From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 112: Chapter 112: Connor’s Dark Magic

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As I return home in a good mood after claiming Suzy for myself, I find Irijina and Ivanna standing imposingly.

Both of them are rather tall in stature so it just looks weirdly sexy when they do it.

"What’s wrong, you’re ruining your beautiful faces."

The two girls seem to be pleased by the comment, their faces relaxing for a brief moment, although it takes Ivanna ten seconds and Irijina a minute to recreate their serious expressions.

"We investigated the details of that Suzy girl’s background." Irijina says seriously. 

"Yes!" Irijina speaks in high tone.

"Before this she slept with many men even though she is a granddaughter of a Viscount."

"Well, I know that. But that's in past you know." I  persuade them.

"She is a highly sexual person and very free-spirited, having relations with several men even among the noble sons and even commoners. From what I hear, the rough total of partners was nearly three dozen." Ivanna explains.

"Slutty woman." Irijina follows up. She really lacks vocabulary.

"Hey now, don’t be badmouthing her like that."

I get that she’s naughtier than most.

It just doesn’t seem like a bad thing, in fact guys like perverted girls.

I kiss Ivanna's lips to calm her down.

"Let’s accept the fact she has those suspicions. We still can’t judge a person purely based on suspicions, so why don’t we keep all of it between us. I appreciate your efforts in investigating."

I close the conversation there and smile at the two.

"Gosh, they’re more than just suspicion... Aaaaah!"

"Why are you trying so hard to protect her..... ah!"

I try to leave as quickly as possible to no avail as two sets of footsteps can be heard running after me.

"Hiro…… did you do it?"

"You mounted that girl, didn’t you."

I take long strides forward, followed by the brisk trotting of the other two, until I hear some people arguing on the side of the corridor.

It looks like Jill and Suzy are having a dispute.

I should step in and mediate, although I want to get an understanding of the situation, so I’m hiding in the corner.

Irijina and Ivanna peeks from behind my back.

"Why are you coming out from the inn with Hiro on our off day?" Jill interrogates the nonchalant Suzy.

"What's the big deal. I am one of his woman now." 

Hearing her answer, Jill's eyes go wide.

"Cou...c.... could it be you had sex with him?" 

"Yes. He is very very good. You should try give your virginity to him."

Jill stamps her feet in frustration as Suzy laughs.

" In the past the slept the boys..." Jill is about to cry.

Ivanna stops me before I could jump in.

Mmm, I am definitely stopping them if they get into a fist fight.

"H-ho-how dare you…… I also……had a lover in Joseph, who I went out with…… and……"

Jill is too worked up to speak properly.

"Joseph? Aaah, right, right, I remember..Your boyfriend, pity you."

The colour of Jill’s face changes as Suzy provokes her.

Not good, someone is going to get hit.

"Wait. Give it some more time."

Jill tells her story,

"In winter of the first year, it was his birthday and I worked hard to bake him a cake, cooked for him, and created this romantic atmosphere to prepare for the first night together…… when I went to his room-!!"

"Joseph was swinging his hips on top of me♪"

Suzy interrupts.


Irijina and Ivanna both express their disgust.

It sounds like Jill got her lover stolen by Suzy.

"In the end, that was it with Joseph! You really ruined my youth! Since then, I chose not to involve myself with any man and focused on studying and training!"

Jill finally roars.

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"I won’t forgive you…… I absolutely won’t forgive you…… one day, your perverted sins will send you to hell!"

That’s quite a disturbing statement, although the one crying is Jill.

Suzy approaches the crying girl, maybe feeling some guilt.

"Aah, Jill…… about Joseph."

"……I don’t want to hear any apologies now."

Suzy grins wickedly.

"Ah, this is not going to be good."

Irijina’s animal instincts alert her.

"Joseph, I sampled him because he looked like he had a decent package, but he wasn’t anything special. Not to mention he was a virgin so he sucked at using his hips and went “byuu” after three minutes…… he was boring~ Jill was correct in not doing it with him!"

Jill’s mouth opens and closes like a fish, although no words comes out.

Suzy pats the dumbfounded Jill on the shoulder and then leaves.

"What a cruel woman……"

"Do you get it now?"

Ivanna and Irijina stares at me expectantly.

I honestly lost confidence, however I have to trust my own woman in times like these.

"Suzy was a bad woman. It might not be the case now. We should look at the present, not the past."

"I think she is a bad woman presently though."

"Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Seriously……"

I nod ambiguously at their remarks and then run over to the sobbing Jill.


(Basement in Redcliffe Castle)

Connor Guerrin, the six years old boy closes his eyes. 

Jowan, the magic practitioner is standing near him and observing him.

A black aura comes out from the air and envelopes Connor's body. At first, he is trembling but after a while he gains composure.

Connor inhales air, feel it inside his lung, before exhaling while focusing on controlling the magic power.

The blue aura then gradually recedes from his body until it finally disappears.

Jowan claps his hand delightfully,

"Good job, young master. You can finally control your magic power!"

Connor doesn't look happy. 

His face is sour.

"Why, young master?" Jowan asks in serious tone.

Connor doesn't answer.

Jowan comes nearer to Connor and says,

"What's troubling you, young master?"

Connor looks at Jowan with teary eyes.

"Father. Brother. Uncle. They are all dead. I don't want this power. I want them alive!" Connor finally expresses himself.

"Father. Brother. Uncle.'

Then, there is a period of silence.

Jowan closes his eyes as if considering important decision.

He then bends down to Connor's height and asks,

"I may have the magic that can bring some of dead family back. Do you want to learn it?"

Connor's eyes go wide. He grabs Jowan's cloth and shakes the thin man's body.

"Teach me that magic. As long as I can get back my father, brother and uncle."

Jowan stands up. Maybe this will be the time to practice the dark magic and pass that to the child. 

"Young master. If you are really serious, I can teach it to you."

"Is it true? I want to learn!"

That's when Jowan decide to pass his dark magic to Connor. He doesn't know how much it will trouble in the future.

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