From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 204: Chapter 204: Templar Order

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(Redcliffe castle)

Although I haven't slept with Isolde, I haven't left the castle since demonic disturbance. Ivanna, Sekrit, and Clementine are accompanying me here.

"…What’s wrong, Isolde?”

The widow’s face lit up, as though she had glimpsed a golden shiny wire of hope.

“Oh, Hiro. It would seem there are some mounted people who look to be warriors entering Redcliffe…”

“I see…”

Isolde and the butlers look at me, worried expressions on their faces.

I gently raise my hand as I see this, which fill everyone with relief as I say:

“Leave it to me. Gather all of the aristocrats into the castle right now. The lady and I will remain here.”

A bell rings, and the aristocrats gather. The knights take up a position at the portcullis, while Ivanna, Sekrit and Clementine remain behind me, awaiting orders. Isolde beside me at the castle lobby's entrance.

In order to dispel the Isolde’s unease, I cheerfully say:

“Please be at ease. I handle this.”

Isolde no longer trembles, and smiles bitterly instead. Probably she had prepared herself for this day to come. She might be overprotective mother but she is not stupid.

After a while, we finally sight many mounted warriors along the road leading to the village waving flags with the symbol "T", reminding me of medieval Christian chrusaders in my previous world. The horsemen slowly enter the square beyond the portcullis.

The viscounts approach me and warn,

"Please don't oppose them. These are templars from the Church of Three Gods."

As expected, they come to investigate the dark magic and demonic disturbance.

The mounted knights or templars don breastplates bearing the sigils of the Church of Three Gods, and they are heavily equipped, each in the same way.

“…They are uniformly equipped unlike Ferelden, and each of them is outfitted similarly.” Jascha muses as he observes the men and their war gear.

The riders finally enter the square. There are around fifty of them, and while they are wary of the  Knights, they form up neatly before Isolde and the viscounts. A man step forward from the rest of the force.

He seems to be the leader of the horsemen. He looks like the fiercest and most eye-catching one of his men.

The man with beard an sideburn introduces himself,

"Greetings. I am Greagoir. The second commander of Templar order."

Hearing that, Isolde and the viscounts' faces turn pale.

The leader’s eyes rest briefly upon Isolde before lingering on the viscounts and then he turns toward the three girls- Sekrit, Clementine and Ivanna. He takes a long time looking at the women. However, once he satisfies himself that none of them are going to move, he immediately turns his keen gaze on me.

Once satisfied, the leader repeats in a grave tone:

“—I am the Second Commander of the Templar Order of Three Gods, Greagoir Lion. By order of the Pope, I have been visiting each of the frontier villages to investigate the cause of the demonic disturbance.”

His even baritone echoes through the castle lobby, and there is some commotion from the knights outside the portcullis.

I look closely, and I see that each of the horsemen has the same emblems on their chests, which resembles what Minerva had said about the church’s emblems. 

Greagoir looks at Isolde and says, 

“You must be the new Lord of Redcliffe. Can you tell me who is the person beside you?”

I interrupt Isolde, who was about to answer, before nodding to Greagoir and introducing myself.

“There is no need for that. Pleased to meet you, Lord Greagoir of the Templar Order. My name is Hiro, and I am a mercenary. This village was attacked by demons, and so I stepped in to rescue them.”

Greagoir immediately dismounts, his armour clattering loudly as he does. He is taller than me so he look down on me. 

The air seems to tremble.

"Oh… I see. You must be an extraordinary mercenary, then. Although, forgive my ignorance, but I have not heard your mighty name before, Hiro.”

“I was travelling, you see, and I just happened to pass by. I am nobody famous.”

“…Travelling, you say. Though I regret having to waste the time of such a great mercenary, could you please tell me about the demons who attacked this village?”

“It would be my pleasure, lord Templar. Demons that had attacked this village were already gone and the dark sorcerer who summoned them were killed, so they will not be able to make trouble for the time being. Shall we go in?”

Greagoir and fifteen of his knights enter the lobby with us.

"Dark sorcery. So, there was a dark magic practitioner?" He probes.

After realising my mistake, I cover it up with my busineman’s thick skin and evades his question:

“…Well, that is not entirely accurate…”

Greagoir picks up on the hint in my tone, and turns his eyes toward the three girls. He must have smelled the faded scent of gore and death that come from the girls.

“I have a couple of questions… may I know who that are?”

“They are my servants in my band of mercenaries.”

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He murmurs in approval, and then looks me up and down with a keen gaze.

"Actually, we had a man who practiced dark magic in Circle of Magi. He then escaped. A knight we sent as our representative in your funeral days ago, reported that that Jowan was buried here. And he was hired as official magican of Guerrin family."

A look of fear flashes across the face of the Isolde and gasps came from the five viscounts.

"My lady didn't know Jowan was practicing dark magic and there is a bounty on head." I defend Isolde. That much I can do.

"Why was that Jowan granted proper burial in the cemetery even though everyone knows he is dark magic practitioner?" He probes.

Isolde and the five men become even pale.

"That's respect for Jowan as he sacrificed himself to stop the demonic disturbance." I explain.

"Wasn't Jowan the one who summoned the demons?"

"Yes. He accidentally did that and regretted. That's why he sacrificed himself."

Greagoir turns to Isolde.

"I won't allow anyone else to answer this question. Lady Marquis. We received a report that your son, Connor Guerrin awakened his magical talent. Please answer."


Cold sweat appears on her pale face. Her trembling body further shows that she is hiding wrongdoing. Greagoir won't let her away.

"Your son has magic ability. It's easy for us to prove this. According to the law, he cannot be next heir for your province. But he still can live with you in the castle."

Hearing that, Isolde answers without hesitation,

"Yes. He has awakened magic ability. Please spare him from Circle of Magi." 

"Then, bring him here. I have final question for him."

Isolde refuses,

"Why? He has magic but he does no harm!"

"According to the law, once a noble's child is found to awaken magic ability, it's up to me how to question him although he may not be brought to Circle of Magi."

"Fine. Butler. Please bring Connor here."

Not long afterwards, Connor runs and hugs Isolde.

Greagoir draws a stone from his pocket and shows to the boy.

Suddenly, black aura comes out from Connor and envelopes the rock.

"Mother. I am scared."

"Lord Templar. What are you doing?"

Greagoir lifelessly replies,

"The black smoke from your son is dark magic. This proves your son learnt dark magic from Jowan."

"What? You deceive me! You liar!" Isolde yells while several templars wrest Connor from her.

Brian Haddock and Roland Morgen hold the increasingly hysterical Isolde.

"Wait. You tricked the poor lady." I grab Greagoir's hand. 

He pushes me that I fall down. 

The three girls jump at him but Greagoir block their attacks.

Five templars jump at each girl. 

"Let me go!" Clementine shouts. Five men are restraining her. Five men catch Sekrit and another five men restrain Ivanna.

"You attack me. But I let you go since your house is one of Ferelden's six Great noble. But, this boy belongs to Circle of Magi. The law states that anyone who practice forbidden magic such as dark magic shall be brought to the church."

Greagoir says that in a matter of fact tone. 

A Templar kick me repeatedly. Other templars kick Clementine, Sekrit and Ivanna repeatedly.

"Excuse us, gentlemen. We must return."

They bring Connor to their horses and go past the portcullis.

"You. Return Connor. Return my boy!"

"Viscounts. Knights. I order you to chase them and retrieve Connor!"

No one seems to obey Isolde's plea. 

The three girls and me are helplessly lying on the ground with bruises all over our bodies.

Isolde weeps hysterically.

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