From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Hidden Village of Sooka

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1 Week Earlier in Sooka Hidden Village

Western part of Sooka hidden village is an extremely cold region that had been constructed near a glacier. 

A bluish-white iceberg stands in the middle of an endless expanse of white land, like a tombstone. It seems to glow from within and confuse the senses. Snow falls from the heavy, overcast sky above, whips into a mad dance by the freezing wind which carried frozen vapours on its gusts. In the distance is a frozen forest covered in snow, which looks like giants clad in robes of purest white.

The bone-chilling wind ruffles Hiro’s clothing, which flutters in the wind. Kurotsuchi stands beside him, and as he eyes the way she is dressed, Hiro asks:

“Aren’t you cold? If you need to, you can at least put on 'hanten' coat. We should still have time for that.”

Hiro wears five layers clothing with gloves and boots. Kurotsuchi is a different matter. If she is in her usual battle panoply, mere freezing gusts like this would not harm her, but she is currently wearing a nearly transparent silky robe that clearly shows off her nipples and mounds. Her upper body is only covered by a thin 'haori' and her lower half is covered by a knee skirt. He has asked her about this before coming here, but he has come away with the feeling that she is merely trying to put on a brave front, for seducing him.

"Thank you for your concern, Hiro-sama, but it is not necessary. Mere cold like this is not a problem.”

He nods and replies, “I see.”

Chunks of a white substance flew right at Hiro and stuck to his face.This is snow, carried by the wind.

The cloud of white breath that he exhales instantly flows behind him. That is because of the supercooled wind shear. 

The snow driven by the blizzard went in all directions, obscuring all vision and covering up footprints. This is to waylay any intruders, but under normal circumstances the weather on the western part is not so bad. The clouds which cover the sky would only dispense scattered snowflakes, and while the mood is gloomy, visibility is excellent. In this lonely world of white, the sound of falling snow seems to carry directly into his ears. Of course, Kurotsuchi‘s always-on extrasensory perception spell let her know that this place is not truly deserted. The ambushers know she is the leader's granddaughter, and so they don't show themselves.

Hiro looks around. Since he is with Kurotsuchi, he believes they must right on track. 

She advances with light steps. She left no footprints on the snow where she had trod. Her feet does not sink into the snow, as though she is walking on solid ground.

They arrive at the destination in silence.

Before them is a large white sphere, which looks like an inverted hornet’s nest.

Six gigantic crystals surround the white sphere, their sharp tips pointing to the heavens. The crystals are transparent, and there are people visible inside.

He takes a step, and a distasteful sound which makes him uneasy issued from beneath his feet. Looking down, he sees that the ground below is different from the snowdrift just now; it is a shiny layer of ice. It looks thick enough, but there is nothing but inky blackness beneath the ice layer. It is clearly a big hole.

Kurotsuchi steps onto the ice. She walks without any hesitation, as though she is certain that the ice below her would not crack. She trod on the ice, which makes a trembling, creaking noise, and arrives at the vicinity of the white sphere.

"Good afternoon. Is mother in?"

She is not addressing the huge white sphere, but the crystals around it. Creatures which resemble human females emerge from the crystals in response to her voice. There are as many women as there are crystals, and they are dressed all in white. Their skin is pale, and their long hair is black.

"Welcome, Kurotsuchi-sama. We are pleased that you came to visit in person."

"Is mother in?"

"Hinata-sama is in her mansion."

"Really. Thanks."

This clairvoyant witch, Hinata is the Hiruzen's daughter and elder sister of Azuma. Hiro has been wondering why the female successor of live in seclusion here. Apparently Kurotsuchi's father was killed while representing Sooka in Federation's war. Hiro briefly met Kurotsuchi's elder brother but his impression of Hiro is not good, but Hiro doesn't understand the cause of his hostility.

Questions filled Hiro’s mind as he looks at the majestic two-story mansion before him.

This building seems strangely out of place in this frozen land. It is like a house from a storybook, and seems to be surrounded by a fairytale atmosphere.

However, its surface is covered in a layer of ice, giving it an uncomfortably cold aura.

 "Let’s go.”

With those simple words, They push open the frozen main gate. Though it is covered in a thick layer of ice, the gate still opens easily, as though it is welcoming a visitor.

A wave of cold air washes over them in the instant the gate opens. This is because the interior of the mansion is colder than even the freezing environment outside.

It is only after the chilling wind swept over her that Kurotsuchi begins shivering. As Hiro sees this, his hand inserts into his bag and withdraws a cape, whose hem was decorated with flame-like patterns.

He covers it onto Kurotsuchi and hugs her with his left hand to provide warmth. As she is being embraced tightly,  Kurotsuchi's eyes look at him and go so wide it seems as though they would fall out of their sockets. 

"Wear this, Kurotsuchi. It is not big, but it should be enough to ward off the cold."

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"To think you would lavish such a gift upon me! My deepest thanks! I shall treasure it all my life.”

Hiro has not said that he would give it to her, but after seeing Kurotsuchi’s radiant smile, he could not muster up any words, but instead look to the other side of the opened gate.

A silent, dark passage extended within. 

"Ah, how warm, it feels like you’re sleeping with me, Hiro-sama… hihihi.”

“...Really now? That’s wonderful.” Hiro answers nervously.

As Kurotsuchi wriggles and twists around in his cuddle, wrapping the cape around herself so tightly she almost vanished into its folds, Hiro strides forth.

He sighs weakly, and then he finally realises the oddity in the behaviour of the girl next to him.

She is looking forward and walking, but unlike just now, she is not matching his stride. And while her eyes are facing forward, they are not focused on any particular place. He hears her mumbling something.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Kurotsuchi turns her head toward him in a strange manner.

"Do you like my body?" 

"Er… erm… well, yes.” 

She squeezes her legs together and hops up in an adorable manner.

He looks at Kurotsuchi before him, so happy that she is humming to herself.

Kurotsuchi's flighty and overjoyed expression turns serious in an instant when we reach a room.

There is a large fresco there, painted on a wall which contained a door.

They push open the door, which slid open with no sound or resistance. 

In this empty room, bare of all furniture, there is a crystal ball, and a woman is brushing a painting.

As though on cue, the woman’s movements freezes. Then, she reaches her hands to a painting beside her and toss it aside. A sound of grinding teeth came from the woman. 

Hiro observes several painting in the room and he feels the the paintings are beautiful. 

Just as Hiro is starting to be impressed, the woman produces a large pair of kodachi (sword) from somewhere and grips them tightly. A keen gaze looks out from her unkempt hair, directed at Hiro.

"She really is your mother. The resemblance is very strong.” I tease.

“Eh!? Re-Really?”

The woman seems to take the leisurely conversation as some sort of provocation and broke into a run, her killing intent driving her as swiftly as the wind. The woman in the black mourning clothes takes unnaturally large strides as she charges, closing the distance to them in but a few steps.

The woman stabs forcefully at Hiro with her kodachi. 

Kurotsuchi blocks the attack with her kunai (small dagger).

"Mother. He is the 'Tie-Breaker'."

The woman, Hinata turna her face, shrouded as it was by her long hair to both of them.

"Tie breaker-sama, and my lovely daughter. I trust you have been well?”

“It’s been a while, mother. You seem… yes, I am glad you have not changed.”

Hinata brushes away the long hair which covered her face, revealing her beauty. 

Like Mirai and Kurotsuchi, Hinata has perfectly snow white skin. She has very pale lips yet held a beautiful set of teeth. But as opposed to her daughter, Hinata's pupil is big and silver coloured. Her chest is as big as Ivanna, hinting how alluring Kurotsuchi would look like in the future. 

"Tie breaker-sama, I have been wanting to see you."

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