From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 197: Chapter 197: Second Wind of the Night

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Both sides pauses to watch this outrageously dramatic entry. The silence is deafening. 

“I am Hiro, the king of Winterwatch Tower in Hinterland. Fall back. We’ll take over.”

At first, the men are unable to comprehend what the man, Hiro had just said to them. Then, the howls of several hounds brings them back to reality. This "King of Winterwatch Tower" is the saviour that they need.

“Hounds… that’s all of them? Even twice the number wouldn’t be enough. Under full moon, I am invincible!”

The hounds and skeletons spring at Brita from all sides. In seconds they have enveloped her, forming a cordon from which there is no escape.

One of his the bodyguard asks Jascha, "Could she win?"

Jascha elucidates,

"I don't know. Even if she tries to parry them her large hand, she would be torn apart by the surrounding hounds. Even if she tries to sweep them away, she would still be mauled to death by the rest of the skeletons. Being hit by a leaping hound’s charge would break her balance and leave her unable to defend against the attacks that would follow. This is a brutal strategy that leverages on superior numbers to win."

The anguish on the face of the men is only natural, but none of them know what true power is.

The gigantic hand slashes, and a mighty wind follows in its wake.

Everyone present is speechless.

That is a single swing of his blade. A normal knight would be hard-pressed to bring one hound down at most. However, just as the female fighter is no mere human, that stroke is not something a mere human could do.

That single blow cleaves through four of the seemingly strong hounds that the men had no hope of defeating.

Brita turns with the force of her swing, though she has slightly lost her balance because she had used all her strength. There are still other enemies left, and now it seems impossible for her to avoid their attacks.

The hounds have sharp teeth, and claws that could rend steel. And there would be no way to survive unscathed after being attacked by that many hounds.

In the men's eyes, they imagine the woman who has come to save them taking countless wounds.

However, they have been far too presumptuous, after all.

Brita does not try to forcibly regain her balance, but turn with the momentum.

Brita steps lightly upon the ground, while her massive hands spin in a horizontal sweep from left to right, roaring as they go.

The remaining hounds are cut apart while the skeletons are destroyed, their bodies flung far into the distance by the power of his swings. Any enemies who could still move were long gone.


The murmuring from Jascha represents the words in their hearts. Or rather, after seeing the majesty of this display, they have nothing else to say. They even think that if this "King of Winterwatch Tower" wants to be their new ruler, they acknowledge him.

Brita strides over to the remaining demons. The boss demons. There is no caution or wariness in her footsteps. It is as though she is walking through a park. Normally, the men would have called out to her to stop, but after seeing her prowess, nobody could even think of doing that.

The only thing mere mortals could do is watch the back of a beast as she goes amok.

Four imps roar and fly towards her. 

Four quick hand attacks crush them into nothingness.

The remaining is only the large demon that looks like a frog.

It opens its maw. It is like the jaws of those snakes which could open up and swallow their prey whole. In its depths, one could see the flickers of fires within. The tormented expressions intensified on the faces pressed out from the inside of its body, and theirs are the screams of souls condemned to a fate worse than death.

The large demon could consume the souls of its victims to produce a wail that would terrify and kill any living creature.

However, before that, its head had been plummeted by two large fists.

Brita acts according to her beast instinct.

"There’s no problem if you kill it before it can wail.”

In just a few tens of seconds, she had exterminated the demons the men thought were impossible to beat.

The men including Jascha cries out. It is the joyous sound of men who had been granted a miraculous reprieve from death.

Hiro and Brita stand side by side. Brita yells,

"Let me introduce to you. This man is Hiro, the King of Winterwatch Tower in Hinterland. I am one his servant, Brita!"

In normal circumstances, Jascha and the seventy men would think that "King of Winterwatch Tower" is madman's claim. But, now they accept it in their mind and heart.


Ivanna stands at the head of the assault team that is formed of knights . Selene and Mabel are by her side too, and together they advance.

Before she set out, Ivanna had heavily considers her position. Anyone who could use magic by right should not be on the frontline. However, Selene’ absence would lead to a huge drop in fighting power. Since the priority is to reduce casualty, it stands to reason that Selene should not stay in the back.

Even three sorcerers employed with viscounts' families are here with them. 

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They avoided the place that has many men, instead choosing to take one that led them to a location which is supposed to be covered by five men only. All they saw on the way there were streets painted in blood, with chunks of shredded meat scattered everywhere. Of course, the barricade had been destroyed so thoroughly that there was no sign it had ever existed to begin with.

In order not to make too much noise, the knights form up into a group and crept ahead. However, after only about 30 meters of movement, they turn a corner and are beset by skeletons.

At the start of the battle, the knights, with their high personal combat ability, enjoy an overwhelming advantage in combat even without the magician Selene's participation.

Gradually, however, the balance of power begins to shift. This is because their opponents have a numerical advantage that overwhelms the knights’ prowess in single combat. Their numbers are so great that it seems as though every demon in the area have converged on them.

“Hold fast! Keep fighting!” Curtis Blackwell tries to raise their spirit.

Warcries and the clashing of steel blended together, and the sound of spells being cast and special abilities being used — like flame breath burning up human bodies — blended together in a chaotic mix.

After Scott Aldiss confirms the situation, his face contorts. He has been fighting since the first night, so he knows the difference.

“The demons have become stronger.”

"I concur." Leonhardt Strauch agrees. 

Curtis Blackwell walks to them while breathing hard and scolds them,

"There is no time to waste. Kill, kill, and kill."

"There’s no point thinking about this!”

As he shouts it out, Leonhardt’ countless worries dispersed.

If he does not give it a try, he would never know. For that reason, Leonhardt draws his bow.


With a speed that split the air, the arrow pierces a leaping hound right through the mouth, destroying it without leaving so much as a corpse behind.

Another arrow is released, killing another hound.

Looking around, Leonhardt realises they have been surrounded. The advance which had just begun has halted, and since they are encircled by multiple layers of the enemy, there is no chance of relief. There is nothing to do but fight.

"This is bad… if this keeps up, we’ll be worn down and defeated." Stanley Barclay yells while defeating a skeleton.

A cry rang out, and as Leonhardt turns his head, she sees Curtis Blackwell had been knocked down by a skeleton. 


Before Leonhardt could move, Ivanna is charging at the demon, filling the gap that has been formed.

Curtis's tired eyes could only see a veritable wall of skeletons. Although they had just defeated so many of foes in the past hour, the breach they made has been immediately filled back up.

Could they break through? Curtis’ unease begins growing again.

At this moment, Curtis sees behind the skeletons— a flash of light, the shout of a woman’s voice.


Several simultaneous slashes of flame cleave the enemy hordes apart.


A dozens of skeletons are trapped into something like small typhoon that moves through the horde. In every part of the horde that is swept by the wind,  remains of bones and equipments scattered on the ground. After defeating dozens of skeletons, the wind disperses. 


The men look at the origin of that magic chanting voice. 

A woman whose head covered by robe is standing near Ivanna and Mabel while chanting.

"What the.."

"I never know a magician could be this destructive."

The men look at the three local magicians employed by the viscounts and the three sorcerers only gawk at Selena's ability.


Another seven hounds are burnt.


As their number has been greatly reduced, the demon horde’s encirclement begins to waver.


The men get their second wind. The men let out an earthshaking cry, and thunder forward.

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