From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 232: Chapter 232: Witch Hunt

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Ina was passing through the main square of a settlement, selling pelts so she could feed all the children she has at her tent, when a man tried to stick his hand up her skirt. Without hesitation she slapped him in the face and that’s when he screamed out,

“Witch! Witch!”

Before she knew it all the refugees had descended on her. A man, carrying a copy of the Bible, 'Three Gods' religion holy book, yelled to the villagers,

“What should we do with her?”

Someone in the mob yelled out,

“Tie a huge rock to leg and throw her in the river and if she floats then she’s not a witch.”

Someone else yelled,

“No! We did that to the last one, and it seems like it’s a bit of a flawed method.”

So someone else yelled,

“Let’s chop off her hands,”

to which someone else yelled,


Finally an agreement was made when another person yelled,

“Let’s burn her. We haven’t done that in a while.”

The crowd cheered enthusiastically, and Ina sighed.

They set up a stake in the square and tied her to it, ripping the front of her  dress so her nipples were practically hanging out all over the place.

 The man carrying the bible yelled out to the crowd, 

“I’ve got an idea. Let’s wait till night falls. It will look better and we can roast marshmallows after.”

She sighed again as they left her to wait.

The refugees went back to whatever they’d been doing before, and for the most part she was left alone until a guy walked by and said,

“Hey sweetheart.”

She sighed again, and then said,

“Could you maybe let me go?”

He smiled and asked her,

“What do I get out of it?”

She sighed once more, and said,

“I have children at home to feed.”

He shook his head.

“I’ll give you all my pelts.”

He shook his head again by and then pointed at his crotch. She was getting tired of all this sighing but let out another one anyways before she said, "Forget it."

All the refugees came back at dusk with their bags of marshmallows and roasting sticks.

The templar carrying the 

 bible did the honours of lighting the fire beneath her feet. 

There are ten men binded at sticks and placed beside her. She couldn’t help herself and sighed again. All this waiting was getting on her tits. When the fire reached her toes it jumped away, spread itself out like the wings of a colossal angel and engulfed all of us. The smell of burnt flesh and marshmallows filled the village square, as the roasted men screamed and writhed in a pain that she could only imagine must have sucked big time. Floating pieces of burnt flesh swirled all around her, burning her flesh. In her dying moments, she heard her son shouting and crying.


"Mother! Why are you burning my mother?" A boy is wailing and tries to run towards the burning woman but caught by a man, a refugee. 

"He, he. You are heretic too, aren't you?"

"No. Let me go! My mother!"

He brings the boys towards the burning stick.

"Son of a heretic is a heretic!"

Suddenly, a blade is placed at the man's neck. 

Commander Farnese's bodyguard is pointing his sword at him.

"Let the boy go. He is innocent. I have questioned them."

"Understood, my lord." The man run away.

But the boy kneels down and cry as his mother is being burnt.

The bodyguard is just staring at the burning woman angrily before staring at Mozgus who are watching from afar.


On the next day at Saint Albion.

A girl whose hands binded are being dragged on foot by a Templar on horse. She is being surrounded by six perfectly equipped templars. 

Refugees are lining at both sides of the lane, helplessly. 

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"Pepe!" A girl is running and calling the binded girl from behind the crowd. 

"Sister Lucy, help me!"

The binded girl yells.

"Shut up. I heard a report that you are heretic! During your trial, you can contest as much as you want!" The leader of the armed group barks on her from his horse.

"I will be raped. I will be killed. Help me, God!"

The leader turns at the shouting girl. 

"You damn commoner. Shut up."

He draws his whip and attacks her.

"You filthy lot never say a word of prayer in your lifetime but when you're in trouble you utter the God's name in vain!"

He continues to whip the girl.

"Pepe!" Lucy tries to approach the girl, Pepe but the crowd blocks her.

"How wretched! How servile! You pitiful whore!"

Suddenly a girl jumps between them and blocks the whipping with her back while embracing Pepe.

"Don't act high and mighty when you're catching people without risking a single hair in your head!"

The girl yells at him.

"Luca!" Lucy shouts.

He smirks.

"If you defend the girl, Pepe, you will also be imprisoned."

"You threaten people to shut them up but when they try to say anything back, you flash your weapon." Luca yells.

"You judge people from your comfortable tower. Do you think you are angel or something?" Luca shouts even louder.

"Is that all you have to say, young lady?"

He raises his whip to attack them again.

But the whip hit a hand. The hand grabs it and pulls it away until the wielder falls from her horse. 

"How dare you!"

Everyone look at the newly emerging man. 

A brown skinned man with above average height. Very short black hair and black pupils. 

"Hiro!" Pepe, Lucy and Luca call the name simultaneously. They know him.

"You must be the leader of heretics. This must be God's will. Everyone attack.."

Before he could utter a command, the newcomer, Hiro punches his face until he crushes onto the ground. 

"You insolent!" The cavalries dash towards him.

"Hiro, escape!" The girls yell but suddenly a young woman steps in.

She is a beauty with above average sized breasts. A ponytail is knotted at upper part of her apricot coloured hair with bangs at both sides. She wields a sword that seems oversized compared to her average female size. 

"Lyla, kill them!" Hiro calmly commands her.

She cleaves the horse and its rider from below. 

Another cavalry approach her but Lyla whacks both the horse and the man into two.

Everyone becomes dumbfounded as the thin arm of hers easily swings such sizeable sword and rips the bodies with two attacks.

"You call this a holy land? What a bad joke. Isn't this just a dump?" Hiro barks at everyone with a deep voice.

Two cavalries rush at them and attack. An attack on Hiro is blocked by Lyla's sword while another attack on her hits air as she dodges. 

She spins her body and cut the left man in half before chopping the the man at the right.

Two cavalry and a leader left. 

"None of this makes sense." Luca mutters as her eyes go wide. Others as well. 

"Report this to the commander!" The cavalries try to escape.

"Lyla, don't let them get away!"

Hearing that, Lyla leaps to between the horses and make a circling swing. The two men and their horses are dissected. 

"Damn you!" The remaining one, the leader jumps at the binded girl with his sword but Lyla overtakes him and severs his head from his body. 

In less than five minutes, seven perfectly equipped templars are killed.

Hiro then releases Pepe from her binding.

"There are a lot of eyes here. Let's leave for isolated place. We have a lot of questions."

Hiro leads the girls away as the refugees are still dumbfounded.


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