From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 144: Chapter 144: Jealousy

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Tightening her fists, Lyla silently enters into the castle and climbs the stairs to floor resided by the lord. 

She carries enchanted sword Lubreo had purchased for her over a week ago. It is a long sword from the shelf of Hiro’s shop, more expensive than she could afford after saving for a year, and lighter but stronger and more resilient than normal, suited well for offensive combat. The House goldsmith had carved the Lambert crest into the sheath, albeit simple, which was a nice, decorative touch.

As for her gloves, she carries around the pair that Hiro had loaned her to advertise the shop, which had no way of being messed with.

"…My gloves, gauntlets, and now my sword… At this rate, I’d be covered in Hiro’s creations save for my underwear."

As soon as she whispers that to herself, she is reminded of their consummation from the previous night, making her blush.

What has become of me? I have pleasant feelings about him. I have always liked that man, more or less. Still, I am convinced that Hiro had other girls, and that they live in a space where I couldn’t intrude. Before I know it, I am climbing onto him like a prostitute…

Even when Hiro assertively asked her bed since then, the fact that she initiated their first time, and the tinge of guilt she felt for taking girls away from Hiro prevented her from refusing him.

She reaches the hall where meeting is usually conducted. 

She sees her master is sitting at the table and Soraya Zoen stands beside him as usual. 

There are twenty senior knights assembled and ......

"Good job, coming here, Lyla." Lubreo calmly welcomes her. 

Rather than being happy, she tries to grasp what is happening here.

There is a familiar middle aged face standing in the middle of the hall.

"Lyla..helps me... I am innocent."

Aunt Rose.. the middle aged maid who was always kind to her every time Lyla is here. 

"Based on the maid's report, there are two suspicious maid who has been sneaking like rats in the castle, gathering information. One of them is that old woman."

Lyla is speechless.

Her eyes go wide upon noticing Aunt Rose's fingers are bleeding badly. Blood are dripping onto the floor.

"We had tortured her to expose who hired her."

Lubreo stares at the maid and says, "Count of Gonzalez."

Lyla instinctively look around, searching for the second maid but there is only one woman here.

Soraya interjects,

"Another suspect is off from work today. The maid, Bella will come to work tomorrow morning."

Lyla search faces in her memory. Bella? Isn't Bella the beautiful maid. Once she found her master had sex with Bella. Is she going to be punished as well?

"Lyla. Show your loyalty to me by giving this traitor a death sentence."

The knights smirk at her.

Her legs step forward.


She moves and draws simultaneously.

Her screams are cut short, preventing it from breaching the walls of the hall. Aunt Rose’s head bounces up nearly to the ceiling, and spraying blood, fall by Lyla’s side. The body crashes down to the floor, and twitches for a few moments before turning as motionless as a puppet with no strings. Blood gushed from the cut, and painted the floor red. The stench of blood fills the room.

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"Well done!"

"Woah, I thought you would hesitate, but you proved me wrong."

The men cheer Lyla on, and compliment her swordsmanship. Lyla’s expression remains rigidly frozen.

"My knights. As you’ve witnesses, Knight Lyla is one of us. A loyal Lambert knight. You can trust her." Lubreo shouts.

After the clapping ceases, Soraya announces,

"Lyla, knights. Tomorrow, early morning. There is more important punishment for the young maid, Bella!"

When hearing the name of that young maid, the knights lick their lips in arousal. Obviously, they are going to rape Bella tomorrow.

"Please excuse me, master. I must return now so that I could sleep early. Then, I can come here tomorrow first thing in the morning." Lyla tells them.

Lubreo stands up, and approaches Lyla.

"Well done, Lyla."

"Master Lubreo, I…"

Finally regaining herself, Lyla looks up at him.

"Here are your orders for tonight. Soraya will clean your sword. Wash up, and come to my room immediately."


Countless orgasms. Countless semen poured into her. He was rough, without so much as a thought for the woman on the receiving end, but still rich in experience and on-point. Lyla’s body flooded with ecstasy. After being developed by Hiro over the past few days, she now feels the pleasure of servicing and obeying a man more strongly than ever.

She has considered Hiro full of stamina within reason, but Lubreo stamina defied reason. He would bed Lyla until he was exhausted, then slept as he pleased, before coming back to Lyla when he felt like it, whether she was awake or not. Lyla had no say in the matter. Lubreo, the man who occupied Lyla’s heart, never so much as uttered a word other than an order. Even through her numerous climaxes, that was the one thing that Lyla feels lonely about.

"Lyla, how was Hiro?"

He had asked her that after several rounds of consummation, when dawn was near. She gathered her breathe in attempt to answer the question, but she could feel her blushing. Naturally, Layla had never before been asked by the man who had just slept with her about her previous sexual encounter.

"Not too bad, I see… I might station you with him again. I see you’ve already slept with him, but I don’t blame you. In fact, if you become the tether that keeps him close, that’ll do."

She needed some time to understand what he was talking about.

"I can’t trust him completely, just yet. But I don’t want to miss out on him. If you can break him, it’s worth considering taking him in marriage to rebuild your house… You will be your own knight serving me in battle, and since he can’t fight, you’ll have him dedicated to rebuilding the house."

Rebuilding the house. Lyla’s lifelong desire. Besides, even her nanny had urged her to marry Hiro. While coincidental, it seems perfect. Moreover, everyone thinks that Lyla has feeling for Elliot, and they aren’t wrong.

Since they are leaving before noon, Lyla stays in Lubreo’s bedroom until arrival of Bella. The sword she had used to execute the maid last night had been returned to Lubreo's bedroom, spotless. Her armor, along with anything she needed for the trip, is taken care of. This sort of throughout courtesy is unprecedented for Lyla. And yet, all blood seems to have been drained from her face.

"Lubreo, my Lord… I am your night. I have no contention to your order. And I know that you always thinking about my house, but…"

She thinks of the owner of the household items shop, who has bedded her numerous times. Lyla acknowledges that she is falling for this man.

Hiro had done nothing wrong…but...

"Hiro… I’m just a tether to keep you close. Master Lubreo sees worth in my womanhood over my knighthood… He wants you more than he wants me…"

This isn’t anything she could say to anyone. Pushing back her desperate attempt to keep them down, dark emotions curdled within Lyla. Jealousy. Knight Lyla is now conscious of her jealousy of Hiro. Neither able to accept nor suppress those emotions, she could only muffle her cries. The tears that she has held back ever since her first battle are now spilling over. She cried in Hiro’s arms for a fleeting moment, and now again for her jealousy of the very man. A cock crowed in the distance to announce the sunrise. For a while longer, even forgetting her morning prayers, Lyla continues to cry.

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