From Her Dreams To Here

From Her Dreams To Here

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From Her Dreams To Here

Review: 8.4/10 from 17 ratings

A dream made real.
Katsuto Ookubo, a third year in high school, visits the town he grew up in up north. There, for the first time in six years, he stumbles onto one of his childhood best friends, Iyo Fukunaga.

After a tear filled reunion, Iyo confesses a phenomenon that had been occurring to her lately. Every few days, she has a dream of a random person in town. Although she doesn't fully remember the dream, she does remember their faces. It just so happens that whenever she has those dreams, that same person goes missing the next day.

Worried for his best friend, Katsuto agrees to help her discover the truth behind those dreams, and what it could all mean.

(This is a short story was was written as part of a month challenge on another website)

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