Fragment of An Existence

Chapter 4: 3. To See What You Look Like..

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"So.. Yeah. Here I am, I guess! It's been rough, y'know?" The Slime said while sighing. I could tell the Slime is hiding a lot of hidden details but I decided to not question it. 

It's kinda surprising that I was even reincarnated here. But to actually meet another reincarnator other than myself? Imagine my surprise.. 

'Seems like we will have a new possible partner, Aibo' I said to Aibo. Aibo seemed to be silent but I definitely could hear it made a audible sound of agreement.

{Hmm? So a 'Transmigrant' then? Your origins are quite rare indeed..} Veldora said. 

'Transmigrants?' Veldora seemed to encounter our kinds a lot. It seemed to be pretty uncommon if they actually have a term for us.

"Huh? Are they? And you… "Transmigrant" This isn't any big surprise

to you?" The Slime asked Veldora about it. 

{Hmph.. You see you do see 'Transmigrants', on occasions. Their memories from the past are brought to the present and burned into their soul, due to a powerful will. But there are some indeed, who retains their full memories of their past lives. But a 'Transmigrant' from another world.. This is quite uncommon. A regular soul couldn't survive the process of transferring between realms. And so some disintegrate away along with their memories but some rarely retained their memories and was reborn as a monster of pure magic.. I cannot really recall any example of the past, quite peculiar indeed.} Veldora explained with all the details I need to analyse the process.

'Aibo' <Confirm>

As I told Aibo to analyse the Information needed to exactly calculate everything I focused back towards the conversation.

{Then, it's your turn, Little Spirit} Veldora said towards me. 

'Well.. Let's just tell my story.. not like I have much to tell..' I thought while sighing at my past life. I don't really have a lot of unique interactions. I'm just a normal teacher after all.

{Ahem!} Veldora tries to catch my attention.

"Yes.. Yes.." I reluctantly followed with his order.

"Then.. Just like the Slime.. I'm a 'Transmigrant'. My past life's name is.. just call me Sohen. I am a teacher at a highschool in a country called Japan.." I started introducing myself.

"Then! You have the same origin as me?! And Sohen? I think I've ever heard about you.." The Slime started to get into a deep thought.

{To think I would see two different Transmigrants reborn as a pure magic monster.. Continue, Little Spirit.} Veldora was a little bit dumbfounded at our current position.

"I was around the age of 35 when I died.. I have no close relatives or many friends. But I was quite content with my life. I died because of gunshot wounds. Then.. that's all.. Nice to meet you all" I finished up my introduction in a polite way as not to offend them.

"Wait?! Sohen?! That Sohen-sensei! But you! You have died for 15 years! Remember me, Sensei? Mikami Satoru!" The Slime suddenly got excited. I was a little confused at what he meant until I heard Aibo's explanation.

<Confirm. Mikami Satoru is one of your old students that already graduated 2 years before your death. He was->

'Enough. I remembered which one was him' I stopped Aibo's rambling before it was making my head hurts.

"I see Mikami Satoru... you have grown big.. eh" I remembered the reminiscence of our past. He wasn't exactly the brightest but he was fine. Back then I thought I failed as a teacher because I can't change the fates of some of my students but now.. I'm sure.. they one day will succeed even after they long forgot about me.

"You are right, Sohen-sensei.. You are right.. It's a shame I was never there when you were buried.." The Slime which was the reincarnated Mikami Satoru sounded quite sad.

"It's fine.. I'm only a normal teacher. Nothing special is within me and nothing ever will. I'm just a person doing my only job. To teach others." I chuckled it off. Mikami Satoru became silent after I said all that. 

{Two transmigrants who knew each other but died at a different periods of time and was reborn at a different state... a unique situation, indeed..}  Veldora spoke while muttering the last part. 

"By the way.. Veldora can a stray soul just drift towards this world by it's own willpower?" I asked Veldora. Because I felt something changed inside of me but I still don't know what it is but maybe I could see them being related.

{There are certainly some cases of a few individuals successfully completed their travels from far away but not another world. They are openly and usually known as 'Otherworlders' or 'Visitors' and they bear knowledge that do not exist anywhere in this world. They acquire, as I hear it, some sort of special power when they make their journey here. Beyond that there are the 'Transmigrants' which also holds knowledge of things we do not understand yet. Not all of them chose to open up to their identity though, I assume.} So there are a few.. to hear it already, it was quite unusual. To travel from far away which I could conclude either as planets or even galaxies. But to travel that far by their willpower.. what are they? Psychopaths? 

"I see! I see! In that case, I think I should track down some of these 'Otherworlders'. Maybe I could find someone from my land!" Mikami suddenly joined in the talk.

"Oi! Aren't you forgetting about me?!" I was a little annoyed that Mikami doesn't remember me being the SAME land as him.

"Oh yeah.. I forgot about you, Sohen-sensei.. hehehe.." Mikami laughed nervously and awkwardly. I sighed at him at his obvious take to try and avoid me probably to lessen his regret about that funeral thing.

"Mikami, Listen. I don't really care about what happened in the past as they are past. The most important thing is in the present.." I lectured Mikami at his foolish thoughts of trying to avoid me because of regrets.

"..I will remember about it, Sohen-sensei." Mikami looked like he realised what he was trying to subconsciously do and learnt from his mistake.

{Kuhahahaha! It really suits you to be a teacher, Little Spirit!} Veldora was quite amused based on his laugh. It seems that he also realised the tension on the Mikami.

{Well.. you both said you cannot see, yes?} Veldora suddenly asked us. 

"You are correct.." I immediately answered him. I have no reason to lie of my vision.

"Oh, uh, yeah" Mikami sounded like he was startled. I have a few speculations in mind but what I thought of was the most possible is that Veldora wanted to make a deal.

'It's been a while since I done that.. Let's do it!' I thought about one of the cool things I could do after I mastered my psychology.

"Your next line are 'Let me help you see, then'!" 

{Let me help you see, then- What?!} Veldora was quite startled at it. 

"There it is, Sohen-sensei's predicting your next line move" Mikami seemed to still remember about this. Well it's part of why I'm quite a popular teacher anyways.

{I- I see.. That is quite startling..} Veldora mumbled to himself.

"But will you really help us to see?" I seriously asked Veldora now. I was assessing quite all the possible outcome of this. But I came onto the conclusion that.. either way I think it will benefit us.

"Yeah! Really?" Mikami is also probably thinking of the same thing as me. Weird.. I don't remember Mikami being that smart in this area. Maybe he had like a help inside his mind like mine..? I don't really know.

<Confirm. Speculations Chance of Being True is 85%> Even Aibo agrees with me. 

{Indeed. But on one condition, however. What do you think?} There the offering that I predicted. He seems like a nice guy but..

"What kind of condition?" Mikami beats me from asking Veldora that question.

{A simple one. When I grant you the ability to see, I beg of you not to fear

me. That, and I bid you come visit and speak to me again. That is all. I trust

my terms are agreeable to you?}

"Is that really all you need?" Mikami still seemed to be quite skeptical.

{Yes, to be honest. I was sealed here 300 years ago and I was quite bored because I have so much free time on my hand. What do you think?} Hmm.. Reasonable. I may seem to be quite gullible but I could kinda hear that he is not lying because of his tone.

"I'm cool.." I immediately just said, at this point is there anything for me to lose?

"Well if that's all you need, you get yourself a deal!" Mikami finally agrees onto Veldora's offer.

{Good. It is a promise, then…and I trust you will hold up your end of the


"Of course. A promise is a promise" I said assuring Veldora.

"Of course! Maybe I don't look it, but you can count on me, man! Just ask

anybody on Earth! They'll vouch for me!" Mikami stated.

"Yeah.. Yeah.." I said with a little sarcasm and I could tell he was a little panicked. 

{Very well. There is a skill called 'Magic Sense' can you use it?} Veldora immediately asks the impossible.

"No I can't. What kind of skill is that?" Mikami asked Veldora but one thing that I kinda don't understand the concept of is..

"What even is skill?" I asked Veldora suddenly.

{He-He-Ha-Ha-Ha-Kuhahahaha! Skill? Hahahaha!} Veldora suddenly laughs. I was a little confused but it's a little understandable as probably Skill is a common sense in this world.

{Skill is a sort of record, an ability that could be acquired by recognition of personal growths. It's acquisition happens by inscribing it into your soul by training or just via the 'Voice of The World' or just pure from other Skills} Veldora explained but that leaves me with more questions.

"Then.. what is the 'Voice of The World' thing?" I asked again.

{Hmmm... Voice of The World is the 'Voice' who announces everything major happening in the world. On a easier explanation 'Voice of The World' is the Voice of laws and governing. It is omnipresent and oversees everything happening even this conversation} Veldora explained in a simplistic manner.

'Basically from the way he explains the 'Voice of The World' I could conclude that it akin to the 'Government' in my past life' I thought about it more. But I just decided to let Aibo analysed the information as always.

"Then.. tell us about the 'Magic Sense'" I urged Veldora to continue his explanation.

{Magic Sense allows you to see the Magic particles floating around you. It is not a very powerful skill, and all it offers is only a visual reference, so it's not difficult to acquire} 

'So it's something like a third eye that could see the usual physically impossible to see magic particles? I see..' It's a simple concept that has a lot of potential to be used. 

"Oh! Sounds easy enough!" Mikami sounded pretty confident.

{Indeed. I can wield it as easily as I breath. I hardly even bother about it.} Veldora boasts about his ability again. But then from his description it's still quite easy to learn it without any guidance I think.

"So after we learned it, we could finally see again?" I asked Veldora.

{Precisely. This world is covered in sheer magic, although it is not spread

evenly across its entire surface. Did you know, also, that light and sound both

have the properties of a wave?} Veldora suddenly asked a question about one of my most hated subjects physics.

"I know about it. Light waves and Sound waves right?" But even if I hated the subject I still learnt it with an open heart. A good teacher is to spread facts not myths.

"Yeah! I was about to say that as well!" Mikami also agreed.

You are reading story Fragment of An Existence at

{Ah! How knowledgeable! Did you learnt that in your past world? You must have, I reckon. But, indeed, you will be able to observe how these waves

disturb the nearby particles of magic, then use that information to calculate how the area around you looks and sounds. Simple, yes?} Veldora suddenly speaks like a highschool physics teacher.

'So basically the sound and light particles will be disturbed by the Particles of Magic and that causes a small wave of energy that we could sense. Am I right, Aibo?' I asked Aibo about my theory.

<Confirm. Analysing Theory.. Confirming.. Confirm. User is right> Aibo confirmed my theory based on the information about magicules and the extra information just now.

"But it's still a little confusing.." I muttered.

"I'm not sure if that sounds simple.. or not actually" Mikami also seems to be a little confused.

{No? But that is what allows one to continue fighting even after losing both

their sight and hearing! It protects you from surprise attacks, and that is all

but a requirement for survival here, is it not?} 

"O-Okay?" I was quite startled by the sudden change in topics.

"Y-yeah, but…can we skip all that fighting talk and just get me seeing

again, maybe?" Mikami also seemed to be a little surprised.

{Mmm… Very well. Allow me to help you acquire this skill, then. This is

the only method I am aware of.} Veldora is willing to teach us? 

"Okay then" I immediately just agreed. Free knowledge, I won't ever refuse.

"W-Wait.. You can do that?! I'm kinda a newborn here so..." Mikami seemed to be really nervous. He is probably doubting Veldora.

{Worry not. You have your experience and memories from the past, no? You have also acquired the knowledge of light and sound waves from it. Without it, even I won't be able to help you with it. You both truly are lucky, I suppose} That's a little.. surprising really. It's a blessing we have our memories.. if not.. I don't know if we would even survive for one day.

"I'm ready to learn, sir!" Mikami said in a military styled voice.

"Then, I'm also ready.." I am already ready since the first reveal of the Magic Sense.

{Now, now, no need for such ardor. It is quite simple. First, try moving the

magic around you with the force in your body} Veldora explained simply. As my vision is already black as it is focusing is made easier. I certainly felt the 'Magic' within me as I'm probably made pure out of the Magic.

I tried moving it around and when I did, It causes me to move along the direction I moved it. It felt like I was dragged along with it.

"Is it like this?" Mikami asked Veldora. 

{Mmm. You both have done it correctly. You are more gifted at this than I thought. Now do you see the difference in the magic moving inside your body and outside?} Veldora stated. 

"I see.. I certainly quite do" The magic inside my body felt more like a liquid but outside the magic felt like a flow of air, gentle..

"Well, sure!" Mikami also seemed to understood.

{Heh-heh-heh! If you understand that much, the rest is child's play. All it

takes is feeling the movements of the particles outside of you} I then just immediately gave it a shot. Then just after I imagined the flow of magic around me.

<Confirm.. Gained Extra Skill 'Magic Sense'.. Linking to 'Partner For Life'.. Processing Information Acquired.. Transfering.. Success> Aibo done all that in matter of seconds.

'..Easy enough..' I thought while mentally sighing. My vision suddenly brightens up. I could finally 'see' around me in a 360° angle. Strangely enough, it felt really different than what I think it will look like. I anticipated the 360° degree angle but I did not anticipate to be able to also see colours.

'Confinient..' I thought while nodding.

"Oh! I think I got it, thanks- Gah you're a dragon!" Mikami sounded surprised when looking at Veldora. I then turned to look at Veldora and saw a huge dragon sitting while looking down at us.

Veldora figure was the embodiment of a western style dragon, with a huge body covered in scales that radiated dark purplish light. His claws are sharp and perfectly angled, on his back is a pair of wings honed onto perfection. He looked like what I imagined him to look like, a prideful dragon.

The I looked at myself.. I look like a small ball floating in the air. I'm more to aqua in color and the shades became darker the more it is to the middle.

"You look nicely done. Perfect fit of a dragon" I complimented Veldora. He then smiled in a prideful way.

{Why? Of course! You both remember your promise, yes?} Veldora asked us. I moved up and down to show him a nod.

"Oh, of course! I was just joking a little, is all. I can see just fine, and plus

I can hear now, too. I really appreciate this!" Mikami thanked Veldora. 

'I never really noticed we could hear now' I thought about how didn't notice about it until now.

"Indeed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.. if I have one.." I also thanked Veldora for his help.

{Hmph! You could've taken your time..} He was a genuine good person maybe a little bored but I could tell that he is lonely. But when I looked closely towards him.. I could see something..

"Veldora.. what is this..?" I approached to what seems like a thin layer of transparent barrier.

{Oh! Really perceptive of you to be able to see this barrier!} Veldora was quite amused by it.

{But.. Mm yes, I perhaps underestimated my opponent slightly.. when I began fighting with, how shall I say it, more urgency.. it was too late!} Veldora said with almost a mix of proud and annoyed tone. One thing I could say that Veldora's opponent is STRONG! But maybe he just lost because he underestimated his opponent too much but still..

"Was your opponent that tough?" Mikami asked Veldora.

{She was.. quite strong. She was what the humans called 'hero. The one with so called 'divine protection'} 

'Hero? Like the one in stories.. Seems conspicuous..' I tried to speculate a few possibility of how Veldora actually could lost but I still could not do it because my understandings of this world is still too shallow.

{Now that I recall..} Veldora suddenly continued.

{The Hero also said she was 'summoned'.. perhaps she hailed from the same area as you two} 

"I'm not sure.. nobody from where we are from could be that strong, you know?" Mikami said. Perhaps I'm missing something..

{Powers that are chiseled into their souls in the midst of their journey. The

summoned will always bear one such skill—a unique skill, one exclusive to

them and them alone. Unlike the otherworlders who come here by sheer accident, these people bear a soul strong enough to withstand the stress of

the summoning process. The fact that said summoning process so rarely

succeeds in this world otherwise proves as much}

"Summoning process.. Is it related closely to magic?" Mikami asked Veldora.

"Agreed. There has been cases where people started disappeared without a trace so this could be the answer. 

{Precisely. A process requiring at least 30 magicians conducting a ceremony that lasts over 3 days, it is rarely successful but when it's successful it is seen as a powerful weapon for an arsenal} 

'A weapon..? Then are they bounded by something they cannot break?' I though as the word 'weapon'.

"Are they bounded by something? Like a curse or anything similar?" I asked Veldora.

{Mm. Those who are summoned was branded with a magical curse upon their soul, leaving them unable to resist their master's orders} 

"Whoa, really? No humans right or whatever?" Mikami sounded pretty surprised.

"Human rights is probably the least looked about things here probably.. try to imagine mid century europe.." I said to Mikami. 

{Indeed, what rights would one expect in this, of all worlds? Do not entertain yourself in such fantasies, Little Slime. Survival of The Fittest is the only law that reigns here. Might, as they say makes right} Veldora spoke out the harsh truth. Not one of us could even remotely deny it. In a world where magic, dragons, slimes, and even spirits exist. I can't imagine the Survival of The Fittest didn't reign over the world.

"So are you saying that Otherworlders are pretty much treated like slaves, here?" Mikami asked Veldora.

{No. It depends. There is no Domination Stamp applied to them. If society

accepts them, they are free to live their lives as they please. They can become

adventurers or the like. Many otherworlder adventurers have sought my

head… They learned the error of their ways soon enough! Hyaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!} That's a little surprising but not much. The world is not only black and white after all. But to think it was a good idea to hunt a giant ass dragon..

"They must love reading fantasy stories huh.." I muttered.

"I mean who wouldn't want to slay a dragon for showcase of power" Mikami said. But I just deadpanned at him. He seemed oblivious at it and I just sighed.

"Then are you only forced to servitude when you are summoned?" I asked Veldora.

{Not "servitude," exactly, but I suppose so, yes. I like to believe I know a

great deal about the humans, but "a great deal" is not everything} 

"No you are a dragon.." Mikami muttered but we still heard it. I mean Veldora knew WAY too much about humans. He may have lived long enough but can he really knew all this while being a dragon? At least we are on a good term and so, Veldora, Mikami and I, A dragon, Slime and Spirit kept on conversing in all sorts of things.

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