From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Lurking In The Shadow

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We slept the whole second day in the elven sanctuary due to accumulated fatigue from the harsh adventure. Not only me, the six girls also slept like logs and could only be waken up for breakfast on the third day. 

I rub my eyes as somebody touches my leg. I sit on the bed with my sleeping robe on my body but my lower body is naked. 

Ivanna and Kurotsuchi are standing beside the bed, blushing. Oh, they were the ones who woke me up. Mirai is fidgeting behind them. 

When I am about the come down from the bed, I feel a hand on my lap.

I look to my side, and Sekrit is lying there with a bathrobe. Then, I remember have some intense love-making session with her on our first night here. I could smell strong scent of semen from her body. 

"Slaaap." Ivanna slaps Sekrit's butt that almost makes her fall from the bed.

"Good morning."

Sekrit nonchalantly stand beside the bedside with her crotch fully exposed. 

She just walks out in relaxed manner.

"What a slutty woman!" Ivanna complains.

I am led by the girls to the hotspring. 

It seems there are freshly cooked rabbits on the floor, on plates. Clementine and Sylvia are enjoying their breakfast.

"Woaaaa. Looking good!" Sekrit and Kurotsuchi takes a rabbit each and bite it greedily. 

Our toothpastes and toothbrushes are on the wooden rack beside them. There are seven mugs containing warm water and a jug in the middle. 

I sit with my leg crossed and enjoy my peaceful breakfast. 

After breakfasts, the girls slide into the hot water fully naked. The only girls whose nude body I haven't claimed are the two from Sooka. Both of them are cleaning their bodies awkwardly, while their eyes keep glancing at me from time to time. 

Ignoring the circumstances, I take my clothes off and jump in. 


Six screams resound.

I’m not keeping a strange monster in my lower half or anything.

It’s just my erect dick swinging around.

With that said, I get in between the girls and submerge myself in the water up to my chest.

It’s late in the morning in the middle of winter so I wouldn’t normally be able to bathe like this, but the water in this place flowed through the inside of trees, making it quite warm.

The slight viscosity in the water is probably due to the sap mixed inside.

"Just bath as usual."

I sink my body into the water more and extend my limbs to them while speaking.

They continue bathing while I brush my teeth. 

I never expect we would be in such peace considering what happened in the past month.


The cold fog turns out to be true blessing. It blocks out the sun, daubing everything with a white haze, so that even objects only shirt distant away are vague and indistinct.

Ninjas don't think of the fog as a blessing, to them, it is natural. When something good happens to a ninja, he doesn't feel gratitude towards anyone or anything. When something bad happens to a ninja, he doesn't feel tormented or begrudge anyone or anything. It is no different now.

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The twenty men of shadow, have been told to climb past the snowy mountain and put their life on the line to kill anything that endangers the princess of the hidden village. 

They discover abandoned villages, no, to be precise, villages whose inhabitants already turned into something inhuman. 

Unlike normal human, the shadow of darkness like them easily climb up and leap from roof to roof soundlessly. Thus, they are fully aware of thousands of walking dead villagers lurking aimlessly beneath them. 

They are looking for isolated ones so that they could abduct it stealthily and find ways to kill it as the clairvoyant woman told them that the creatures can't be killed through normal means.

"Hanabi." The man who looks like a leader instructs in a hushed voice, and nodding to him is a woman in long black hair, reaches well past her hips, and she has two shorter strands of hair in the front with pink ribbons at the ends. She wears a tan-coloured and long-sleeved kimono shirt with red-orange flames designed on it with a matching knee-length skirt, along with a white obi around her waist.

She looks at a zombie and performs her spell,

"Mind Possession."

Now, the zombie is being possessed by her. Her consciousness is in the zombie. 

She, who is in that zombie, uses its hands to push several zombies away and walk past them towards a place far away from other zombies. 

The other ninjas assemble there. Once far enough, she releases her possession. Before the zombie could take a hold of its body, the men restrain its body and close its mouth. 

They experiment by stabbing every part of its body, starting from its lower parts until its neck. When they stab its neck, it ceases movement. It is dead. 

"Hmm. So, the only way to kill it is to its neck." A man says.

Near the arch, several crumpling sounds are made by fifteen zombies lingering there. Shrouded in falling snow, the village is silent save for their footsteps and moaning. They walk back and forth aimlessly amidst this sinister atmosphere, as though nothing else live here. Their lifeless movement suggested that moaning and lurking like these are daily routine for them. This has been ongoing for the past five years.

As they are standing aimlessly, serpentine objects suddenly wrap itself around the zombies’ neck. No — that are not a snakes. The objects that wrap itself around their mouth and do not let go are an octopus’ tentacle.

Right after they lift the zombies’ chin, searing pain blossomed over their exposed throat. This sequence of actions take less than a second.

A gurgling sound, like that of drinking, came from their throat.

Fifteen zombies collapse simultaneously near the arch.

The hand holding its mouth let go, supporting it from behind so it would not slump to the ground. After verifying that the man had been thoroughly assassinated, its assailant pulled out the crimson kodachi, the weapon which had killed the zombie.

The being holding the man upright is a figure in black. Its entire body is obscured in jet black clothing save its eyes. Said clothing is made of cloth, with kote gauntlets and other pieces of armour to improve defensive ability. A metal plate covered its chest and abdomen.

Another similarly-dressed figures emerge from behind the other zombies’ back. Much like their partner, they wear a metal breastplate. The first looked to the others, and nod.

They scan their surroundings after verifying the silent death of their victim. It would seem no zombie has noticed this.

Somewhere in the corner of their heart, they breathe a sigh of relief.

The sky above slightly illuminates them, but the zombies behind the houses should not be able to see them. All they have to worry about is that they might be spotted in the instant of their leap from one roof to another -- but that worry is a thing of the past now.

They pay no attention to the dagger, whose bright red hue had become even more vibrant after draining blood, and propped up the man’s body before it could collapse.

Suddenly, the men feel the zombies’ limp bodies lurch under their hands, as though someone has driven a stake into them. In the next moment, they know they have not been mistaken; the zombies lurched into stiff motion.

The fifteen zombies are still moving despite being clearly killed, but the men are not alarmed. Everything is proceeding as planned. 

"Corpse Possession." The woman called Hanabi who is still in top of a roof activates a spell, that enable the bodies walking according to her wills.

The other men climb to the roof. 

The possessed zombies walk further into the village, meeting more zombies. The fifteen possessed zombies then hold the head of other free zombies before twisting their heads. Fifteen more zombies are killed. The same method is used three more rounds before the possessed zombies fall the ground.

On the roof, Hanabi is breathing hard and on her knees. The corpse possession consumes most of her energy and the possession loses out once she runs out of her energy. Nevertheless, she single handedly kills sixty zombies without directly putting herself in danger. 

"That's all for today. We survey the surrounding area." The man who looks like the leader gives command.

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