Fulfilling Life of an Urban Time Manipulator

Chapter 15: Birthday (Promises for the better Future)

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The next day we woke up but there was no tension between us like the last night. 

Natasha woke up before me and even after getting late she did not come to wake me up so I got up a little late today and thus had to use my power to slow down the time so that I could freshen up faster and get ready in half the time, she scolded me at first and told me that today is only the learning lesson and if I got up late the next time then she will lock the bedroom door. What could I do I just apologized and then she checked me if I got all the things done correctly and then left me at the school gate but only after telling me to invite every friend of mine. One thing was different that day, she did not gave me the daily morning kiss on the lips but that time it was on my cheeks. I thought she was still a little disturbed from last night's talk so I did not mind as even the kiss on cheeks showed her motherly love. 

I went inside our class and sat down on the same last bench beside Shanaya. As always Shanaya came with her lively and cheerful smile. After greeting everyone from our group I invited all of them to my birthday party and just like always Sanket started talking about how his birthday was celebrated in such grand manner. After that Somil cut his words in between and told us about his birthday party which was even grander. I just said that my party will not be so grand, it will just be a small party at home where I am inviting only my friends. 

Even after saying that they were all very excited for my birthday and said they would definitely come. 

Like that the day went by like daily and we spent the time like always. 

After school Natasha picked me up and left me at home. Like always I slept for some time and after waking up I slowed down the time and did all those exercises and studied for some time. That day, Natasha came back early with a lot of decorative materials. It looked like she had really planned to make my birthday party grand. 

"Thanks a lot, mum", I said with a cheesy smile. 

" Yeah, yeah, I'll have the shop close tomorrow so that I can prepare for your birthday. These are the chocolates to distribute to everybody. These are for teachers.... ", Like that we started planning about my birthday. 

" At last, tell me how many kids have you invited and if you want to invite anyone else", Natasha asked. 

"Surya, Sanket, Somil, Soumya, Shanaya, Kiran, Sumit, Keshav, Sania, also mumma you should call aunt Maya too and those brothers and sisters from the shop and.... that's all, I only have these to invite", I answered. 

" OK, planning done, invitations done, decoration done, food done, that's all now let's go to sleep, I have to wake up early to get the things done", Natasha said. 

After that we went to sleep without our daily nightly activities. 

At about 12 o'clock at midnight I felt a hard push on my shoulder and I woke up from my sleep. I quickly rubbed my eyes when I heard a party pooper and then the birthday song. 

I looked around the room and saw Natasha singing and dancing wearing a cone shaped kids party hat. 

I giggled as a kid of 5 year would after looking at his mother dancing and singing like that. No, at that time I was 6 years old. 

She came to me and kissed my cheek and said, "Happy b'day cutie, may God bring you happiness and may you achieve whatever you want in life."

"Thanks a lot mother", I said and hugged her. 

She also hugged me in return and patted my back. We enjoyed each other's embrace and after sometime both of us got to sleep as she had to wake up early tomorrow. I had slept for only two minutes when suddenly I heard a call on Natasha's phone. She picked it up and told me that it was Shanaya's call. I took it and talked to her, she congratulated me and told me how excited she was for tomorrow, I told her it was not something grand but she cut it saying whatever it was she was really excited for it. 

We did not talk much as Maya took the phone and told that Shanaya had not slept till now just to congratulate me so she had to sleep now or she'll get late for the school. 

I hung up the phone and went to sleep as I also had to wake up early, the next day would be my birthday so obviously. 

Next day I woke up and went to the bathroom, as I came out I looked at Natasha decorating the house, she was sticking balloons to the walls, I said good morning which she replied with a smile. She told me she bought clothes for me to go to school and gave me. 

(A/n- In India in some schools kids wear coloured/ fashinable dresses while going to school during their birthdays, then they will distribute chocolates to their fellow students, teachers and staff.) 

I thanked her and then quickly wore it. I wore a black jeans pant with a black open denim jacket with white T-shirt inside. It enhanced my cuteness. I had to say Natasha's choice was quite good. 

After that I took the chocolate packet and then she took me to the school and returned quickly after leaving me standing at the school gate. Still she did not forget to give me a goodbye peck. 

I entered my class between the exclamations from the students. Only my friends knew that the day was my birthday so it was a surprise for most of them and as a 6 year old child it was obvious for them to get excited for a free chocolate so they were really excited. 

Shanaya also congratulated me as I sat beside her. Amaira also congratulated me before starting the class. All of my friends were excited about my birthday and talked about the celebration before lunch. During the lunch I gave a treat to my group of friends from the school canteen. After that before the next class started I asked the teacher to go to distribute the chocolates to the teachers and to my fellow students. One could say that it was like a tradition to take a student to distribute the chocolates so the teacher asked me who I wanted to go with. I didn't had to reply as a small hand rose from the last bench. No need to guess, it was Shanaya who raised it. It may have been the first time when a boy had taken a girl with him because as I was going outside the class and Shanaya took my hand with a smile the teacher had an understanding expression and an elder's smile. 

After distributing chocolates to the teachers and fellow students where many took more than one I came back to my seat and spent the rest of the time like everyday. 

After the school, when I and Shanaya were coming out from the school gate Maya told Natasha that she'll come before evening at about 4:00 p.m. so that she could help us for the preparations. 

After school she took me to the nearby temple where I worshipped Lord Shiv and thanked him for giving me this life. 

After the pooja we came back to the house. 

After coming back I looked at the decoration and was stunned as what Natasha did was like those professionals. From the happy birthday sticker in the centre of the hall to those ballons sticking on the walls and those stickers of stars and some other designs. I could see why her shop runs so good. She did such a great decoration with these little decorative pieces, with her designing skills it was normal to have a well running business. 

After freshing up Natasha started preparing for food and some other stuff while I went for.... anything. 

At 4:00 p.m. Maya came with Shanaya in her Audi A4. Maya wore green coloured altered salwar suit which was tight around her chest which accentuated her big bust even more. 

She came and hugged me while congratulating me. This was the first time I felt her bust and I could definitely say those were some great pair of bazookas there. She put me down from her embrace just as I started enjoying those breasts on my small face. After that Shanaya also came and hugged me and it was even tighter than her mother as if she was jealous of her own mother. She was wearing a designer one piece with opening like a skirt on the lower side reaching to her knees. 

After that we went inside my room and played until all of my friends did not come. 

It was about 7:30 p.m. until all of my friends and guests came. Surya looked the most excited because as soon as he came he gave me a tight hug while telling me how awesome the party was. Sania also hugged me, with her expression it looked like some bad thoughts started sprouting in that 6 year old lady. All wore colourful child dresses with different cartoons and designs printed on their clothes. Sanket was the only one who wore some different expensive looking elegant styled dress. Even Somil only wore those designer kids dresses. Soumya and Kiran wore shiny top and jeans while other boys were in boys t-shirt and jeans. 

"Oh my darling you didn't visit the shop I was so worried about you", a cute noise came from the door. 

Who could it be other than Ayesha. She came and picked me up, while hugging me tightly she congratulated for my birthday. 

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All of my friends looked at me with surprised expression. 

"Everybody's looking, you should put me down now", I said being embarassed. 

" You're so mean, I came to meet you just after closing the shop and you act like this to me", she teased me again. 

"You should put down the act now, come and help me", Natasha's voice came from the kitchen. 

" Yes boss", Ayesha ran towards the kitchen but only after kissing my cheek once and leaving a red lipstick mark there. 

Other workers from the shop also came behind her and congratulated me while gifting some toys. I thanked them too. After congratulating me they all sat down on the sofa. 

"Hey brother, enjoying your time", Surya said while hitting me with the elbow with a knowing smirk. He said it after Ayesha picked me up. 

I don't know how a normal 6 year old like him got that much knowledge about the adult stuff. From all of our friends he was the most knowledgeable in adult's field so he knew what I had just been through. What could I do, I just smacked the back of his head and said you've got guts now. 

At the start of school Surya attempted bullying me but I easily over-powered him resulting me getting respected as an older brother by him. So he always joked with me resulting in getting smacked at the head while all of us laughed. So the situation at that moment was not something new and everybody just laughed it off, Surya too. 

Some time later Natasha and Maya brought the cake which was a two storey cake having pineapple and butter scotch flavours. 

Natasha told me she did not want me to blow the candle as it was a sign of someone dying according to hindu rituals so I just cut the cake while everybody sang the birthday song. I took a piece and took it to Natasha's mouth and said, "Thank you mama for everything you're doing for me, I'll definitely return to you 100 fold", she bit half of it, took it from my hand and brought it to my mouth saying, " I just want you to be happy and prosperous in life, happy birthday, may God give you everything you want", I ate the other half of it. 

After that I also gave some slices to Shanaya, Ayesha, Maya and then Natasha took it to distribute it to everybody. 

After eating cake and other snacks we all danced and enjoyed the rest of the time. 

After that all of my friends and guests left leaving me, Shanaya, Maya, Ayesha and Natasha. 

The three elders cleaned the house as Shanaya and I waited for the food. 

Our mothers brought the food and we all enjoyed the food that Natasha and Maya made. They made Chole bhature, Raita, Gulab Jamun and some other stuff. Shanaya and I were salivating looking at the food and started eating as soon as the food was served. After eating Maya and Natasha talked while Ayesha played with both of us.

All three of them returned home at about 12:00 p.m. midnight. It looked like Shanaya's father was again out of town otherwise they would had to return home sooner. Maya said she'll drop Ayesha home so she did not take the taxi. 

After sending them home Natasha locked the door and we went to the bed directly exhausted by all that. 

We both were awake but were silent, we both knew it was time for the promises. After some time Natasha turned towards me and cupped my small head in her hands, I saw her eyes wet with tears, she was crying. 

"Baby... tell me the promise you want me to make", she said slowly, trying her best to stop the tears coming from her eyes. 

" Mumma.... I... I..", it was the first time when I felt so under-confident after getting those past life memories. I stuttered a lot. 

"Don't be afraid, I will do my best to keep the promise", she said while looking at my eyes directly with moist eyes of her own. 

" I... mumma I.... want you to.. to take me as an adult. I.. I know all that adult know, I only want 9 years from now, if in these 9 years I'll be unable to prove myself as a worthy adult for you then you can marry anyone, but.. but please don't leave me, I... I don't want to loose you, I.. I don't want any other dad, I.. I'm happy with you, I'll prove myself, I'll be your husband, I'll earn money but please give me 9 years, please don't marry anyone, I.. I don't want to lose you,I don't like it when any man wants you and gets near you, I don't want you to have anyone other than me,I'm I'm sob.. sob..", I wrapped my hands around her waist and hugged her as tightly as I could. All the past life's as well as this life's misery came flooding in my brain resulting in all the things I said. At that moment, it was not only about my lust but for the love and care that she gave me in those two and a half years which made me eager for her. At first it was lust but slowly as my memories started intertwining I understood how important she was in my life and how hopeless would I become if I lost her. 

"Hey Ritik, don't cry, you... you had that much thoughts in your heart, you could have told me sooner, I.. I... ", she didn't knew how to reply, it was obvious as any girl would be speechless listening to these type of words from a 6 year old boy. 

" Umm.. I, I, OK, I'll give you 10 years, if you come first everytime and prove that you're worthy to be someone great then... then I'll definitely be with you, okay, please dont cry, baby.. you're scaring me, please look at me Ritik", listening to her reply my fast beating heart and trembling body calmed down albeit a little. 

I lifted my head and looked at her with tears in my eyes. I was still holding her tight as if I was scared of losing her. I closed my eyes and my body moved on its own to kiss her glistening lips, as I was in a psychologically weak state. 


'What.... what did he said, he... he actually thinks of me like that, he.. he want me to be his partner and.. and what was those 9 years about, he would only be fifteen after that, how... how could a 6 year old boy have such deep thoughts, no.. looks like that accident 2 years ago really took a toll on him, but.. what should I reply, we are not blood related and he's really a gifted child and he also takes care of himself physically, should... should I reply yes, no... that's not right, what am I thinking, I am his mother, but... but he wants me as his wife umm... no first let's make him take that promise and we'll think what to do after 10 years", deciding what to do while my mind was still in turmoil. I asked my dear child to look at me directly but as he looked at me with teary eyes in his state of anxiety he moved to kiss me. 

I moved my hands to stop his lips just before mine. 

POV ( MC ) -

Feeling the hands on my lips before I reached her lips I opened my eyes which still had tears streaming down continuously. 

"That... I'll make the promise that you want but only if you'll make the promise that I want", Natasha said stuttering. 

" O... OK, I'll.. I'll promise whatever you want mumma", I quickly tried washing the tears from my eyes with the shirt around my forearms and looked at her expectantly with an innocent naive expression.

"You.. you will not kiss me until then, it.. it is a bad thing for a child so.. so you promise to not do it until you prove yourself worthy to be my better half", she said stuttering with an anxious expression and teary eyes with a face expecting me to accept it. 

"I... ( after thinking for twenty seconds) I'll do as mumma says", like my regular reply on her every decision I said to lighten the mood and ease the situation as much as I can. 

Listening to my reply a small smile with full of ecstacy, love and affection appeared on her face. That one smile broke all of my restraints for her and I hugged her tightly clinging to her which obviously she returned me back. 

Her big chest was attached to me yet I didn't feel aroused but rather relaxed. I felt my last life's misery and death were totally worth it for that one moment, the motherly love and affection that I lost in the last life was given double no even triple fold in this life. 

That night after that moment we did not leave each other's embrace and slept until 8:00 a.m. Next day when we woke up we were still clinging to each other.

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