Freedom Path

Chapter 9: CHAPTER 8

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A full week after the test, when everyone had recovered, and the empty bunk beds had been moved a corner of the room, George was talking to Alistair on their way to the bathroom.

"Alistair, ever since the test, I've been sensing some particles in the my body, what are they?"

"It's Hani. Without Hani, it's impossible to become Ranked. It's what 's used to power their abilities."

"I see. We have our first lesson today, right?"

"Yep, we'll  be taught about the history of the world today."

"Why are we still being taught that? I already know it."

Alistair looked at George and chuckled.

"What we're going to be taught is the real history, not the lies they tell you in normal schools."

"There's a difference?"

"Of course there is. Do you really think the top echelon of this world would tell the commoners what actually goes on?"

George shook his head.

"I'm so tired of people treating other people like commoners. What makes them so different from us?"

"Don't worry George, soon you'll understand why a Ranked can never treat a normal person as an equal."

"I really don't think I'll be able to understand."


Later that day, they were in the classroom waiting for the lesson to start. There were less seats than before, which was to be expected, as six people had died since they were last here.

The door opened and a man dressed in a white uniform with a mask came in. He walked to the front of the desks and turned to address the class.

"Good day, you may refer to me as Professor A. I will be taking you on 'Introduction to Hani Theory' and 'World History'."

"Let's start. Who can tell me how many continents there are in the world?"

A girl raised her hand. She had curly brown hair.

"There are eight."

"Very good, Subject Josephine. And the names?"

"Valner, Armeja, Pravis , Kalida, Minaid, Uvixus, Blauner and Yatare."


George looked at Josephine. She had a cute face with a smile on it.

'She looks nice, I wonder if what Alistair said about her is true. She couldn't possibly be taking advantage of people.'

"The continent of Valner is the most mysterious, as we don't know anything about it. At least I'm sure that's what has been told to you before. I'm here to tell you you're wrong about everything you thought you knew about the world."

"Valner is not mysterious at all. The reason we never let any news get out relating to Valner is because Valner is inhabited by unknown races. We've tried for years to penetrate their defenses but have always failed. The edges of Valner are a constant warzone. When you're older, you'll go there as well."

"Armeja is composed of the barbarian race. They are the most talented warriors in the world of Deva. Pravis is the ancestral home of the elves. As they are highly secretive, not much is known about the continent."

"Kalida is the continent we live on. It is controlled by humans. Minaid has only Dwarves living on it. It is the trading hub of the world. Uvixus is where the damn demons live. Blauner is the continent no one dares to touch. It is where the strongest race, the dragons, live."

"Last, and possibly least is Yatare. The land of the demi-humans."

Professor A looked at the students.

"Any questions?"

A few of them were still trying to process the information they had received. Most had already heard this before.

One raised his hand.

"Professor, that's not all the information, is it?"

Professor A scoffed.

"Of course it isn't. Don't you remember when we said we would only be giving you the most essential information? This basic information is all you need to know."

"Now then, let's move on. Can anyone tell me what Hani is?"

Josephine raised her hand again.

"It is the source of power for all Ranked. Without being able to sense Hani, it is impossible for one to become a Ranked."

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George looked at Josephine in awe.

'She seems really smart.'

"Recently, some of you should have had your Hani forcefully awakened. This means you are ready for training."

A girl raised her hand.

"Training? What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I just said. You will all be undergoing training. Unarmed combat training."

All the kids exclaimed.

"WHAT!! "

"We weren't told this."

"That's right. We never agreed to this."

Right in the middle of their protesting, the room's temperature suddenly decreased by a few degrees.

It was the result of Professor A's cold glare.

"Are you children still that daft? I would've thought you would've gotten a clue by now. If it hasn't been clarified, I will clarify it for you."

"You are all prisoners. Did you hear me? Prisoners! There is no reason for us to inform you about anything we decide to do. Your only job is to follow orders. Nothing else."

The group had all fallen silent at his words.

"It seems there are no more complaints? Good. Let's go. You will learn the proper way to fall today. After that it will be how to throw a punch and kick."

He turned and walked towards the door, then paused for a moment.

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. Learning how to fight is optional. If you don't want to, there's an alternative."

At his words, half of the kids stood up and expressed their desire to rather do the alternative.

That was when Josephine stood up.

"Please, everyone. Let's do what he said. We don't know what the alternative is. I don't want to lose any more friends."

She had tears in her eyes.

"Please", she pleaded.

Most of the people that had stood up, sat back down after hearing her words. They probably could hear the sadness in her voice when she mentioned the people who had died.

Most of them were no longer standing, except for Alex and a few from his group. He looked at Professor A and scoffed.

"Why should someone such as I learn how to fight? That's why I have Carter. He'll learn how to for me."

Professor A shook his head at his words.

"You know, I'm actually impressed you can still be so arrogant."

George muttered under his breath.

"Some people can never learn."

Alex's head whipped around after he was somehow able to hear George's comment. He sneered.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you, who actually had the audacity to hit me. I'll deal with you one of these days."

Professor A coughed.

"I think that's enough, Subject Alex. A robot will take you to where the alternatives are being held."

Alex and his cronies left the room following after the robot.

Professor A turned to the remaining students.

"Well, I think it's about time we were on our way. We've wasted enough time as it is. Follow me."

With that, he whipped around and walked out of the room, leaving the students scrambling behind to catch up.

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