From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 230: Chapter 230: Pride of Lustful Women

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Luca has a lot of experience, but she doesn’t even know what sexual satisfaction is. Such a beauty has to live in hunger in the hopeless refugees camp.

I rise and seated while bringing her up, seated with her naked back facing me. Then, I take my bag and insert my hand into it, searching.

Found it .. I take out a necklace, not the most expensive one, but still it's be out of reach for common folks. It's na necklace with small pearls.

"What's that? It's pretty." She stares at the necklace confusingly.

I put the necklace around her neck. "My gift for you."

"The gold coins and now pearl necklace. I am not sure I deserve... are wasted on a dirty woman like me...I am happy but... You know the saying 'cast pearls before.."

I kiss her and my tongue plays with hers before releasing her.

"When my task here is over, I will bring you to my home. You become one of my mistress."

When I said that, Luca looks at me with a surprised expression.

"Thanks. I'll wait but I won't expect anything."

She gives me a fake smile. 

After a long pause and staring at the ground, she voices up,

“Then……can we……do it again?”

“Of course. If you want it, I’ll even do it with you until morning.”

My words brought light to Luca’s face.

Although her cool and composed face is good, I’d like to see more of her soft expressions like this.

Thinking about this, I push her down and start to move my hips again and keep her company until the both of us are satisfied.


I had ejaculated inside Luca three times and I could more but she had climaxed a dozen times and fainted. Now, she is sleeping while I am sitting beside her mattress. It seems there are several persons, women if based on their status that are viewable from here. Girls.. Luca's friend probably. They must be selling their bodies like her. 

I look at Luca's naked body and view her status. As she has became my woman, I should be able to change her status.

"Luca (Age 19, Vocation: Warrior)

Strength: 17, Speed: 16, Stamina: 10, Durability: 8, Agility: 7, Reflex: 12, Instinct: 12"

Well, I have changed her into a warrior, an above average one in term of physical ability.

I walk out of the tent and catch the peeping toms. 


I don't want to disturb Luca's sleep so I bring them to an large torch nearby, so that I could see their faces.

"I am Hiro Hezri. call me Hiro. May I know the names of yours, beautiful ladies." I try to speak as friendly as possible. They look at each other.

The shortest one, at the height of Mirai, is fidgeting but still words still come out from her cute mouth,

"I am Pepe, Luca's friend."

The status says her name is Pepe and her age is 15. She has short dark hair with sharp eyes. 

"I am Nina." This Nina is 17 years old. Her carrot coloured hair is uniquely curly. Her face seems pale and her status says she is suffering from lung infection.

"Another one introduces herself, "I am Lucy."

Lucy is at the same age as Luca. Her marmalade coloured hair reaches over her shoulder like Luca but Lucy's hair is slightly wavy, but still nothing compared to Nina's fuzzy hair. 

The three girls are good looking although still far from Myla or Ivanna's standard.

"Put up your palms" 

They slowly raise their hands as I ordered.

I put two gold coins onto each of their hand. 

"Mister, what do you .." The eldest girl, Lucy questions.

"Listen. While I am here, don't sell your bodies to other men. You are mine. Understood?"

They look at each other and nod.


The next afternoon in refugees settlement in the former Olga territory.

"Hey, hey Luca, wake up late? Was it good last night?" 

Lucy approaches Luca who has just taken her bath. 

"We heard what that man said to you last night." Lucy grins.

Luca turn to her left and see three of her friends stride towards her. 

"You, girls."

Pepe grabs Luca's hand and mutters,

"Sister Luca is so lucky. I want to be told like that by a man!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Pepe. It's because it is useful to know influential people in case you need help in the future. "

"There is another thing we need to tell you actually.." As Lucy says that, the three girls show off the gold coins on their palms.

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"What? Follow me.."

Luca grabs Pepe and Nina, and brought them into her tent. Lucy follows.

"Did that man give these to you?" Luca seriously asks.

They nod.

"His name is Hiro Hezri." Lucy replies.

"He asked us not to sleep with other men."

Luca places two more gold coins onto each of their palm.

"Weren't these given to you by Hiro? It's wasted on us."

"Remember our oath before. We will share everything we gain equally. Of course, I also keep my share."

As Luca says that, she shows four gold coins on her palm. 

Nina ponders loudly, "I wonder who is that man?"

"Listen. Pepe, Lucy, Nina."

Luca embraces the other three girls.

"Listen well. We are working as whores in the middle of witch hunt for heretics. Do you get that? It's dangerous even it's to survive. Humans are wretched creatures. They envy those who have more. They sneer at those who have less."

Luca releases them and they sit in straight posture.

"Even smallest difference can cause fear and hatred."

Pepe, the youngest girl with bob hair slightly yells, "It's not true. We are not like that."

"Of course, I know that. That's why we need to show we are different. So, as usual, share our food here with our neighbours."

"Not again!" Pepe yells.

"What a waste." Lucy also complains.

Luca rebukes, "I said before, right? It's so that we don't earn any grudge."

"But.." Nina is reluctant.

"Now, now. Don't waste our time. Go out and do your work!" Luca commands in firm but sweet voice.



Evening in refugees camp.

Kurotsuchi is strolling around when she meets a girl around her age whose carrot coloured hair is very permed. They stare at each other. Compared to Kurotsuchi's well-made clothing, the kinky haired girl's coth is shabby and worn out.

Looking at the nice clothing, jealousy is hinted in her eyes.

"You seem to be new here. You don't seem to be a refugee." The girl asks while playing with her curly hair.

"My name is Kurotsuchi. Call me Kuro-chan." 

Facing that light hearted attitude, the poor looking girl shows irritation in her face before introducing herself,

"I am Nina."

""I am new here. Hopefully we can be friends. Please teach me .." When Kurotsuchi offers her hand, Nina slaps it.


"Someone like you know nothing of our suffering."

Their exchange is disrupted by noisy crowd nearby. 

They turn around towards a almost naked man binded to a tree, surrounded by a crowd of hundreds of refugees.

The two girls instinctively walk towards them.



"Die, heretics!"

"Throw.. Don't stop throwing!"

Everyone continuously pick up stones and throws at the binded man. He is already half-dead; his face is swollen and his whole body is bleeding. 

A teenager is seen hesitating while a middle-aged woman picks up stones and forcefully put them into the boy's palm.


"But mother.." The teenager is hesitating despite his mother's insistence. 

"Don't think. Just throw. Otherwise they will capture you as heretics!" The mother please nervously.

"What is happening, Nina?"

"Kuro-chan. This is called witch hunt. Templars capture random refugees and punish them as heretics. If we don't join, throw stones, even we would be branded as heretics."

Upon saying that, Nina freezes as the throwing crowd stare at her. Madness is reflected on their eyes.

Nina immediately picks up a stone and make a weak throw that barely reaches the binded man's foot.

Nina quickly dashes away, followed by Kurotsuchi.


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