Freedom Path

Chapter 6: CHAPTER 5

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George sat on top of his bunk in the dormitory. It was a fairly big room with thirty bunk beds, meant to house sixty children. Well, now fifty-nine if you exclude the guy whose body exploded. The room was all white, the same as the classroom, and it had two separate rooms, one to wash the tracksuits, the other a bathroom.  The door at the front of the room was always locked, except for when a robot would bring in their meals on a very big trolley.

After the unknown guy's body exploded, when they calmed down, they proceeded towards the dormitory in absolute silence. It had been five days since then. Most of them had already recovered from the shock of the bombshell that had been dropped on them that day. They were all on their own bunks they had chosen. Most had started conversing.

George chose a bed only after everyone else had chosen. The one he chose was the one that the now deceased guy could have slept on, at the very end of the room, away from most people.

He was still deep in thought about the things he had seen in the video. Tears were streaming down his face.

'How could my parents say that? Does that mean all the time we spent together was a lie? They only had me so they could sell ne off? How am I supposed to take it? How can I take it? How am I supposed to go on knowing that I was just a product?'

"Hey, you there, stop crying. You're making me sick."

A voice came from the bottom bunk. A guy climbed on George's bed. He had straight brown hair that reached his shoulders and a scrawny body that looked as if it would be blown away by a gust of wind.

"Your parents abandoned you. So what? Stop crying, the best thing you can do right now is to get revenge."

George gawked at the newcomer, who said such callous words so easily. He couldn't help but feel irritated at his words.

"Leave me alone", he muttered.

"What did you say? Give me a stone?"

George felt even more irritated at the guy and screamed,


His voice caused the partially noisy room to go into complete silence for a second of two, before the conversations restarted.

The guy seemed a little surprised at George's outburst, but quickly recovered himself.

"Whoa, take it easy there, all I'm trying to do is give you some advice."

"Well it's not needed."

"There's no need to be so feisty, before making me leave, at least let me introduce myself."

The boy extended his hand to George with a smile on his face.

"I'm Alistair. Alistair Brown."

"I don't care."

"Come on, don't be like that. All I'm trying to do is make a friend."

George looked up at Alistair.


"Yes, friend. I want us to become friends."

George now looked a bit wary.


Alistair rubbed the back of his head while looking a bit sheepish.

"Because I think we have a lot in common."

George now looked a little angry.

"What could we ever have in common? You're just like one of those snobby people over there."

"Calm down, calm down. All I mean is that we're the same."

"Just like you, I don't have any background. I'm not a noble or have rich merchant parents. My parents are just average people."

"That's why I'm going around talking to people like us. We have to represent ourselves if we don't want to be taken advantage of in here."

"So please take my hand and join my alliance."

George didn't answer.

Alistair grimaced.

"Please take my hand. It's been up this entire time and I think it's about to fall off."

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As George didn't know that he was joking, he hurriedly took his hand.

As they shook hands, a calculating light passed through Alistair's eyes.

"Then it's settled. Now come, you need to meet the others."

They were both about to get off the bunk when it suddenly shook.

"Hey! Where's that commoner bastard? Get your ass down here!!"

George and Alistair looked down at the bottom of the bunk.  There were three guys standing in front of it.

The guy standing in front of the other two, looked up at them and grinned. He had short blonde hair that was parted to one side and a cute face.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A meeting of the commoners? How unsightly."

The guy standing to his left looked up at them and barked,

"Lord Alex has arrived. Shouldn't you commoners be paying your respects?"

George's face twisted.

 Even from a young age, if anyone had treated George as if he was below them, he would fly into a rage. Earlier at the train station, the reason he hadn't lashed out was because he was still feeling down from being away from his family.

But now, the anger and depression from the video he had seem earlier had made his mind cloudy and made him unable to think rationally.

"Don't call me a commoner!!!"

George  leaped off the bed in a rage while Alistair gawked at the sight.

George landed on Alex and started to punch him while Alex resisted.

"Get off me, bastard! How dare a commoner strike a higher existence than him!"

"Don't call me a COMMONER!!!"

At this point, the fight between George and Alex had become the focal point of the whole room. A crowd  had gathered around them.

Someone started to chant, "Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight...."

Soon everybody was chanting it.

It was only at this point that the guys who had been standing behind Alex came to their senses and came to Alex's rescue.

"What do you think you're doing to Lord Alex? Get off him, bastard!"

One gave George a heavy kick to his ribs. It appeared it had quite a bit of power behind it, because George flew all the way back to hit the bunk.

George bent over, coughing and hacking while holding his side.

Alex struggled to his feet, with a crazed look in his eyes. His cute face now had bruises all over it, one eye shut, and blood running out of his nose.

He stumbled towards George who was still gasping. When he reached him, he only had anger in his eyes.

"You bastard. YOU BASTARD!!"

A foot came down on George's head.


Another foot came down. Then another one. Then another one.  This scene repeated itself several times, till the point where George's head resembled a pig's.

A beeping sound was heard coming from Alex. He screamed and held his neck.


He fell to one leg but got up after a bit. He looked down on George who had stopped moving.

"It seems that's as far as it goes today, commoner. Don't worry there'll be plenty of other chances for me to play with you. At least for the next year.

With that, he walked away. The crowd soon dispersed as well. Left at the scene was George, poor George who was looking at the ceiling. Alistair was nowhere to be found.


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