From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 218: Chapter 218: Awakened Womanhood

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First, I run my hands over Myla’s shoulders, then down to the back, and finally, to the butt of the woman I am about to fuck.

“Hiiiinn!? A-are you really going to do t-that? R-right now……that thing!?"

“That thing? Ah, you mean sex.”

“Don’t say it so casually! Also, why aren’t you spelling it so directly! Do you have any manners!?”

“But I want to have sex with you, Myla.”


“I want to fuck you senseless. Can I?”

“Aah, I give up! Okay, I’ll have s-sex with you as you want t-muuuuuph!?”

I block Myla’s lips as the latter kept saying more.

Immediately after, my tongue pries open the space between the latter’s upper and lower lips and invades what’s inside.

“Mumumumuuuuu! What are you doing all of a sudden!? That was my first kiss!”

“Then that would be my great honor.”

I part my lips once, then put them on it again.

“Muchupaah, chuu, ahhh……! Mhuru, chiru……!”

We lick each other’s tongues, ignoring the fact that beside us, there are two girls, Sekrit and Sylvia are watching intently. 

"Kiss, kiss, chuu, kiss me more…!”

Myla’s tongue lick back and forth aggressively, gulping down the mixed saliva of herself and mine without hesitation, even though she was the one being pushed by me just earlier.

“W-what is this feeling…why I become like this?"

"What makes you say so?”

“Because I’m supposed to be an honorable knight……! I’m supposed to be disciplined and aiming to fight for justice, but I’m doing this lewd …… thing! I’m doing something impure and getting excited from it……!”


Myla screams as she is pinched in the buttocks as we hug. While at it, my other hand relentlessly knead Myla’s perking nipple.

“Ahiiiiiii!? Aah!? haa, aaah!? W-what are you doing, putting fingers in such places……! Ahnn!”

“No way……it has entered……your fingers is reaching such a place……”

“There will be a much thicker thing coming in for later. Right now, we’re just preparing yourself for it.”

“Much thicker thing……? It can’t be……”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make you feel good. I promise.”

A thick finger begins rummaging inside Myla’s pussy. 

"Aaaaaahh!? Wait, waaait! Don’t just do what you like without me knowing! Also, my body is not supposed to be used in such a way!”

But just midway after, Myla’s consciousness clears up. Is it from fear? I couldn’t help but deduce.

“Then what is the right use of your body? Can you care to tell me?”

“My body, I have already devoted my body as sword to protect the people……that’s why……hyaaahiiiinn!?”

A ravishing vanus who has devoted all of herself as a knight with pride. That was Myla Hyuutia.

However, that same body of hers is now steadily trying to regain its primary functions as a woman – which is the reproductive instinct of welcoming the man she loves and make him cum inside her.

When the time is finally right, we laid Myla’s bewitching figure out on the ground.

“Ahhh……no way, my thighs and legs are being spread so widely open……!?”

“Well, if you don’t open them wide, I won’t be able to enter my cock inside your cunt.”

“Cunt? What is a cunt?”

To think she would be this illiterate about sex……

However, after the answer enters the her ears, it makes her already red face even redder than it was.

"Kyaaaaaaa!? What are you doing, teaching me such v-vulgar words!? A-also, telling me such shameful thing, even making me say it so directly……I’m still a knight, you know!?”

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“You’re the one who recited it without thinking, and I just answered you. Don’t worry though. By the time we’re done having this sex, You’ll become the kind of woman who’ll recite it by herself.”

“I won’t say it! I’m not going to say those words ever again! Ahhh!”

Sekrit chuckles greatly from this exchange.

Despite rejecting the horny words, Myla still remain her legs spread open with her pussy already oozing out in between, as if telling me she is ready to welcome him anytime. With this, I aim the tip of my dick on her crotch, and without hesitation, plunges it deep into her without mercy.


The beautiful pussy spills a small amount of red liquid from between the gaps and the inserted penis, in which I have confirmed one more time.

Myla is finally deflowered.

“Congratulations. Now you have finally become a woman……does it hurt?”

The pain of deflowering is beyond a man’s ability to measure. Still, it is me who did not hesitate to be caring.

“I, I don’t know……Maybe……I really don’t know!”

“Which is it, really?”

“W-what are you making me try to say then! That I felt so much that I couldn’t tell the difference which is pain and which is pleasure anymore? The first time hurts, I know that much! But it doesn’t hurt, at least for me! Does this mean I’m really a……?”

Myla is so confused that she couldn’t even distinguish anymore if she was feeling pain or pleasure.

This makes me decide that she should be okay for the time being, so I immediately start the extraction process, of course, gently at first.

“Nhiiii! Nhaaah! The sensation……I could feel it spreading in waves from my cun- I mean from my crotch……! What is this……just what did you do to me!?”

“I didn’t do anything much.”

“Then why is it not hurting, even though I’m a virgin! Is the monster’s poison still paralyzing my sense of pain? Or are you just really, really good at this?”

“How about the fact that Myla herself is a slut without us knowing? Even though here you are, spreading your pussy wide open even though it is your first time?”

“Yaaaaaaaa! No, it can’t be! I’m not a slut! Ahhhn, don’t poke it! My, my pussy is gonna breaaaaaak!”

A woman.

A woman, naked under the moonlit night, is embracing a man between her legs.

Despite the way she twists and turns in pleasure and dances like mad, with her pearly fair skin and vibrant blonde hair reflecting the moonlight, anyone who sees her will be bound to be entranced.

Right now, traces of Myla being a commander couldn’t be found anymore. Only a beautiful nymph that came alive from a myth.

A very horny nymph at that.

“Aah~! Aah, aaahhhhh……whath ish thish……it feelsh……goood.”

“This is sex, Myla. We’re having actual sex.”

“Sho thish ish sex……I’m doing sex with Hiro. Even though I’m doing it for something, I’m feeling so good from iiiiit! Ahhhiiii, ahhhiiii”

“Hey, are you okay?”

I couldn’t help but ask, feeling uneasy that the her reaction was a bit beyond his norm.

Myla is wild, so wild in her first time that even me, who has a lot of experience with women, couldn’t help but feel bewildered.

And so, with a quickened back and forth movement, I immediately do his last spurt. After this, I would let it all out into Myla’s cunt, as both parties agree.

Yes. Despite being so uptight earlier, Myla, in the end, agrees to it.

A creampie agreed by both parties.

"Fill me up with your shot. I don’t really get it, but finish this cunt of mine with a whole lot of your creamy cum.”

Myla agrees, though it is unknown if she’s still conscious or has already lost her sense of judgment in the extremeness of pleasure."

And despite being sensitive about vulgarity earlier, she has already said a lot of obscene words since the time we start banging. To top it all off, she doesn’t even hesitate to allow me to ejaculate inside her pussy.

"Aaaaaahhh…… Coming.. something is coming out. it’s coming, it’s coming, it’s comiiiiinngg.”

Byuru, byururururu dokudokudoku……Finally, an almost jelly-like white substance rampages wildly towards the insides of the beauty.

While being watched by two women, she lost her virginity – even allowed herself to be cummed inside by a stranger she has only known for days……and it all happened all without even feeling a tinge of hesitation on herself.

Although it was far from being romantic for the woman, the vitality we had expressed during copulation was already enough to surpass that of true lovers.

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