From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 184: Chapter 184: Orlais Council of Heralds

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(Val Royeaux, Orlais Allied States)

The Orlesian Allied States, or simply Orlais, is recently established country 60 years ago. It emulates most of Olga Federation's political system. Unlike the vast Olga, Orlais is a combination of seven small states, each led by a King  called Marquis. The total land mass of Orlais is half of Ferelden. 

In Olga, there is a rotation of king from each state every 10 years. In contrast, Orlais has no king. In place of a centralized ruler, Orlais is ruled by a committee called The Council of Heralds, which is the final arbiter over all disputes involving titles in Orlais. It grants and remove peerage ranks in the seven states. 

The Council of Heralds is comprised of seven members, who belong to the head of seven states.  The states are Haine, Monfort, Doucy, Chevin, Montbelliard, Ghislain, and Chalons.

Meeting of The Council of Heralds is being held today. The members of the council who is also the head of each state within Orlais are gathered here. 

The unimportant agendas are taken care of by their subordinates that there are matters that need their permission to be carried out. 

One of the important agenda is the matter of the son of the head of Haine picking a fight with   Dioral Kingdom.

The acting chairman, Margrave Cyril de Montfort is reading out the written report expressionlessly. But at the inside, he is filled with disgust. 

"Again. The house of Haine never learns." He curses in his heart.

Provoking the neighbouring countries to attack into their territories is already like the specialty of Orlais Allied States. The alliance is powerful when it comes to defensive battle, so much that they want lure other countries come attacking. Because of that they had a history of making provocative act towards other countries over and over.

"How long are we going to continue doing something like this?" He questions the father of the person in question as the acting chairman. 

He is utterly disgusted in his heart.

Margrave Cyril de Montfort is a man in the middle of his forties. His body is tall and well trained. It makes him look like he is still in his thirties. He looks like a cool middle aged man with his short hair and his suited attire. 

"Lord Haine. Do you have anything to say about this provocative act towards Dioral Kingdom?"

In exact opposite to Cyril, the head of the problematic Haine house, Margrave Mantillon de Haine, is a small and fat man.

His hair is balding. His clothes are also covered all over with too many decorations that it lacks refinement.

"My son had done something embarrassing. But he did that also because of his wish to raise military achievement. Recently, there are a few countries that would attack Orlais. Shouldn't we let this devolve into a war against Dioral Kingdom so that the youngsters can have their moment in the spotlight?" The chubby man says that and ends it with his fist hammering into the table.

"Did he pick a fight with another country for a personal reason? I believe he doesn't understand his position as a noble." A young man retorts.

He is a handsome man with a short curly blond hair and green eyes. His name is Margrave Lothair Doucy. He is in his early thirties and the youngest here. 

Lothair's sound argument makes Mantillon turns his face away and swipes at the young man,

"You, Greenhorn. Just admit if you are scared of war. You don't need to come along "

The unbroken record of their invincibility in defensive battle makes the perception of the members towards war to become something light-hearted. 

As they would undoubtedly win when it comes to it, it makes them arrogant.

The other heads have their own stance in regard to this matter, none of them regards this issue with the importance that it deserves.

"We have a bigger problem that than that, aren't we? We still haven't discovered any new mine for over a year." 

"It's waste of time to discuss a mere third rate country like Dioral Kingdom."

"The other heads want to move to the next topic, but Cyril's gaze catches a name that is written in the report. 

"Hyutia, huh."

Lothair finds Cyril's changed expression and asks him,

"What's the matter, acting chairman?"

"No. It's nothing. More importantly, there is a demand the Hyutia's land in Dioral Kingdom that was forcefully taken. Lord Mantillon. Do you have any problem with that?"

There is an implicit demand in that question to return the land seeing as it is just a parcel of land bordering Orlais, but Mantillon is clearly shaken by that.

"No. I can't do that. It is a loot as a result of skirmish won by my son. There is no need for us to return the land take from weaker ruler."

Both Lothair and Cyril are furious with Mantillon's reaction, but other heads aren't interested at all. Because of that, they can't interrogate him further.

"Acting chairman, we don't have much time. Let's talk about other agenda already." 

The head of Chevin, Margrave Etienne De Chevin urges Cyril to move on with it already. 

Thus, Cyril has no choice but to move in to the next topic.

"I guess it's pointless to talk about this further " Cyril laments.

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The matter regarding the Hyutia's land in Dioral Kingdom is casually brushed off in the Council of Heralds's meeting.

Cyril de Montfort sighs.

Lothair de Doucy stares angrily at the grinning Mantillon de Haine.

Meanwhile, Etienne De Chevin gives a cue for the meeting to quickly move on.

Solange de Montbelliard and Laurent de Ghislain look indifferent, their minds seem not in the meeting.

Germain de Chalons is grinning. Germain and Mantillon are nodding to each other as if their scheme has just becomes successful.


(Abram Castle, Meeting Hall)

Lubreo Lambert sit reading several papers. Sitting on the other side of the large round table are his five trusted commanders. 

It has been two weeks since the incident that shocked the whole Ferelden. 

Lubreo's sour face put off their conversation. They wait for their master's words.

"Any sign of those two?" Lubreo finally asserts. 

The commanders glare at each other before a man answers,

"We still don't know the whereabout of Lyla Halpernia. It appears Denerim had circulated the bounty paper on her."

Lubreo furrows his eyebrows and stares at them. He interrogates further,


"Her whereabouts is also remain unknown. Same goes to the Hiro Company."

Lubreo throws a pencil to the wall in fury.

There are multiple cases of disappearance on the day of attack. 

Lyla Halpernia disappeared with her nanny's corpse. 

Soraya Zoen, his most loyal follower disappeared. The whole Hiro Company disappeared. 

At first, they thought it was coincidence but suspicion of hidden conspiracy grew. 

He imagines Hiro Company is the possible culprit and associated to the mysterious intruders. 

However, what bothers him is how on earth someone like Soraya with the protection of capable bodyguards could be beaten. 

"My lord. Here is the bounty paper from Denerim." 

His underling is standing next to his chair and putting a large paper on the table. 

Words written on the paper are "Wanted Alive: Lyla Halpernia. 10,000 gold coins"

The royalty had issued a bounty on Lyla's head.

Lubreo figures this must be the work of Loghain Mac Tir. 

The king was gravely wounded and is till bedridden. 

Lubreo stands up and walks to the window, gazing over the city's panorama. 

"Why that king is still alive? My plan is ruined." 

He punches the wall. 

Lubreo doesn't believe in God but now he prays the King would really be dead. 

He had lost his strongest fighter and most useful sorceress but his ultimate target, the king of Ferelden is still alive.

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