From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: I Lost Everything

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Sylvia's eyes open to the crackling sound of flying sparks. She feels a faint warm, but the swelling on her crotch - an aching sensation - let her know that this is a reality. 

What had happened? What had been done to her? A series of torturous memories flash through her mind. 

Sylvia silently pushes the blanket aside and sit up. She appears to be on a mattress with no bed. The mattress she is lying on, directly touch the floor. Usually the mattresses on this world,  is on bed. 

When she look around, she is in a log building made of wooden logs. Walls are done up in neutral, earthen colours.

A smell prickles her nose - herbal medicine? It has been one more bit of bad luck that even being stuffed in a pile of waste hasn't dampened her sense of smell.

The sleeping place is at the centre of the room. Next to it, there is a bamboo nightstands. The room floor is mostly covered by mats. Her left hand touches floor beside the mattress, also covered by mat. It seems to be made of woven straw. Other than that, there are no furniture in the spacious room except four items that look like chairs with a low table between them. The usual chair in this world has legs but the chairs here lack leg entirely. Despite lacking legs, there are still top rail, splat, cross rail and stile that form the upper part of a chair. She immediately knows these are chairs because there are two persons sitting on them and their back leaning on the splat.

They were positioned in dim corner of the room, which is only illuminated by fire.

She tries to focus on them. The man is tall, very short black hair and has dark brown skin, attributes which she never meet in her life.

Meanwhile, the woman has familiar striking red hair in simple braid and perfectly snow white skin.

Sylvia's voice is done shaking. "Orc." She speaks in a whisper, more to herself than to anyone else. 

They turn their head at her. "Yes." The man responds just the same, his voice is low and his words blunt, "Orc."

Her eyes meet with their eyes for a minute.

"I see." She say, and lay back down on mattress. She closes her eyes, looking into the darkness, on the backs of her eyelids. 

"What about the others?" She asks after a second.

"....They...All dead." He answers hesitantly.

"I...I see." 

Sylvia ponders for a moment. She marvels at how hardly ripple pass through her heart. She has expected to cry but her spirit is strikingly quiet. 

"We found their bodies, brought here and gave them proper burials. I will show their graves later." He says as if to console her face that look like about to cry.

"Thank you for helping me." A pause. "What I mean is... Is it over?" 

"No." The floorboard make creaking sounds as they stand up. They approach her. She returns to sitting position and look at their serious faces. She notices how beautiful the red haired woman is.

"There are some things we we would like to ask you." The red haired woman interrogates.


"Just tell me what you can." The man gently interjects.


You don't mind?" He asks in even softer tone.

Perhaps taking Sylvia's silence for agreement, the beautiful red haired beauty continues detachedly: How many orcs she had encountered? What was the layout of the nest? What types of orcs were there? Where had she encountered them? What direction? 

Sylvia answers without emotion.

I don't know. I don't know.  They all looked the same. Near the cave. The north.

The red haired beauty grunts, "Hm.". 

The moment of intermittent speech are connected by the muttering of the fire in hearth. 

The red haired beauty sense something and furrows her eyebrows.

"What did you do?"

"I tried to starve them out." Sylvia says, something tugging at the edges of her mouth. It is a only slight gesture, so small that no one but she might have noticed it. "I was sure it would work."

They both don't react.

"Block off the exits to the cave, waits until the orcs start to starve, then finish them off. My friends and I could do it together, nice and clean." Sylvia says this out loud before saying the rest of words in very hushed voice, that could be barely heard by both of them, "Get some experience, get money, raise our reputation, and then... And then...."

After a while, she speaks normally, "I was so sure ."

Sylvia looks at them blankly. 

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"I understand how that could happen." These were the first comforting words the red haired beauty said to her.

"Please rest. We will catch up to you later." The man gently says that.

She looks down on her the thin piece of clothing covering her body, which she never wear in her whole life. Her body is fresh and smells nice. Someone had thoroughly  cleaned her skin, and put on her this thin robe made of smooth silk. It is white and almost transparent that her tits are slightly visible when she look at them from outside. She put her hands to her chest, which rises and falls in time with her breath. Was it that man who had wiped her body clean? Or the woman? Frankly, she doesn't care either way. 

There is nothing left at all for her now. Nothing at all.

She had abandoned her home. Her friends are gone. Her chastity has been stolen by pigs. She had no money, no equipment in foreign land.

Then, she remembers something. She spots something in the corner of the room. Two rapiers, already cleaned leather armour, and her item pouch. 

Realizing Sylvia is looking at her stuffs, Ivanna elucidates, "You should thank this man, his name is Hiro. He pleads with us to bring your friends' corpses. He also troubled himself, searching your belongings." 

She stares intently at the man. The ache in her crotch flares up.

"Are you going to hunt orcs?" She asks. The man and red haired beauty stares at each other, before the woman answers, "Yes, definitely. We will exterminate the pigs from the land."

"Then, I am coming too." 

"No. We don't want to put you in danger again." The man is the first the answer. He peers into Sylvia's eyes with directness. Those eyes are deep and dark, like the bottom of a well.

"Before putting your life in danger again, don't you think you should at least go home and talk to your parents." The mention of her parents doesn't seem to stir so much as a ripple in Sylvia.

"You know I am daughter of a noble family?" She asks and the man replies,

"Yes. We check your pouch and found crest of noble family."

"I don't care about that. Please let me join you !" She begs earnestly. She shakes her head, her long honey coloured hair is shaking. 

"I have to get it back!" She importune persistently. 

"And what might that be?" The red haired beauty interjects. 

"Everything." Sylvia answer firmly. "Everything I've lost."

Then, she mutters in hushed low voice, "Dream. Hope. Future. Chastity. Friends."

All that the orcs stole from her and took away into the depth of their gloomy hole.

"That's.. if you return to the orcs, you are going to loose everything again. If you go, it means you forfeit your life." I try to persuade her.

"So, be it. My life is yours" Sylvia's answer makes him loss for words.

"Let's take her along."

The red haired beauty's words make him even dumbstruck.

Then, she bitterly speaks, 

"If .. if we don't." 

"She can't be saved. Without a doubt, there will be no salvation for her."

He pause for a while before sighing.

He stares at her aggressively and coerces with deep voice,

"I have no obligation to obey you. I am not your parent, I am not your friend."

She is not intimidated, and not even blinking her eyes. 

"Your reward... I am paying in advance.". 

"Hey!" Before the red haired beauty has gotten the word out of her mouth, Sylvia disrobes. The smooth, thin and loose layer of robe is stripped easily from her body. The other woman's eyes go wide as Sylvia is stark naked.

"I don't take half hearted submission." The man touches her chin.

"My body and heart is dead. You can do whatever you want forever until it perishes." Sylvia doesn't waver.

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