From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 160: Chapter 160: Redcliffe Village

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(In a tavern somewhere in Redcliffe village)

"Here you go. Two each of salted steamed salmon."

"More ale, boss!

"Yes, another ale.."

There are a dozen of customers in the spacious bar. There are twenty rectangular tables placed everywhere in there. Some are near the entrance, some are hidden by wooden pillar, some near the long bar table where the cooking is performed. 

A clean shaved large man is busy preparing dishes and entertaining customers simultaneously. He is not chubby but there are layers of fat between his chin and neck, at his hands and his waist area is round. 

"I also want a cup of wine."

"I’ll have steamed catfish and steamed eel."

"Yes, catfish and eel. So busy!"

", I think you need to hire someone new…"

"Yes, I am considering that now." 

"Lloyd, you are cheapskate. You give low pay to your worker. No one stays long!"

"Hahaha. Lloyd is a leecher. Girls don't like that!"

"Yeah. The last waitress ran away!"


"Shut up, you poor burgher! I won't be this miserly if not because you penniless anglers."

Redcliffe village is vast and populous village, consists mainly of fishermen. Half of them venture into the sea, half of them angle fishes at the seashore. 

Those venture into the sea by boat have more catch and trade them as export to other regions. 

Meanwhile, anglers usually catch fish for their family only, for self sufficiency and sell a bit to their neighbours who are not fishermen. 

 Lloyd, this bar owner buys from those who own boat. His main products are alcoholic beverages but he also serves easily prepared seafood dishes.

There are are several of such establishments in Redcliffe village, selling similar products, but this tavern is the only one located on an elevated land. 

Redcliffe village lacks plain as the are many small hills in many locations. Noble and knight families often occupy elevated grounds as their dwellings.

Those who have house on elevated land intuitively are seen in better view.

Thus, Lloyd who coincidentally own a tavern here looks down on anglers.


A relatively tall girl with black orange coloured hair walks downhill from large windmill which is the entrance into Redcliffe. 

From faraway, she sees a large castle on a hill at the other side of the village. 

As she is on very high ground, she could see the overall view of the vast dwelling area. 

She tries to find the edge of the dwelling area and faintly see a blue line.

"Maybe that's the rumoured Waking Sea.." she murmurs to herself. 

As she descends the hill, the blue line suspected to be the shore gradually disappears from her sight.

Unlike Lothering Town or Abram City, the path here has no brick. Everywhere is plain red soil. 

She hears shouting here and there, sees children running but she barely finds any shop. 

For someone who had spent her entire life in Abram, this environment is mind boggling to her. 

She keeps walking between the wooden houses and the villagers watch her every steps interestedly. She feels awkward.

When she feels she is becoming aimless, she halts her stride and observes her surrounding. It seems each of the wooden house is surrounded by palisades. She sees wooden houses, palisades, trees as well as hills here and there. Women hanging clothes, children running and several men walking with fish rods. She is contemplating to ask for directions.

There is sturdy looking man walking opposite direction of her. When he is aware of her, he expedites his stride.

"Hi, miss. You seems to be an outsider. What business do you have here." 

She notices the man is donning light armour and we'll equipped with swords. 

She thinks he must be an  official.

"Sir, I am from Abram. As I no longer have parent, I travel to other place to get a new life."

Although what she told was truth but that is only half truth as she will never tell her actual circumstances.

The man looks at her curiously and says,

"Anyway, you don't look suspicious. Welcome to Redcliffe village. I am Tomas, a knight captain."

So, he is an considerably important person, she thinks.

She quickly bows and introduces herself,

"I am Bella. I am looking for a job and a place of living."

Her request makes him puzzled for a while.

"Maybe she can go Lloyd. He always seems short of hand." A middle aged man, the onlooker near them with a fishing rod on his back, interjects.

Thomas's eyes become big as if to realize something.

"Fine. I know a place where you can get a job and room. Follow me."

Tomas turns back and walks. After bowing politely to the middle aged angler who suggested that earlier, Bella strides to follow the knight captain.

"I've been to Lothering and Abram twice. You must be shocked at how different Redcliffe village is." Tomas opens discussion. 

Bella shakes her head,

"Busy place doesn't mean it is better. There are slums and poor people there."

"Wow. That's first time I hear about that. I guess grass always look greener on the other side." Tomas says while laughing at himself.

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Bella chuckles and replies, 

"I hear this region is ruled by a lady marquis. She should be better than lord of Abram."

Hearing that, Tomas becomes gloomy for a while. Bella becomes nervous as she thinks she has asked wrongly.

"Have you heard about the war against Arkland?"

He is turned angry but pose a question instead.

"Yes. It is a famous story. Even the bards nowadays like to tell that tale. I don't know which story is true, though."

"Interesting. Here in Redcliffe, we don't have bard. What did they say?"

Bella remembers and tells,

"Hmmm. How gallant is Duke David Lassic until Leonas Bryland and Hero of Ferelden had to join forces to beat him. How Bryce Cousland was defeated by Brandon Lassic. How Bann Amaranthine was ambushed and fell in unknown village.... And the sorrowful tale of how the whole Guerrin family was decimated..oops"

Once she reached the Guerrin tale, she realizes and closes her mouth with both palms.

"So, it becomes famous in just couple of months" Tomas smiles in pain. 

"I'm sorry." 

"No, it's fine. Since you know that, so you should know Lord Eamon's young wife inherits the title now."

"Yes. But I don't remember her name."

"Remember your mistress, Marchioness Isolde Guerrin."

Tomas turns to the sideway.

They stop in front of a small hill. There is a path uphill that leads to a wooden building.

He points at the building, "That's where you will work." 

They walk uphill towards the building. As the path is not steep, she can climb it easily.

Then they reach the wooden door. It is more like opened door. 

There is signboard written as "Lloyd Tavern".

"Let's go in, Bella."

The noisy bar gradually becomes silent when everyone notice Tomas's presence.

"Oh, Sir Tomas. Do you want a drink?" 

The owner, Lloyd speaks to him politely.

"No. I introduce Bella. She comes from Abram to start new life here. I want to you hire her as a waitress. You can do that, can't you, Lloyd?"

Tomas tells Lloyd firmly as it is an absolute command.

"S..sure. Sir Tomas. I am glad to hope." Lloyd nervously tries to show his fake pleasure. 

"Good. Make sure you pay her wage, give her meal and room to sleep."

"Sure, sure... Sir... That's not a problem."

Bella politely bows to Lloyd.

She senses Lloyd is leering at her whole body.

"Psst." She bites her tongue quietly, lamenting her luck.

"This time, a lecherous guy." Bella curses in her heart. 


(Basement in Redcliffe castle)

Black aura envelopes Connor's body but spreads to entire Jowan's room. There is also blue aura within the blackness. 

"Hoooo. You combine arcane magic you are borne with, added to the dark magic I thought you. That's good idea, young master."

Then, the aura becomes compact, dense and gradually concentrate at one point.

After several minutes, the  smoke like aura forms a silhouette. 

The silhouette looks like a man, with a head, torso, hands and legs. 

"Concentrate,young master. Don't lose focus. You are nearly there."

Sweating Connor furrows his eyebrows.

After minutes, the silhouette becomes clear and physical. 

There is towering figure with a body of a man and face if a bull. He has long horns.

"Who summons me?" It says in deep voice. 

Jowan quietly chants something and then tells him,

"Demon, my disciple is training his magic. Forgive us for disturbing you " 

It says "Grrrr" but can't do anything. 

"I am scared, teacher." Connor retreats to the wall.

"Don't worry, young master. I have him under control. Now, release him!"

Connor focuses again. The bull like person disappears.

Connor then jumps and hugs Jowan.

"So scary!!!"

"Congratulations. You had summoned a minotaur. You finally summon a middle demon!"

Jowan smiles and rubs Connor's hair.

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