From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 202: Chapter 202: New Redcliffe

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The funeral is sweet sorrow, for in those moments of raw pain, when it feels as if the loving self screams in silent anguish, there are the memories of the good times that come as blossoming spring at Redcliffe graveyard.

The good people that pass leave in us a part of their goodness, and in that they evermore live on. You can feel it at the funeral, that need to reach out and feel it once more, to have that memory keep our soul sparks burning bright.

Three women with bunned-up hair but reflexing different expressions. 

The flaxen coloured hair maiden is kneeling down, slightly weeping, and closing her eyes. Her folded hands, capless habit, and exposed thighs manifest refreshed despite her sincere sorrow. Speaker Anais prays earnestly for her teacher, Jowan the dark sorcerer who taught her the way of alternative magic.

On the other side, a noblewoman with bunned-up dandelion coloured hair is standing throughout the cremation and burial ceremony. She is the Marchioness, the highest authority in the Redcliffe province but she has no interest in the affairs of her subjects. She is only obsessed with the well-being of her child and that child was spared in the recently concluded incident. Despite being the cause for the loss of life, the young widow, Isolde Guerrin seems slightly remorseful only for the gallery. In truth, she remains indifferent to the plight of her subjects. Even the five viscounts already knew her true feelings after the demonic disturbance. 

A different woman with bunned-up hair is conducting the ceremony, the caretaker of Redcliffe church. Chanter Farra was sent to Redcliffe from Church of Three Gods two years ago to take over the position from the deceased predecessor. As her living and church's maintenance comes from villagers' donation and aristocrats' support without a single coin from the main church, the young Farra feels a lot closer to Redcliffe that the church that raised her.

Her bunned-up hair is dark mocha coloured. In contrast to Speaker Anais, Chanter Farra's  religious habit is dark and covers her thighs. Although a nun is required by the central church to wear the cap, Farra purposely discarded the church's cap as silent act of rebellion against the church that left her here alone. Within the two years, she had developed the emotional connection with the inhabitants.

Thus, the sorrowful expression on her face is unmistakably genuine.

Two girls who were raised in Redcliffe village, Amber Drake and Valena are standing side by side. There are traces of tears on their face. They are neither praying nor acting. The sincere expressions and their black attires manifest their mourning for their beloved hometown. Amber, an independent knight, daughter of Horse master Dennet Drake has loose bob hair that is carob coloured. 

Valena, a castle's maid, daughter of blacksmith Owen. Both girls are very close since their childhood although now they living apart, but are still similarly free spirited.

Standing not far from the duo, a girl with loose tangerine coloured hair seems indifferent. The reason for the girl, Bella's indifference is because she has only lived here for over a month. She is supposed to be an average waitress but upon the tavern owner, Lloyd's death, she is forced to take over. Otherwise, she is not able to earn a living. She only does that because there is a support by a certain man who is her lover.

Her man, Hiro, whose skin is peanut coloured with black hair, on the other hand, is standing gallantly beside Isolde Guerrin as if he is the husband of the Marchioness.

Hiro's female followers turn up here except Soraya Zoen and Lyla Halpernia who have bounties on their head by Ferelden kingdom.

The cremation and burial ceremony is held in a nearby communal graveyard. It is surrounded by a broken-down fence, and within were several circular stone slabs inscribed with people’s names.

Chanter Farra recites the verses to ease the spirits of the dead, and the words from her mouth appeal to a god that Hiro had never heard of. It is a prayer that the spirits of the dead would find peace.


(Redcliffe castle, main hall)

There are ten persons in here. Isolde sits on the cathedra. Standing next to her is me. 

The five viscounts sit on the chairs along the right side of the long table. Along the left side of the long table, Ivanna, Clementine and Sekrit are seated.

This is the first meeting of top aristocrats of Ferelden since the end of demonic disturbance two days ago.

We had already knew the five viscounts and I could say that we have good relationship because what we did during the demonic disturbance. 

Viscount Roland Morgen.  Viscount Brian Haddock. Viscount Jascha Alatt. Viscount Keigel Hohmann. Mayor Murdock.

I had only explained in detail to the youngest Jasha about the new country I had founded in Winterwatch Tower. Not only Jascha was fine with the new country, he even urged me to take over Redcliffe. According to Jascha, the younger generation of local aristocrats is revolutionary and mind-boggling. 

That is the another agenda for this meeting, unknown to the older viscounts.

“Greetings, I am pleased we could meet again, gentlemen. First of all, I would plead you to forgive me for my wrongdoing that caused the demonic disturbance.” Isolde commences.

The viscounts nod as a gesture they are fine with that.

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Isolde resumes her speech.

"As you gentlemen knows, the man beside me, Hiro was the hero who save Redcliffe. He and his followers had saved your life, defeated the demons, saved my son and me. Furthermore, he has further assistance to contribute to Ferelden." Upon her speech, she looks at me.

"Thank you, gentlemen. I have with me, more than thirty thousand denizens.  I had conveyed this proposal to Viscount Jascha and Marchioness Isolde. I would offer my people to work in various industries in Ferelden. This immediately solve Ferelden manpower problem."

The four viscounts seem puzzled and pleased at the same time. 

The grey hair, Roland Morgen voices up,

"We indeed please with your assistance but how in the world you could bring over thirty thousand followers?"

Isolde answers on my behalf,

"That shall be answered by the agenda of the meeting. Due to his contribution, I declare this man, Hiro to be the defacto ruler of Redcliffe while I remain the official marchioness."

Her mind-blowing declaration make the four viscounts stand up with eyes wide open. 

Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.

They turn to their left. Jascha Alatt claps his hand while smiling proudly. Then, the three women join him, and the clapping become loud. 

"I have no animosity towards Hiro but what's the meaning of this?"

"Yes. Defacto ruler. Will he be the new Marquis?"

Isolde shakes her head and sternly reply,

"I have absolute authority to appoint anyone to rule Redcliffe on my behalf. And as you know, this man has the ability to bring us to greater height. I even receive letter of recommendation from Lord of Lothering, Margrave Minerva Blare."

They four men become speechless.

"Veteran viscounts. I believe there is more important declaration to be announced." Jascha teases the four men who are still standing.

Isolde resumes,

"I appreciate your support, Lord Alatt. Gentlemen, as you knew, Hinterland was previously owned by my brother in law, Teagan Guerrin. As he passed away without heir, that land was passed to me. There are also abandoned Winterwatch Tower and Grand Forest Villa at the border. A new country was established recently there. Let me introduce the King of that country, Hiro Hezri."

Now, the four men gawk. I pity them.

"Thank you, Marchioness Isolde. Let me introduce myself, my name is Hiro Hezri, the King of the newly established country, Hezri Kingdom that stretches to Fort Connor and the whole Korcari Wilds that is in Olga Federation. Since the Tevinter family had been annihilated by Negara, their former territory is without lord, so it included in the new kingdom. I also announce that Redcliffe shall be part of the kingdom."

Brian Haddock is the only one who could voice up after series of shocking declaration,

"But.. new kingdom... Aren't we in Ferelden?"

Isolde replies,

"Redcliffe shall be under two kingdoms. Officially, we remain a province of Ferelden Kingdom, and I remain as Marchioness of six Great nobles. The truth unknown to the world is, Redcliffe is part of Hezri Kingdom. We don't publicize to the world yet. Therefore, don't worry."

Such development is still mind-boggling but at least they are a bit relieved now as at least they won't go into war against Ferelden.

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