Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem

Chapter 1: First Dive: Prologue

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This was the day he'd been waiting for, for six long years. The day he would finally get some answers. Years spent so Focused on his training he no longer felt anything, his self loathing forgotten in the drive to Succeed. Years spent studying, practicing, and even having his eyes Cybernetically upgraded, to enhance his vision. Graduated top of his class one year ago, then worked hard to be allowed to work on this case, his sisters case... And now, Finally, It was time.

Six years ago, Elias Stormbound was an ordinary 12th grade Highschooler, Struggling with Depression and a Deep Self hatred he couldnt Identify. Then his world broke, His sister Claire, Three years younger than him, Went with friend to play A new Fulldive VRMMO... And vanished from inside the pod, Her life-monitor Flatlining, as Her friends had Logged out and were panicking, screaming for help. When the police arrived, they explained that they had paid for four hours, and halfway into that Claire suddenly started screaming, and they all heard the monitor flatline... they were immediately logged out, as the game proclaimed a system Error... To find Claire's pod Empty... mostly. It was full of blood, Her blood.

He still remembers the moment the Lead detective, A man named Gauge, Informed him and his mother... And he remembers two days later, when that same Detective found him at school to inform him of his mothers Suicide.

Two weeks ago, Rumors started about a new game, Frozen Memories, or FroMe, and a strange NPC called the Forgotten Godess, That looked exactly like Claire the day she vanished. The programmers of the game were all in Dive except one, who had no idea that NPC Existed. So The Now Chief Gauge approached him with a unique offer: Go inside the game, with a Unique Class provided by that programmer, And track down the other programmers characters. Interrogate them, and investigate this Forgotten Godess... find out the truth. He'd stay nearby to protect the Dive Pod. 

He met with the Programmer, Dave, And his boss, Company President Holly Walker. 

Finally, the day of the Operation started.

"Maybe I'll finally learn the truth. Maybe I'll Find Claire's killer..." He sat in the pod, Feeding and life Support Tools Wired into his body, surrounded by Elasti-Gel... As the VR Helmet Slid down over his head, linking with the Neural interface Everyone was given At Birth... the world went dark, and a green [ ? ] Appeared. "Load Frozen Memories. Dive Start!"

[Yes Sir. Loading Game. Diving in 3... 2... 1... Have a Nice Day!]

And he was in.

It was a large room, with what looked like a Cybersurgery Table... And A hologram of a woman standing nearby.

[Welcome, Detective Sormbound. My name is Mavis. I am the Artificial Intelligence responsible for the upkeep of this world. You have been given special privileges, but before we proceed to Character Creation, I must ask: May i Scan Your Brain?]

"Is such a thing Necessary?"

[Not particularly. It simply allows me to be more accurate with the base model character. You can instead work with a default, but it wont feel as natural to you.]

"I Didn't mean the scan, I meant Character Creation? Cant I just go in how I am now?"

[NO. Character Creation is Necessary to prevent your identity from being revealed. But of you don't want to bother, the Aforementioned Scan can create a body that matches your Brainwave pattern.]

"Alright then. Scan away."

A light pulsed... And Suddenly he was on the Table. He glanced down, a strange feeling come over him... and saw breasts. Clenching his legs, he noticed That was changed as well.

[How odd. Usually this doesn't happen.]

"Mavis, why am I a girl?"

The voice that came out was softer, but still recognizable as his.

[I do not know, Detective. Perhaps... Detective, have you ever felt uncomfortable with your body?]

"Every day of my life. But I ignored it, and took meds for my depression, so I could find out the truth of what happened to my sister. I thought it was normal. Why?"

[Well... The system believes you may have been suffering from Dysphoria. It insists that Your brainwaves read as Female.]

"Huh. Will this impact my mission in any way?"

[No... The Game is equal regardless of gender.]

"Then it's fine. Who knows, maybe the systems right, and I have some Deep Reflecting ahead of me, and some major choices once I log out. But that's for future me to deal with."

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[Very well... Initilizing.]

A tingle of energy swapped his, Now Her, Body... and a panel appeared in the air.

[That's your status panel. Base Equipment has been Automatically Applied. Please choose a race and Name, then look it over.]

He looked through the available races, then made his choice. As for a name... He had an idea.

|Name: Elissa Stormbound

Status: Healthy

Gender: Female

Race: Fallen Angel (Frost-kin)

Class: Detective (Special)



Str: 10

Ski: 20

Spd: 10

Mag: 10

Res: 10

Weapon: Beginner Revolver (Magic Gun)

Armor: Frost Maidens Gear

Helm: Cold Wanderers Hat

Accessory: Detectives Kit

Racial Traits: 70% Reduction to holy damage, Immune To Cold Damage

Racial Skills: Flight, Ice Magic, Holy Magic, Dark Magic, Perfect Balance/Perfect Poise.

Special Skill: Detection Eye, Highlights points of interest in blue, enemy breakpoints in red, and marked targets in gold.|

The status looked good.

[Alright then. Good luck, detective. And try to enjoy yourself a little as well.]

A bright light engulfed him... HER... And she was suddenly in an alleyway.

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