From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 146: Chapter 146: Treacherous Maid

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The door to the main hall slowly opens.

Its hinges are regularly oiled and it should have swung open smoothly, but for some reason, the motion of the doors seem unusually sluggish and ponderous, as though the door is fighting a pressure differential between the air on the inside and the outside of the room. It is as though their speed is matching the way Bella feels.

If the door has truly read her heart, then Bella would have much rather it has not opened at all.

Unfortunately, it does open, revealing the interior of the main hall to Bella’ eyes.

The room is the same as always, but unlike how it usually was, there are nearly twenty knights  waiting inside.

As she enters, the knights grin and stares at her body with lust. Several of them already loosen their belt.

Soraya follows her from behind but then hastens her steps, overtaking Bella and finally stands beside a familiar face.

That face is familiar as she has been frequently seen naked after coming out from the master chamber.

That familiar face is the only woman in there beside Soraya and Bella. She emits gloomy unseen aura and holds an unsheathed longsword, The female knight, whose nude body often seen by Bella, now is the only person who dons complete armour. But contrary to the men who starts to loosen their pants and clothing, the female knight is otherwise motionless.

Beside the gloomy female knight, there is girl in mocha coloured hair, Soraya Zoen.

She is a demon. There is no telling what schemes hid behind her mocking smile.

And finally—

“Please forgive my lateness. I am deeply sorry to keep you waiting.”

By sheer force of will, the frail girl, Bella quashes the trembling in her voice. Then she bows respectfully to the sole seated being in the room, as though in worship.

Soraya is the butler and the head of the maidservants, and she occupies a position close to the top of Abram Castle’s hierarchy. Only one person could make Bella and them bow before him in fear and awe. There could be no other.

That man is one of the six Great nobles of Ferelden Kingdom, who commanded fealty that could not be contested.

—Margrave Lubreo Lambert.

This almighty intelligent man is also the ruler of the region of Abram. 

His eyes are sharp and deep reaching. Even from her bowed position, Bella could sense those eyes sizing her up from head to chest, from chest to crotch, from crotch to toe. 

The movements of the air tells her that Lubreo has waved expansively, in a leisurely manner.

“…It is fine. Think nothing of it, Bella. The fault lies with me, being that I did not communicate this meeting in a timely manner. But let us dispense with these pleasantries. How can you speak from over there with your head bowed? I bid you to come closer.”

Before she stands up, Soraya walks to Lubreo's side, and stands there.


Bella’s head is still lowered as she responds to the solemn voice. She looks up, and then slowly steps forward — while a trail of animosity runs down her spine.

That is because her keen senses tells her of carefully concealed hostility and killing intent from the female knight.

The murderous intent is too big to be concealed by lusty stares by the men.

She slowly shifts her gaze. The two persons before her doed not seem to be paying much attention to Bella. However, that wallis from a normal person’s point of view.

Bella is abundantly aware of it.

There is no trace of friendliness in the tense atmosphere. The men with their uncontrollable lust. The female knight with uncontrollable grudge. The sorceress with uncontrollable malice. The lord with insatiable desire for power, pride and lust. The opposite is true, in fact. Their vigilance is not the reaction one would have to an ally.

Bella could understand why they feel that way. She feels a weighty pressure upon her and she is afraid that everyone would hear the thunderous beating of her heart.    

“I think you should stop there.”

Soraya’s relaxed voice rings through the air and halts Bella in her tracks.

Bella is some distance away from her master. It does not make speaking difficult, and when one considered the dimensions of the hall and the fact that she is meeting with a superior, it is quite an appropriate distance. However, under normal circumstances, Lubreo would consider Bella to be too far away and ask her to approach. This time, Lubreo has not said so. This sense of separation crushes Bella until she could no longer breathe.

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At the same time, this distance is the ideal range for the female knight with the unsheathed longsword to launch an attack. That too is another source of strain for her.

snapped his bony fingers, though how he had done so was not apparent. “A question for you, Sebas. Need I explain why I am here?”

There could only be one reason for that. The current situation makes that very clear.

“…Forgive me, my lord. I don't understand.”

“Then, I have a question which I would like you to answer in your own words, Bella. Despite being paid to be my loyal maid, did you sneak like rats in the castle?”

—It is as she thought.

Bella’ back feels like it has been impaled by several icicles. Then, she realizes that she has not answered her master’s question. She hurriedly replies:

“—Forgive me, my lord. I don't understand.!”

“…A little slow on the reply, Bella. Let me ask you again — is it true that you report everything occurred in this castle to the enemy?”

“I'm sorry. I don't understand your words, My Lord!”

“Very good. Then, could you explain why did you betray me, your master?”

“I am always your loyal servant. I never dare to betray you, my lord…”

Bella’ shoulders shudders and she stares at the ground. What could she say to avoid the situation developing in the worst possible way?

Lubreo leans back into his luxurious chair as he watches the silent trembling Bella. The creaking of the chair as he does so sounds exceptionally loud in the confines of the hall.

“What’s the matter, Bella? You seem to be sweating heavily. Shall I lend you a handkerchief?”

With a grand flourish, Lubreo produces a pure white handkerchief from his pocket. He grasps it between his index and middle fingers and tosses it towards Bella. The handkerchief unfolded and spread in mid-air, landing gently upon the ground.

“You are permitted to use it.”

“Yes! Thank you, my Master!”

Bella takes a step towards Lubreo and picks up the handkerchief.

“…That handkerchief is not stained with your love juices. I simply felt that it was unsightly to have you covered in sweat.”

“Yes… Please forgive my shameful display, my master.”

Bella spread the handkerchief and wipes at the cold sweat which beaded her brow. The handkerchief absorbs such an incredible quantity of moisture that its colour changed.

“Then, let us return to the topic, Bella. Who paid you to spy on me?"

"No. No. My lord. I never leak anything to anyone!"

In panic, she raises her face to look straight at Lubreo.

"Men. Do her." Upon Soraya's command, the male knights undress and surround Bella with their naked bodies. The female knight closes her eyes and turns her face away.


"Help me.. I am innocent.. somebody.."

Bella's clothing is being torn apart.

She is pushed onto the floor. Her wrists, arms, and knees are being held by rough hands.

Despite being a commoner, Bella has never been subjected to such violence like that in her whole life: she flails arms and legs, but the men are too powerful: she couldn’t escape their hold in the slightest.

She cries for help to no avail.

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