From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 134: Chapter 134: Lucky Escape

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"You can’t move a muscle. You can breathe, and you can talk. But you can’t run and you can’t lie. Don’t worry, we’re not going to hurt you."

Soraya giggles. A sadistic grin cracks open her clean face. This is not good… My brain slows its turning. I couldn’t gather my thoughts. Locked in an awkward pose, I couldn’t even move my body…

Lyla turns her face away.

The usually expressionless Mirai are sweating and trembling but I ask her not to do anything via my eyes signal.

"Hiro-sama. We are all ready to barge in once you give us the signal." Hanabi contacts me via telepathy. All the girls must be in this building.

"Hanabi.. don't do anything until I say so."


"Obey me!"

Now I confront Soraya.

She asks, "Where do you actually come from? Under my eyes' hypnosis, you will answer truthfully."

It's dangerous I cannot tell them I am from the other universe.

My mouth moves beyond my control,

"I first came to this world in western of Olga Federation."

????. That answer... Indeed when I was first transmigrated into this world, I first appeared in that place. The answer that is half-truth. 

Suddenly, the power that controls me disperses. 

I fall on my knees.

"I have no intention of blaming or apologizing to you for what I did."

Lubreo finally says.

"It is quite unusual to encounter a talented immigrant, but that in and of itself is not a bad thing. Of course, if you were using those powers for evil, it would be another story… but that doesn’t seem the case in your situation."

He is probably even suspicious of my heritage.

I could not detect any emotion from Lubreo’s eyes.

This is not because he is an emotionless person, but it just means that he has been trained to not reveal any more than what was necessary.

At the same time, it means that I won't be able to read his true intentions.

There is no trace of the interest he had expressed before.

Whether Lubreo still sees me as a partner for negotiation… is still unclear.

But I have the feeling that if he has any intention of killing me, he wouldn’t waste his time with conversation.

Which means, be it information or whatever else, there are still things he wants from me.

In that case, although we are far from having equal footing, perhaps I still had some leverage?

"I am personally of the opinion that just because one is an immigrant, doesn’t mean that they should automatically be killed. Of course, that is under the assumption that they haven’t ever harmed citizens before."

"I have faith in your abilities. As long as you have connections with foreign countries, I must exert a margin of caution… but honestly, I would like to employ you exclusively before Lim or Blaire make their move."

Hearing that, Layla’s face relaxes.

It seemed she was nervous that I was going to get killed. How honest, or should I say naive?

"Due to my position, though it may not compare to the explorers who have served for a long time in the military, I have come across a number of magic users my life. Many of them specialized in combat – using spells in the place of bows and arrows. The remainder were mere scholars of magic who could not practice. It is rare to meet someone like you who is both a craftsman and an innovator who uses magic in unconventional ways."

Perhaps Lubreo acknowledged me more than I anticipated.

"So Hiro, suppose there were two armies sizing each other up from either side of a large river. They’re close enough to land an arrow on the other side, but too far to aim properly. They could try to cross using a horse, but that would just make them a prime target. What would you do in this situation?」

He is probably referring to the long territorial dispute that is going on.

He isn’t going to use my ideas on the battlefield, was he?

"… it would be another story if you could drastically alter the terrain, but if that’s impossible… I can think of a couple methods. Of course, they are merely ideas that ignore practicality and cost."

I wasn’t averse hypothesizing.

Besides I neednto stall for time… I am assessing my opponent’s moves while waiting for help to arrive.

I pretend to be deep in thought, slowly pick up the hat that had fallen onto the floor in front of me, and put it on.

Hmmm…. One option is to use ice. Either by creating ice or if you brought together many magicians who specialize in ice magic, it might be possible to create an icy surface on the water.」

It would be a difficult feat in the summer, and it was usual practice to avoid engaging in battle in the winter.

"I think it would be quite difficult to assemble the necessary numbers. We have an abundance of warriors, but we do not have enough magicians. Is there another way you can think of?"

"In that case, what about creating a large reservoir in the opponent’s blind spot?"

"A reservoir? Do you mean to change the direction of the river?"

"I do not know what the terrain is like, and it would depend on the timing and the volume of water in the river, but…I think if even for a short while, you are able to drastically decrease the amount of water, it would be possible to change the flow of the river."

"Hiro, what do you mean by ‘a short while’?"

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Layla asks hesitantly.

She probably has an idea of where this would take place, unlike me.

Lubreo sits and thought for a while before giving his hypothesis.

"Do you mean to prepare an empty pit and fill it right before you attack in order to change the flow of the river suddenly?"

… he has guessed correctly.

And unlike Lyla who looks slightly puzzled, he is smirking.

"… yes, and it would be necessary to have a small levee to control the flow of water into the pond, so you would either have to make preparations beforehand or have the magicians freeze a certain portion of the river. Even so, I would believe that this method would cost less than my previous suggestion."

"By changing the flow of the river, and filling up the pond all at once… the water levels will go down… and… oh!"

Lyla finally seems to catch on, but this was not her fault per se.

Most likely, Lubreo already had this tactic in mind or had developed this hypothesis to a certain extent already.

That was why he was able to get to where I was at, or perhaps I had been led on by him to arrive at that conclusion….

Or maybe I was being tested.

"However, by reducing the water in the river, all it does is increase your chances for an attack. So long as you do not know the topography of the bottom of the river, you will not have a true advantage."

There, now how would he proceed?

"The riverbed is deepest at the center as if it has been dug out. It is not ideal for a horse or foot soldier to cross. If it was flat land, one might be able to jump across the valley on horseback, but there are sharp rocks on various parts of the floor which make it difficult to do so."

An immediate answer.

This couldn’t be a question that he had been meaning to ask me.

It must be something he had been turning over in his head for quite some time and had asked me because the timing had been convenient.

Interesting, it seems Ivanna had been correct. The aristocrats truly have a lot on their plate.

"If there is a large ledge, perhaps creating a small bridge would fix that problem? It might be difficult for knights with heavier armor, but if it were just wide enough for foot soldiers to be able to run across, it shouldn’t be too difficult to make. I may be able to be of assistance by making the materials for the bridge lighter, or sturdier."

"If it was possible, I’d like to send my knights across first… but I suppose some sacrifice cannot be avoided."

"If you are worried about the rocks on the riverbed, you could create a disposable wooden surface on the ground. Or, it perhaps the soldiers can all wear metal boots. Just by putting on a sturdy boot will make all the difference, I’m sure."

"…I thought you would try to sell the steel boots to me, but you really don’t have an ounce of greed do you?"

He looks almost astonished, but what does he expect? Am I supposed to try to make a deal in this situation?

"I am in a very precarious position at the moment, so there is no point in trying to make a deal right now."

Hearing that, Lubreo nods slightly.

"Hiro, do you carry any enchanted swords in this store?"

I bring out a number of swords from the back.

A broad sword that is smaller than usual broadsword. It is enchanted to reduce its weight but maintain its momentum when attacking. And it is very sturdy.

"This one. I’ll buy this one."

Lubreo has chosen one that Lyla had been scrutinizing before. One that could not be bought on the budget of anyone less than that of a well-paid knight.

After I had told him the price, he proceed to pull out from his wallet a sum of money that many people would never have the chance to see.

To think that he would pay in cash…

"… Lyla"

"Yes, my lord."

Lyla straightens at the calling of her name.

"I know I have inconvenienced you many times until now, but your loyalty has been unwavering. I will eventually repay you with land of your own."

Lyla looks momentarily dazed as if she could not process what he said. But she quickly regains her composure.

"Sir, I am unworthy of your words…"

"I will give this sword to you."

He thrusts in front of her the sword he has purchased only moments earlier.

Lyla accepts the sword in spite of her bewilderment.

"Think of it as a reward for your unwavering loyalty, and forward payment for the task I am about to entrust you with. I will be temporarily releasing you from your duties as a knight. Lyla, from today onward, I would like for you to live at this store, and work as Hiro’s personal bodyguard."



Lyla seems more taken aback than me.

"Wha-what? Stay at Hiro’s store? As a live-in bodyguard? But, my home is not too far from here…"

Soraya adds, "Master wants to you keep an eye on this man."

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