Freedom Path

Chapter 14: CHAPTER 13

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[The system used to classify Hani users was made by the dragons, who are the oldest and most powerful race in Deva. Because the dragons are only combat based and don't care about any other occupations, when things like Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Runesmithing and Weaponsmithing were made, a new system for classifying Hani users had to be made. At the time, the dragons were still regarded as the most knowledgeable about things related to Hani, so they were consulted about the matter.

The dragons, as they are beings with very long life spans who only care about fighting, never thought much about the problem. To them, those who pursue things like that are worthless. Their response to the races' query is legendary, and it goes like this:

"Why don't you just call them People Who Make Things? It's all they do anyway."

All the races couldn't just reject what they had said. At that point in history, since there was no one from any race who had power on par with the dragons, everyone was afraid of angering them. Of course, the dragons wouldn't have attacked the races over such a petty reason, but there were not much communication between the sides at the time, so the people didn't know that.

And that was how the current system of classification, which is divided into [Combat] and [PWMT], was born.

Over time, when mighty champions were born that could beat dragons, the people who were disgruntled with and insulted by the current classification decided to make a new one. However, they were met with a lot of problems. How were they going to classify those with supernatural powers? What about those with Gredas? They can fall under both categories.

The debate about how to classify Hani users is still ongoing even to this day..........Excerpt from: VOL. 2 OF THE SECRET RECORDS OF THE PAIN FEDERATION]

[Alistair's POV]

When I met George for the first time, I knew I had found someone who could  be the perfect pawn. His eyes, which were filled with despair and sadness, told me once I made myself look like his friend, he would never doubt anything I told him.

Guess what, I was right. He's so gullible, he still doesn't understand the situation he's in. When he fought Alex, he marked himself as a hot potato. Who's going to get involved with him now? Well, at least except for me?

Considering the power balance right now, Josephine clearly has the advantage. In the last test, I lost some people. Alex also lost some people when he stupidly tried to avoid training on how to fight.

Losing people at this early stage could mean certain death in the future. The more people from each group a person loses, the more danger the person will be in the future.

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The way it stands, when it's time for the final examination, Josephine will be able to easily take care of both us if she wants to. Three of the five people who died from the first test were mine, and the others were Josephine's. Alex the lucky guy, didn't have anyone die from that test. However, after he left with some of his people when he tried to escape from the training, he lost five people. I wonder what actually happened when they left.

I now have eleven people, Alex has ten and Josephine has twenty-eight. Josephine is a real threat. When I ask myself why so many of her people survived, I would say the same thing I told George, those who have something to believe in will do whatever their object of obsession tells them to.

And I know for a fact that Josephine told them beforehand that she didn't want them to die. When coupling that with their newfound dependency on her and their obsession, I'm sure they tried their best not to disappoint her or make her cry. This led to the increased survival rate in her group. If this keeps on going on, by the time final examination comes around, both mine and Alex's groups will be done for.

Josephine is a very scary person. I wouldn't want to be in a room alone with her. The way she's centered the group solely on her is so genius, it's almost criminal. I seriously hope she doesn't set her dogs on me one day.

Taking a look at all the happenings, it's safe to say I'm living on borrowed time, the way things stand. Because of that, I had to make some countermeasures. That's what George is for.

I made a deal with Alex, if I got him some time alone with George, he would give me support in case Josephine ever decided to deal with me. The same also goes with him, I have to give him support if Josephine ever decides he's a nuisance.

Most people underestimate Alex. He was stupid in the beginning, but ever since he went for that alternative to fighting, he's calmed down a lot. He doesn't seem as arrogant as before.

Anyway, ever since the deal with Alex, George has been looking at me with some hostility. It feels like he's gotten a bit more mature. Maybe he's started to get wise? It doesn't really matter. He knows he can't leave me. If he does, he'll be like a sitting duck for Alex.

The next test is in two days. I need to prepare myself.

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