From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 128: Chapter 128: Intruders

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From what I had heard, it is something like a gathering of all the prominent business owners in Abrams, and those without a certain level of credence are not invited.

I have been aware of the rumors about the luncheon beforehand, so I am sincerely grateful to have received an invite at all.

But something about the timing makes me question it.

I am sure I have made the first move, but there is no guarantee that this is not my opponent’s first move.

However, I couldn’t refuse an invitation from Lim Company., the firm with the biggest influence in Abrams, on two accounts: I couldn’t risk souring the relationship or missing out on a potential opportunity.

…. So what would I do?


"Oh Hiro, you’re here! Although I am more excited to see Sylvia, I’m happy to see that both you and your store seem to be doing well."

As expected, from the second we exchange greetings, Lim Goh Tong let the backhand comments fly.

I group this person in the same category as Mayor Blare, so I take his words as friendly banter.

Lim Company opens one of their riverside warehouses to host the luncheon.

The invitees are either business owners that are based in Abrams or distributors who have relationships with Lim Company.

It is a place where conversations flows freely regarding profitable business schemes and consultations on managing one’s business.

I am introduced to several distributors by Lim Goh Tong.

There is information that is hard to come by just living in Abrams, like how the demand for paper is increasing in the city of Edgehall to the west, or how the price of steel is expected to rise due to the suspension of mining operations in the north.

Several merchants seems to have an interest in my store that specialized in rare household items.

That is to be expected since, even in a city as large as Denerim, stores that sell our stuffs don't exist. And there is an understanding that those stores are only accessible to a small number of individuals such as knights and mercenaries.

However, what my store handles are cheap, everyday household tools.

Of course, our rare items cost at least twice as much as their counterparts, but it is still within the range of what an average person could afford.

Therefore, I am forced to stay quite a while after the luncheon has ended, in order to answer a barrage of questions.

In sum, I was able to sell about a month’s worth of items in a single day.

I haven’t brought the account book that day, so I am thankful to have Sylvia with me.

"I was so glad to have you with me. I wouldn’t have been able to handle everything with those many people speaking to me at once."

"It would have been nice if I had the power to control several people at once like Ivanna… since both Hiro and I are useless at such things."

We carry back with us an unprecedented number of order forms, and a gift from Lim Goh Tong.

The sun has not yet set, but dusk is approaching us quickly.

It is the time when the city gradually becomes busier.

"How about we stop for some tea."

"Are you sure, Hiro? … There is that cafe we found last time just around the corner…"

If anyone see us, they would think that we are amicable coworkers, or perhaps even a young couple.

We enter the cafe, pass our gaze around the establishment before sitting down, order, and finally relax.

"Hiro-sama, there are three trespassers. From what I can tell they appear to be travelers. One has concealed himself by the entrance, and the other two have entered the store."

It is Hanabi’s voice.

She speaks through a telepathy, so I could only hear her voice.

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This cafe is a just close enough to where Hanabi is hiding.

It is more efficient than speaking face-to-face.

"I’m exhausted… "

That is all I say before resting my chin in my hands in order to cover my mouth.

This is just in case they are to read my lips as I speak, though I am probably overthinking it.

It would be a problem, however, if the shop assistant are to notice that I am not speaking to Sylvia. So Sylvia speaks into the air from time to time, as if to respond to a conversation we are having to make it seem natural. Although she is not the best actress, it isn’t too difficult to pretend to hold an ordinary conversation.

"Hiro-sama. Selene who is with detects magic that spies from short range."

There is no doubt that it is that sorceress watching from afar.

"So there hasn’t been any reaction? They haven’t found where our secret storage are?"

They are hidden in the corner of the ceiling, so it is hard to imagine that they had found them.

It would be a different story if they could walk on the ceiling like Kurotsuchi, Mirai and Hanabi.

"I doubt it. But it was obviously strange because they didn’t take the money till the very end. They were looking through the ledger and inside the desk and bedroom rather than the sale items…"

There is no doubt that they are looking into my identity.

I am being suspected.

Other than stocks, we keep nothing worth protecting, not even money in there.

Still, it is terrifying to feel the opponent reach so close.

I am jolted when Sylvia put her hand on my hand that is covering my mouth.

Her expression reveals a range of emotions – she looks concerned, but also as though she is trying to comfort me, and like she is going to laugh and cry at the same time.

"… Oh sorry, I’m okay. I was just thinking."

I still am not sure what to do.

."So, Hanabi, were you able to confirm where the thieves went?"

"They returned to a bar in New Town. I switched places with a Mirai halfway, so I haven’t been able to confirm who they met in the bar… But the person watching is still there, so I was going to ask them later."

"… No, I want you to get them to leave immediately. There’s a possibility that we’re being watched instead. Can you get them to leave as if they’re following after someone else?"


I lost connection as she moves out of range, perhaps to get right onto the task.

"….What’s wrong?"

Sylvia asks worriedly.

I force myself to answer brightly,

"As we expected, it seems like the store’s been broken into. So we’ll need to act surprised when we get back"

"It’s kind of funny that you say that like it’s an obligation."she said, giggling.

Since we aren’t supposed to know about the robbery, we need to act surprised in order to avoid suspicion. But something about my explanation has seemed to please Sylvia.

Oh well, whatever brightened her mood.

The damage is probably less than if real thieves have barged in and taken everything without reserve.


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