From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : Book worm salaryman

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It is already 11.00 pm. I insert my left hand into the boxer and scratch my itchy butt while painstakingly reading two books simultaneously. There are two books on the wooden desk, the one on my left is "The Great Leveller: Violence and the History of Inequality from the stone age to the 21st century" written by Walter Scheidel. I am reading the chapter about history of nobility during medieval Europe. On my right is book on economics, "The Marxian Equations of Reproduction and Modern Economics" authored by Michal Kalecki, which I am reading the part about economic theory on employment from socialism perspective. I know studying two heavy subjects at the same time is crazy but I really have time constraint. Tomorrow, I have to get up early for work, which is only finishes after 10 hours. I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel for time to study. Having said that, for the past 10 years, I completed hundreds of difficult books on politics, economics and history. 

Gradually, my sight is becoming blurry. Damn it,  I need to stay up until 12am, but I am very sleepy. I read several more pages but somehow my mind blackouts. The last thing I remember is my face hit the desk.

In the groggy haze that encompasses my mind, I slowly attempt to open my eyes. I instinctively groan as I usually do when waking up but to my astonishment, there is no feeling of response from my body when I try to use my throat. After a while, my vision slowly returns but something about my field of vision is off as it doesn't extend to a full 360 degree. There is something like translucent screen in front of me, stating words:

[Congratulations on transmigration into different world. You are no longer able to return to your original world]

What the hell is this? Am I transmigrated into  the world of video game? 

As if to answer my confusion, a series of prompts all of sudden invade my sight and mind.

You receive 2 skills as blessings from God.

Skill - Brainwashing has been added to the skill list. 

Description: Brainwashing enables you to brainwash a person's heart and mind to be 100% loyal to you while retaining his memory and personality. However, you must develop certain level of familiarity with the target  in order to brainwash him.

Currently, you are only able to brainwash up to 2 persons.

Skill - Item Transmigration is added to the skill list. 

Description: Item Transmigration enables you to get items from your original world. 

Currently, you are only able to transmigrate 2 different items. Quantity of each items transmigrated depends on your accumulated points. 

You are reading story From Slave to King in the Another World at


Sex: Male

Age: 28. Height: 180cm

Strength: 5.   Health: 5

Vitality: 2.    Stamina: 20

Dexterity: 7.  Reflexes: 5 

Taking in everything, one step at a time, my mind begins running through all the information.

[Please imagine 2 items from your original world]

I subconsciously imagine toothbrush and toothpaste. 

[Items Transmission: Toothbrush, Toothpaste]

Suddenly, bright flash covers my sight and I loose consciousness again.


I groan and this time, I feel my body. Opening my eye, I am in sitting posture and feel my back touches something hard.  I am leaning on the bark of a tree. I slowly stand up and walk away from there. I see a spruce tree. As someone who live in tropical region, I never see spruce tree. Come to think about it, where is this place?

It is very cold and I realize snow is falling from the sky. I remember that I was just wearing a boxer and t shirt when I was reading in my original world. I automatically touch my chest. I am wearing thick cloth and pants made of something like animal skin as well as a pair of thick shoes and gloves. I guess I am safe from the cold weather but the coldness is still killing me. Clueless about my whereabouts, I mindlessly walk to a path which looks like a road. I continue walking. The road stretches on and on across the windswept plain. The only things that could be seen are dead trees and snow covered shrubs all the way out to the horizon. The sky has been painted  a dull gray, by broad strokes of cloud. There is nothing if interest to look at anywhere. I keep on walking. The further I walk, the heavier the clouds in the sky become, until sunlight barely penetrate them. The wind is growing bitter, and sometimes it brings something white with it. It is obviously winter. This is made obvious enough by the snow that has started to pile up along the road. After hours of going through the cold weather,  I am quite surprised at the little hesitation in my stride.

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