Have you ever felt that life hated you? That life wanted you to fall? That life is not fair..?" She suddenly asked this question towards me. I looked at her expressions that usually only showed neutral emotions. Her expression held a complicated meaning in it and I couldn't understand it mostly.

"I have.. Life has been unfair towards all of us.. I didn't have any parents since I was a child and I was practically living by myself since I was a child. I have worked hard yet everything came crushing down like a avalanche on a snowy mountains. But even after that I never blamed this world.. This world was the place I lived all this time, there is no reason to blame it for our unfairness. Just keep on moving forward by being yourself more than ever" I said truthfully. But even then her complicated expressions still haven't gone yet.

"Then.. what does it mean to be.. 'yourself'?" 


After that day, she suddenly stopped coming and I was forced to perform alone, it wasn't easy. It was a symphony made from two, for two. So playing it alone felt like something was missing. So when she suddenly disappeared, I suddenly remembered about the building she stared at while having a sad expression every time. 

I looked at the building and immediately ran towards it. I ran past the people walking in my path. Slowly my hands started sweating. My sweat starting to drip down from my face. My mouth started to dry. And my heart started to beat faster. 

"This feeling.." This feeling I had. The feeling of nervousness in my chest, the anxiety that builds up from unknown reasons started to overwhelm my senses.

After what felt like a marathon, I finally arrived in front of the building. I read the front sign, then I realised..

"Shit!" I ran inside as quickly as I could. Inside there are no people other than probably a few people walking here and there. I rushed towards the front desk and the lady was startled.

"C-Can I help you?" She asked me in a little panic.

"Is there a child named Fuko here?" I asked quickly. She checked the data in the computer then turned to face me again.

"She is in the 4th floor, room 427" She said but I am already running towards the lift.

"..Unfairness huh.." I said before the lift door closed.


"I see.." I looked at Fuko in front of me. She was lying down sleeping. Her condition was the worst I've seen. Her skin is pale to the point she looked like a corpse if the heartbeat monitor didn't beep.

She is sweating profusely even after the Air Conditioner of the room was set to the coldest all the time. Her face twitches once in a while sleeping. I looked at the table next to her bed and I widened my eyes.

"T-This?!" I looked at the amount of drugs and medicines were on the table itself. They were all partially opened indicating recent intakes. Then suddenly I heard the sound of door opening behind me.

"Hmm? Who might you be?" I heard the sound of a man behind me. He sounded around 50 in age. I looked at him and he was a little surprised when he saw me.

"I am no one and will be no one, but why is she like this?!" I said in shock. 

"What do you mean? She was always sick.. Have you never noticed? Her health was quickly declining to the point even medications were pointless." He said. I was shocked. I was clueless, I was ignorant, I was denying the truth. The truth that was presented in front of me such often.

She was always ragged in breathing, numb to pain, her expressions were stiff to the point of emotionless.

"Why?! Is it truly the injustice? Is it the unfairness..?" I was frustrated. In the first time in my life I found a partner. A partner that spent time with me. A partner that is willing to share their stories with me and who I told my stories to.

"Is it that this world never wanted for me to be happy? Is that it..?" I asked myself while sighing.

"You shouldn't blame yourself too much. She was sick since birth. She didn't have anybody to care for her so the hospital took her in. Her parents both of them were missing. And Fuko was born with a immune disorder making her body weak and vulnerable" The man explained while checking her pulse. 

"At this rate she would die, because her immune system was eating her own body. She would die painfully and alone. Until.." The man suddenly turned around and looked at me.

"Until she met you.. Before she was only waiting for herself to die, she resigned to her one and only path of fate. But when you came she started to become cheerful.. Slowly but surely she told us about you.." The man said while approaching me.

"But now.. you're too late" The man patted my shoulders and passes by me.

"She would be scheduled for a peaceful death tomorrow. So tomorrow you have your last chance.." The man said towards me with tears on the edge of his eyes.

"I hope you'd done the right thing.." The man said before exiting the room leaving me alone with Fuko.

"..Is there anything to be done? That I could do..?" Slowly tears started to flow down my face.

"Why? Why is it like this..?" I asked myself. I sighed painfully.

"I will stay here.. By your side.." I said sitting down on the floor next to her accompanying her until her last moments.


"..." It's now the middle of spring. The snow has completely melted away. Sakura season has started. The sakura blossomed beautifully. I stood silently in front of a memorial. 

On it was written the memorial of Fuko. Date of birth 3rd of March 1988. She died at the age of 13. On which her last wish was 'You should become a teacher, Sohen-san. You are suitable for the job..' To this day I still didn't understand what she fully meant by those words. I never felt suitable to be the role of a teacher but I will fulfill it even if it meant I will suffer  

After Fuko's death, I was determined to fulfill her last wish. For me to became a teacher. And so I started my journey. I worked hard, saved most of my money by having to starve yet again for a few months until I could afford most of my education reference. I studied hard and by then 2 years again have past.


".. 29th of September.. What a coincidence.." I looked at the calendar and wondered what I've been through so far. I've studied in my free time and my work hours. I've gained experience through teaching children and young teenagers maths and other subjects. 

But now, today on my birthday, I successfully entered the University for teacher education program in the level of highschool. I got in by scholarships and other money prizes from competitions.

"Let's see what lies ahead.." I said while heading out of my house that I've been living in alone since almost forever.



A shootout could be heard all across the area. The culprit of the shootout is an underground drug dealing group against a singular man who had only a handgun against mostly assault rifles.

"Tch! 4 of them on my back. It's not looking good" Apparently the whole apartment was part of the group. So when a sudden alarm was triggered by me infiltrating the warehouse everyone was alerted. And with me needing to protect my student it became harder. 

But then alongside the shootout I heard something akin to the sound of civilisation for lost hikers. The sound of salvation, the police.  I then looked at my student and said this slowly.

"Hey! Listen, I need you to run away from here. The polices are coming, I need you to tell them this. 'There are children inside the building and there are also armed people' Tell this to the police. I will cover up for you. Just run don't look back, don't worry about me. You understand?" I looked at her and tears started to form on the edge of her eyes.

"Don't worry, I will rescue your sister! Then go!" I said pushing her towards the exit. As she ran, I went out of our hiding spot and covered her as she ran from the shower of bullets.

I had no prior training with firearms before so I only hit 1 in around 5 shots. And with limited magazine I couldn't be reckless when shooting. I ran as fast as I can towards another hiding spot to distract them. 

Lucky enough no bullets manage to hit me. So I continued this reckless movements over and over again until I reached a close range from them. Then slowly I picked up my handgun and took a deep breath.

"Let's go!" I threw a box out from my hiding spot and they all got distracted by it and gave me a chance to shoot two of them. I hit my shot but missed the other one.

Then I charged in but this time I'm not as lucky as before. Bullets started to pierce my flesh deeply everywhere in my body. But I still ran, I charged as fast as I could and when I finally reached the guy I shot down I was shot at the leg.

"Grrrr!" I held in the pain and grabbed his rifle and aimed it at the others. 

"Cowabunga, little shits!" I said before started blasting. In a close range and with an assault rifle I hit most of my shots instantly killing them on the spot. After my bullets went out, I took a deep breath and crawled towards the corpse of what looked like their leader. 

There I found a key to the warehouse and opened the warehouse door. Inside I saw many and many boxes of things and on the very edge of the warehouse I saw metal cages. Inside them were children that they captured. There were a lot of them, around 30. I noticed all of them are asleep soundly but are still breathing so I walked out.

I slowly walked out of the building to the roof of it. I climbed the stairs slowly as I'm bleeding out with a wounded leg and arms.

When I was at the top I kicked the door opened with my remaining strength and immediately a rush of air flowed in making my hair blows back.

"*sigh*.." I slowly walked towards the edge of the roof and looked over the city. Slowly but surely my consciousness were wavering. I know at this moment that I was.. dying.

".. I really hoped I could taught them more things.." I thought about the children. 

"I really hoped I could teach those children and helped them overcome their trauma.." 

<Confirmed. Unique Skill "Endless Teachings".. Successfully Acquired>

"But.. It's not like I will remember all of them after my death..I'll probably ask a partner to teach them later.."

<Confirmed. Unique Skill "Partner For Life".. Successfully Acquired>

"Well I could maybe try to teach them all myself.."

"Well I probably won't be.. as I'm probably really vulnerable to almost a lot of things.." 

<Confirmed. Unique Skill "Full Immunity".. Failed.. Extra Skill "Full Resistance" is Acquired instead..>

"I truly hoped.. I could live long enough to witness changes and probably develop myself.."

<Confirmed. Constructing a possible body.. Successful>

<Granting Intrinsic Skills.. Success>

"Ah.. I'm losing consciousness.. I hope the kids will be taken in by the government.." I thought about the kids.

"But.. one thing.. I have one thing left I regretted.. is to not being able to ask my last question to this world.."

<...Request Granted. Sending Consciousness to *#?!?#!!*>




<3rd PoV>

"Hmm? Interesting way to live.." An all powerful being looked down at a sentiment of a consciousness so small it couldn't even be compared. But the being took an interest at the consciousness after it appeared out of no where.

"To teach others while learning yourself? Hahaha! What a great path! Shame for the death.." The all powerful being looked at his path of life on a transparent thing that looked like a constellation map.

"Tell me.. little one. What do you wish to ask?" The powerful being asked the little consciousness after it 'woke' up.

"Ah! Before you asked anything, I'll say that the kids are fine so do not worry" The all powerful being said easing the consciousness.

"..What is the meaning to be 'yourself'?" The consciousness timidly asked the all powerful being. When hearing his question the being released a long laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The being continued to laugh as long as it wanted with the little consciousness just waiting patiently not getting offended from the being's laugh.

"*sigh*.. It'd been a while since anybody made me laugh.." The being finally stopped laughing and reminiscence of the past hit him.

"*sigh* I'm too old for this kind of thing.." The being suddenly sighed while closing it's non visible eyes.

"Then.. what answer shall you desire? A typical one? Or even a textbook one?" The being lazily asked the consciousness.

"Hmm.. just answer based on what you think it is.." The consciousness pondered for a bit before answering. The being then also ponders for an answer. But not for long as he came up for an answer.

"To be yourself means for you to understand how your existence is meaningful. To understand the meanings of your existence requires you to understand yourself.." The being said full of wisdom.

"It's an endless loop as it's impossible to understand your own self the normal way." The being added while looking down at the little consciousness.

"But there is a way..Fragments! A fragment of understanding yourself contributes to a fragment of your own soul!" The being picked the little consciousness up gently.

"And to get those fragments.. you must first live.. Live a full life where you could experience you wanted, you could and you must!" The being brought the consciousness closer to it's 'face'.

"But how can I ever do that?" The little consciousness asked again.

"I don't know.. That is all up to you, little one" The being said while shaking it's 'head'. But right after that, the consciousness suddenly lost it's colors and started to fade away.

"SEARCH! Search for your little fragments! The fragments of yourself! And you shall find your exact answer yourself" The being said extravagantly.

"Well.. time is up. I hope my answers gave you the inspirations you needed. Live long, Live well and we might one day meet again.. Goodbye" The being said it's goodbye before the consciousness fully faded. When the consciousness fully faded he thought about the encounter.

".. What an unique existence.. Maybe one day it will be the one who brought the change to my world.. Who knows?" The being chuckled then went back to a dormant state waiting.. until eternity for something no one has ever found.




"Sensei! What do you think of your life?" A child asked me about an amusing question.

"Hahaha, try to guess" I told the child a simple instruction.

"Hmm... I think you are satisfied?" The child innocently answered.

"Hahaha, Well you are not wrong, but.. Listen once you grow older and more mature you will understand this, the path you took is only a mere fragments of your life. You may piece all of them together but you will never reached satisfaction that easily.. So you just need to live without worries!" I told the child while ruffling his hair.

"I don't understand.." The child said while looking down.

"Hahaha, you will understand one day.. one day" I chuckled.

"Let's get you some ice cream" I lifted the child up my shoulders.

"Yay!" The child cheered on. I only chuckled at the child's reaction and started walking towards the end of the street towards the Ice cream shop.

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