From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 209: Chapter 209: Hyuutia

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(Dioral kingdom, north west region) 

The meeting is held in a mansion of Count Seraph. House of Seraph is one of the two main noble families in the north western region of Dioral Kingdom.

Hartonen Seraph, a clean shaved man with spiky chocolate coloured hair in his late thirties, enters the conference room. Several head of lower noble families in the north western region have been waiting since nightfall. 

"You are late." An old man in his sixties sit at the end of the long table with very serious look. 

"I had problems with my soldiers, father." Hartonen Seraph is the first son of Count Seraph. 

Tonight is the first joint meeting between noble factions under Seraph and Hyuutia. Although he number of noble houses under Hyuutia is six while the lower noble families under Seraph is twenty, Hyuutia has been the integral part of the defence of north west region and was given greater role by the king in national campaign. 

However, the north western region is now left alone to their own device. Dioral Kingdom is now busy reconquering lands that were previously subdued by Olga Federation. Due to invasion by Negara, nearly half of Federation's aristocracy was annihilated including marquis and the great Tevinter family. 

As it borders many countries, the neighboring countries including Dioral Kingdom exploit the present weakened state of the empire to wrest its land.

Meanwhile, Orlais is now invading the north western region of Dioral Kingdom.

The land at the border invaded by Orlais were mostly owned by Seraph faction while one small demesne owned by a baron under Hyuutia faction.

Their invasion started about two months ago and was halted by Hyuutia armies while Seraph suffered several defeats. 

Tonight meeting's agenda is to combine both forces as well as to salvage the dignity of the larger Seraph faction that seems relying on the smaller Hyuutia faction.

"Hartonen. If you do a good job of repelling the invaders, we won't have to lower our head against the Hyuutia." The count laments. 

"There is nothing I could do. The Orlais is strong and Hyuutia is that good."

"Ohh. They have arrived." A lower noble calls as Count Hyuutia and his six noble heads enter.

"Welcome Lord Hyuutia.. Please be seated."

They take their seats at the opposite of the other faction. 

Count Hyuutia is a man in early forties.

"Lord Hyuutia. Where is your other sibling, the famous 'Defence Expert' of Hyuutia."

Hearing that, Count Hyuutia looks at the entrance. Hartonen also turns to the entrance.

“Lord Hyuutia. You can rest assured. After all, achievement-wise, that person is recognized as the best achiever in our force.”

As Count Seraph is saying this, heavy sounds of footsteps reverberates from where they are standing.

“Speak of the devil. Please come in. It’s open.” Count Hyuutia calls the "Defence Expert".

“Pardon my intrusion.”

A hoarse voice that seems feminine.

The person who opens the door and comes in is a knight that, with a helmet on his head and his whole body is covered in top class armour.

“A knight? A man……?” Hartonen changes his views as he eyes the newly arrived member from the bottom to top.

The knight in shining armor is slenderly built that Hartonen immediately wonders his gender, but the presence he gives off is undenyingly that of a capable warrior.

And despite the shininess as if it is still unused, the design of his armour is simple, prioritizing functionality over grandeur.

He can't see clearly because of that helmet. Some loose hairs escape from the back of the person's helmet. He feels that person has long hair but he is unsure due to the helmet. 

But what is odd about this knight is that his overall facial structure is like a child’s, boosting an androgynous feeling, and the person has blonde hair based on the strands of hair that escape the back of the helmet.

Nevertheless, the sharp expression with wrinkles between his brows let out an impression that this knight shouldn’t be underestimated despite his androgynous looks.

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"As have been told before, we propose the force of Hyuutia and Seraph to join as an army  against the Orlais."

As soon as he heard this, the knight, whom he had given the impression of being calm, suddenly stands up in a fury.

"Would it be preferable for either one of us to take command of everything? Then, we might be able to respond accurately. Two teams cause confusion in command."

When the voice is no longer controlled, it becomes high pitched. Without a doubt, Hartonen and others immediately know that this person is actually a woman.

"Forgive me, may I know your name, my lady." Hartonen asks like a gentleman.

"My name is Myla Hyuutia."

"Lady Hyuutia. This proposal has been agreed by your elder brother, Count Hyuutia."

"Brother." The high pitched voice is directed to Count Hyuutia.

"There is nothing you could do. The proposal is an idea from the capital and both of us agree. Though I prefer they send reinforcement rather than just sending letter."

Hartonen notices the lady is clinching her fists in disatisfaction. 


I am at the top of the tower in Redcliffe castle. Not including basement, this castle has four full floors. The fourth floor is rooms for close family members of the marquis. Teagan Guerrin, the count who was the younger brother of marquis, live in the third floor. Now, the third floor is occupied for my girls.  Isolde and the demon, Desire live in the fourth floor. 

Even butlers are not allowed into third and above floors. Only this maid, Valena is allowed into the exclusive floors. Since I took over, Bella and Amber are allowed to get into those floor though both of them spend more days at other place due to their jobs. Since I took her chastity, I had transferred Valena into one if the room in third floor. I plan to turn the two floors into "Harem". 

From the fourth floor, there is a staircase to the upper floor.

However, it doesn't lead to a complete floor. 

Above the fourth floor, there is a narrow tower. The stair leads to that tower that could clearly view the whole Redcliffe except Hinterland and Redcliffe farm. 

Now, I am on that tower, accompanied by Desire, Isolde, Mirai, Kurotsuchi, Valena, Ivanna, Sekrit and Clementine. It is quite packed. 

For the past two weeks, Jascha has been gathering maps of each area in Redcliffe village including castle. 

I want to create sewerage system in Redcliffe village like the one in Hinterland. 

Now, the maps are before me.

Using the same method as before, I activate the "System Transmigration".

First step, overlapping the dashboard onto the maps. "Toilet mapping successful"

Second step, designation of sewerage treatment pool. 

Third step, transmigration of sewerage system for 6052 houses including ground floor of castle.

Fourth step, 15,200 points consumed. 

I have 6,000 points left which to be used for the toothbrush and toothpaste for people of Hinterland and Redcliffe village. 

Ivanna sighs. Mirai, Kurotsuchi, Sekrit, and Clementine have no shred of doubt about what I did. 

The demon excitedly hugs me when I did that. She whispers, "As expected, you are not human. Hihi."

Meanwhile, Isolde and Valena gawk with their eyes go wide. 

It's troublesome explaining, so I usually ignore their questions. I even ignore Jascha before.

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