From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 115: Chapter 115: Brita’s Rhapsody (Part 3)

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It is a flood of sound.

Horns blow, drums pounded, flutes sing, and footsteps and laughter fill the streets.

Shopkeepers call out, street performers yell, and the voices of passersby roll past in waves.

It is palpable in the air even before they reach the city gate, but inside, things are on an entirely different level.

“I know they do this every year,” she says, grasping his hand tightly, still blushing, “but it’s always amazing.”


Hiro's head moves in response.

Today of all days, his unique physical appearance doesn’t stand out too much. After all, everywhere they look, performers dance in the street and put on impromptu shows. And there are more than a few visiting mercenaries who don unique clothing in town.

If anything, it is Brita who draws all the attention.

An elegant young woman is holding hands with the increasingly famous merchant. Curious eyes follow her one after another.

Brita wonders how she looks to them. For years, she run in town in shabby clothing but upon being involved with Hiro, she starts to wear better clothing. 

The noble clothing she wears today actually belongs to Ivanna, whose body size is about the same as her.

Brita enjoys the passing thought.

Maybe they think she is an aristocrat mingling with the populace, and the commoner is the rising star in the commerce world.

No… Brita guesses that’s a little much.

Brita is an orphan of a peasant, his father was conscripted and killed in war, her mother was killed by bandits who raid their house—then she became the adopted daughter—of a local farm owner. She starts to work as jack of all trade mercenary. During those time, she learned practical way of fighting. Then, the Blare family finds her good enough to be a town guard. She then receive proper training under the tutelage of knights.

Today, her companion is a known merchant around these parts, an owner of several establishments.

Of course they all know that she is no young noble. And yet…

“Guess I have a pretty good idea.”

“Of what?”

She snickers at his questioning face, then makes a show of straightening her hat.

“Where you would take me first.”


Hiro stares up at the sky silently, thinking. The stream of people broke around them as they stand still like rocks in a river.

They aren’t really in anyone’s way. She waits for his response, smiling.

After a moment, he murmurs as if in sudden realization:

“I haven’t had breakfast yet.”

“Oh,” she says, putting her hand over her open mouth.

He is right.

She had been so concerned with her clothes. The ones who always wake up early an prepare the breakfast, Hanabi and Ivanna were helping Brita with this dress. Preparations that the morning meal had slipped their mind.

Hiro gazes at her unflinchingly as she covers her eyes.

“Shall we get something at a stall?”

“…Yeah. That sounds good,” she agrees.

She feels bad for her roommates, but it is too late for that now.

He is right there with her. She would start by apologizing to him.

“…I’m sorry. I just kinda…totally forgot.”

“No.” He shakes his head slowly. And then, after a moment, he adds, “These things happen.”

She enjoys peering into the stalls and wondering where they would eat, but eventually, she couldn’t stand her hunger any longer.

The late breakfast they finally got from one of the vendors is surprisingly expensive for what it is. Fried thick-cut meat mixed with potatoes. That is all.

But it is simply delicious.

“Oh!” she says, laughing. “This is our meat!”

“Is it?” he replies, inserting some food into his mouth 

 “Not bad.”

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The salty, greasy potatoes delighted her tongue.

She wolfs down her breakfast, blowing on the food to keep from burning her mouth.

Beside her, Hiro eats steadily, silently, but neatly—as he always does.

Then they take the empty, unglazed plates and shatter them before setting off again.

Lively voices called to them from every side.

“Plum brandy for the lovely couple? Melts in your mouth!” cried a liquor vendor. Brita stops there.

“What do you think?” he asks, pointing.

“Do you want a drink?” Well, since they are here…

They are presented with two cups of a faintly sweet-smelling fruit liqueur in small earthenware vessels.

She sips hers daintily. He, however, swallows his in a single gulp.

“Won’t it go to your head if you drink it all at once like that?”

“It’s not a problem,” he says very seriously. “Brandy wakes you up.”

“…Isn’t that just a way of saying you’re kind of out of it right now?”

“It’s not a way of saying anything.”

“Oh, really?” She detects a slightly cornered tone in his voice and snickers.

She is just teasing, just joking. If he has really been feeling ill, she would certainly have noticed. And then she would have dragged him back to his bed and tuck him in.

The festival is fun, yes—but all the more reason she doesn’t want to ruin it by pushing him too hard.

“You sure were out late last night, though. What are you doing?”

“Sex with Clementine, Sekrit, and Mirai in a cheap inn.”

Brita regrets asking. She is all too used to their sex acts by now. She doesn’t press him further, simply saying, “Huh.”

Warmth is spreading through her chest, and she is starting to feel cheery.

She isn’t sure if it is the alcohol.

“I thought you were asleep,” he says in the same aloof tone as ever.

Did he notice how she is feeling?

“Were you awake that whole time?”

“Oh, haha… I just kinda couldn’t sleep.”

“Girl should sleep well.”

He doesn’t press her, either. Together they merge back into the swirling, celebrating crowd.

There is never enough time.

An archer tosses plates into the air and shot them down to boisterous applause. A bearded man has set up a stall selling beautiful engraved swords he says he has made himself. A musician plays a stirring tune for all to hear.

Wherever they go, the familiar town has something new to show them.

They have been walking around for a while when he suddenly stop.

“Huh? What’s up?”

She peers into his face but, of course, could see no expression there.

He only mutters, “Hm.” Then—

“…Wait a moment.”

“Well, sure, but…”

He pulls his hand away from hers.

Suddenly alone, she does what she always does and leans against a wall while she waits for him.

She holds up her now empty hand in front of her face and breathes gently on it.

She isn’t exactly lonely or upset.

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