From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 179: Chapter 179: Jascha Alatt, the thinking viscount

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When the slacking Isolde thinks the tension has calmed down, the most muscular man in the hall utters as he nearly barks.

“Leaving that aside, we are severely lacking in the number of weapons. If there is a war now, many of our foot soldiers will have to fight bare handed.” Ser Perth, a baron, the commander of Redcliffe’s military raises his issue.

Viscount Brian Haddock replies, “Come to think of it, Owen the blacksmith has been turning his back on our request for several years since Lord Teagan imported weapons and armours from Orzammar.”

“How bad is our situation?” Viscount Brian Haddock asks. He looks worried.

“Our knights have their own weapons. But if we are to conscript plebeians, there barely any equipment left.” Commander of Redcliffe knights, Baron Harrith Drake answers.

“Is that big bloke still brooding over that? We did help him by hiring his daughter as a maid in the castle.” Mayor Murdock laments.

“Unfortunately, Owen is a hard-nosed bloke.” Harrith replies.

“Speaking of pouting, Knights Commander Harrith Drake, are you uncle, Dennet still unswayable. He had brought half of our horses away to Haven Village after all.”

“Forgive me. His intention to retire is already set in stone. I would not give up, though.” Harrith seems adamant.

 “Going back to the weapons issue, it seems the only solution is to import from Orzammar.” Ser Perth interjects.

Keigel Hohmann elucidates, “To import you must acquire adequate gold coins at the first place. We either need to find new mines or sell our agricultural yields. Exporting fishes were a lot more profitable, but our neighbours Dioval and Arkland shun us. There are demands all over Ferelden, but fishes will be spoiled in out of the way haulage.”

“Hmm… our best bet is selling our farming yields.” Murdock mutters lethargically.

The young viscount, Jascha Alatt who administers half of Refcliffe farm says, “That’s the big problem as many of barons and baronets mentioned. We are severely shorthanded. We are in dire need for peasants after losing many hundreds conscripted men in the recently concluded war.”

“Then, it is next to impossible…huh.” Mayor Murdock laments tepidly.

“I see that we must bear with current production capacity. Does it mean we won’t be acquiring military equipment for the time being?” Isolde who was forced to be taciturn for a while summons her courage and perorates.

In truth, she was simply trying desperately to preserve her pride as the ruler.

“I surmise Redcliffe won’t get a single weapon for at least six months.” Keigel Hohmann declares, making Knight Commanders Harrith and Military Commander Ser Perth worrisomely stand up.

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“That’s no good. What if we are suddenly invaded?” Ser Perth impeaches apprehensively.

“There has never been any invasion for the past 20 years.” Roland Morgen retorts while sipping his tea.

“The exports before the war were going favourably but it seems that our coffer itself is still nearly empty-pocketed. That’s why, to cope with ever increasing weapon acquisition, we must raise our capacity.” Keigel Hohmann explains.

“What about the hearsays that there are steel deposits near Fort Connor.” Isolde raises a premature idea. In truth, she just foolhardily exerts herself to make the men view her in good light.

“My lady. As the rumours couldn’t be proven, Lord Eamon left them alone.” Keigel Hohmann disproves her affably.

“Viscount Jascha Alatt. You pointed out that more peasants are required to improve our farming yields. May I ask, how capacious of workforce we are talking about?” Isolde still desperately tries her hand to present herself as knowing the ropes.

“We lost over five hundred of conscripted serfs in the last bloodshed. As a matter of fact, even before the war, we stood in need for a thousand laborers.” Jascha expounds while glancing at several barons who also own lands in Redcliffe Farm.

“We agree.”

“That’s true.”

The relevant nobles shake on Jascha’s remark. The heavy thinker Jascha has been pondering this issue for a long time.

The vineyards are in full operation, and they have already been exporting grapes to other territories. There are however a lot of empty space on the pastures. The orchard is producing a lot of apples but there are not enough laborers to harvest them. Same goes to wheat field, as it is not adequately manned.

Since his territory still lacks the skills and manpower to make slaughter chickens and cows, ready to cook meat is only available for domestic consumption. As the local inhabitants prefer seafoods, the demand for those is limited. Cows, chickens, and goats are reared until they become oversize and dead. Otherwise, those animals are transported to royal capital of Denerim as an export. Nevertheless, Denerim prefers Lothering as their merchants could assure consistent supply every month.

“I thought that it is about time the noble knows about our current production capacity, so I had prepared reports before I came here. Please have a look.” After Jascha said that the butlers take papers from him and distribute to attendees.

The men seem impressed at how meticulous this new viscount had organized the relevant information in terms width of area, number of labourers, and production capacity. Jascha is not good fighter like his father, but his strong point is his mental fortitude.

“…..Heh…wonderful….you’ve already predicted this. huh.” Isolde lauds his painstakingly done endeavour. Murmurs are heard and many men are nodding their head while talking to each other.

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