Fulfilling Life of an Urban Time Manipulator

Chapter 28: Pale Girl’s Life and Thoughts

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After some light jokes we went to our homes. 

Like everyday after telling us about the food Natasha left for the shop. 

I quickly took the bath and then Sania went inside for her turn. It was only one day from when she started living with us but her hesitation for us had started changing. She had became more open in that one day only. 


It has been more than a day since I started living with my school crush and his so called mom Or I don't know what to call their relationship. I am taking a bath and thinking back to the last five years, if we leave that custody exchange moment aside then these past 2 days may be the best days that I had in the last 5 years. I got to play games that I wanted since childhood. Big Sis Natasha treated me as her real sister and above that Shanaya's mother even threw a party as I became the 5th member to join their so called club. Haha.. it's really hilarious how I could still be hesitating around such good people. 

It may be due to the self protective layer that my body developed during these 5 years of total torture with my father. I should not say it but he's really isn't worthy to be called my father. The time when I most needed his support was the time when he somehow formed a new family outside without even letting me know about it. 

Above that, he even started troubling me so that I could go away from him. He could had told me Or given me some legal allowance and I would had left him for good but no, he used such illegal ways. But him being my father, I didn't want to trouble him with anything so I didn't file any case against him, after all after my mother died, he also became depressed and it may be sudden that he got in trouble and somehow things may had happened making him start a new family. I don't know and I don't want to know, as Ritik always says, I got my whole damn life to live, love and enjoy. 

Thinking about my childhood, I spent my starting days in a lower middle-class family but it was fulfilling, my mother loved me and father cared for me. I started loving video games when my father bought a cheap console when I was four something. Two years after, even with our financial condition being tight my father put me in one of the best school in town. I still remember that day, a black haired cute boy came in class and by himself sat beside the cutest girl at that time, I was just 2 seats away from them and I looked at how he treated her. I don't know how this little feeling that I developed then changed into obsession but... I did started loving him somewhere during next 3 years but I never told him as he was always with Shanaya. 

Even with some financial problems I was living happily with good school friends, a loving mother and caring father and especially a lot of video games. 

Yet.... God had something more painful planned for me, everything was going well other than those financial problems but suddenly my mother fell Ill, it was during my fourth grade and slowly her condition deteriorated, not even the doctors could tell what had happened to her and at last during my 5th standard she died and that became the life changing event for me. 

Being the daughter of a depressed drunk father was tough but I coped with it, I went on and on, even if God put me through the hardest situation I fought with it but slowly my personality changed and I became introverted and shy and little by little seeing Ritik treating Shanaya so well I also started longing for the same love, respect and care. I don't know when but my attraction towards Ritik who completed every wish of Shanaya changed to an unprecedented level. But with the change of personality It became more and more difficult for me to even talk to my one-sided love. 

And slowly the time went by until my father tried to rape me, Shanaya had started opening up to me during that time and I had told her about my situation before, so not having anyone to talk to I told her everything, I was afraid, anxious, timid and didn't knew what to do that day when I return to my house as I had hit my father's head with a case to protect myself. It was at that time when during lunch Shanaya called Ritik to somehow help me. I broke down when Ritik started consoling me and hugged him tightly, I started crying on his chest. I felt so light so free. It was like I could leave all my worries with him. 

After that I don't know what he thought or what he wanted with me but he brought me home. I did not wanted to return back to my home and so followed him to his house. By the way I met sister Natasha at the school gate and feeling her worry and love for me I again broke down. She also welcomed me to her home. 

And after that all is history, I don't know how I got the courage to ask something like that but now I got the chance to go on a date with my childhood crush, the boy that had been in my mind for the past ten years, I don't know how to face Shanaya if anything happens between me and Ritik but who cares. Atleast for now, as Sister Natasha said, I want to enjoy my life and enjoy these moments, who knows it may all be a dream and I may wake up at any moment. But... thinking of me going alone with Ritik, I'm becoming beet red just thinking about how many things we could do. Should we first go and watch a movie or stroll in some park or.. go somewhere deserted and do some... ohhh... so vulgar shy* shy*. 

But thinking about all that, I still don't know if he likes me Or he's just showing pity for someone lowly like me. Actually, I know I'm too far apart from someone so good like him but I still have confidence in my face value. Even if Shanaya's better than me in every other aspect, I can proudly say I'm better than her in terms of looks. So, I will need some plan to fight fairly with Shanaya but now with Sister Natasha's support I will not back down. I'll fight for Ritik with Shanaya fairly and bravely. I.. I'll show her what I can do. 

But..... thinking about all this, how much time I've spent here in the bathtub. I think more than half an hour have already passed. 

knock* knock* knock*

"Why are you not answering, did you faint, I'm gonna break the door", Ritik's shout came from the door. 

" I.. I am bathing, wait for some time, I'll just come out in a couple of minutes", I said timidly. 

"Hush* I've been shouting for more than 30 seconds, I got so worried thinking that you fainted or something, quickly come out or do you want to empty the whole tank today", Footsteps of someone going away sounded as Ritik said this. 

'Looks like he went outside', I thought. 

Shit* This daydreaming habit of mine, these last five years, being all alone in that house I started daydreaming a lot. But thinking about it like that, what if Ritik really broke the door and come in. Should I retaliate or let him watch myself like he did in the morning. 

Oh my god, I'm becoming such a bad girl. But, he was really worried about me now, did he really care for me that much. 

But, putting all things aside, what is Ritik's relationship with Sister Natasha, why do they do such..... taboo things, I know they are not real mother and son but anyways, actually, thinking about it, Sister Natasha does not have any boyfriend or something like that, she doesn't even talk about someone like that. So, what Ritik and Sister did in the kitchen was due to Sister Natasha becoming unable to control her emotions which made her have that kind of relationship with Ritik. Actually, I should ask Ritik directly, I know I will be intruding their personal space but as they said I'm their new family member. 

Wait a minute, who am I explaining all this too, I'm really dumb explaining it to some kind of readers as if being in a novel or something. Wait, if I really am then what should I say now, 

wink* wink* please stay tuned to read about my cute date with Ritik. 

Now, I should return back or Ritik might really break the door and barge in. 


So, how was it, knowing how Sania feels and thinks. Tell me in the comments. 

Coming back to my life story, 

I was sitting on the sofa waiting for her to come out. Slowly half an hour passed by, I got worried and thus tried calling her, she did not answer for half a minute and then replied sheepishly. I really thought that she did slept inside there. 

 After that I came back and waited for her to come out and join me in eating. 

After about 5 minutes, she came out and wore the beautiful black one piece dress which fell down to her knee. Her pale white calves were present in front of. I was never a foot person but at that moment I really wanted to enjoy those slim white legs. She caught me looking at her legs but did not back down. 

"Should we eat now, I'm really hungry", she asked making me move my eyes away from those feet. 

" Yes-yes, I already am hungry as I did not get anything in lunch", I said moving towards the dining table where all the food was already present. 

Each of us took a plate and served ourselves. 

"Actually, Ritik, I would like to talk about Sister Natasha and you, I know I'm entering too much in your privacy but as Sister Natasha said, I would be living with both of you now so I should know about it too, what is your relationship with Sister Natasha, I'm unable to decipher it, I don't want to judge both of you but.... ", She asked about me and Natasha. 

" Well, you see, as a family member you do need to know about it, well... nothing's bad in telling you about it, umm... Natasha took me in when both my mother and father died, that you know right (she nodded in reply) , actually, she married my father at 18-19 something, her family was poor and thus working at my father's business she started an affair with my father for money but it turned to love and then my father divorced my mother and married Natasha but he did not stop meeting my mother, he was sailing on two boats but it came to a halt as my father and mother both died in a car accident when I was four. Natasha felt guilty of breaking them apart and thought she caused me to loose my parents, so she took me in."

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"After that she sold all of my father's businesses and came here to start anew, she started her decoration store with our names and admitted me in the best school here, years went by and my obsession for her as a child turned to I don't know how to describe it, it was something different, slowly I came closer and with her response the thing that started with a kiss turned into a taboo relationship, I cut short a lot of things but you should understand it was not easy for us to start something like that, behind this taboo relationship is 10 years of suffering. These times made us come closer and started this relationship. I know it will be hard for you to gulp it all down but Natasha is the most important person in my life and I will not leave her for any other person, not even Shanaya, if she can't accept our relationship then I'll leave her without even thinking for a second."

"We.. well, it will not take time for me to accept it, I think what you're saying is correct. According to what you said, Sister Natasha did give her all raising you and you got valid reasons to have that... attraction towards her. I assure you I'll never interfere in your relationship and... being a new member I'll even try to assimilate in it", Sania replied with a red face. 

" Well, it is good that you understood, now, only one thing remains, I know we told you again and again but... don't hesitate around us, just enjoy your time, we are gonna live together for a very long time so... enjoy my video games but first complete that project and before that let's eat the food or it'll turn cold.", I quickly said. 

"Yes, you're right", she said with a bright smiling face. 

After eating I called Natasha and told her to bring some things and then gave Sania some instructions on how to run the computer and complete the project. 

She started doing the project and I came out to do workout, I've been sluggish for some of the past days so I decided to workout more that day. 


Soon two hours passed by, Sania came out just as I finished my workout, I was sweaty making me ambrosial. I was not sure why but my sweat did not had a foul smell rather it was pleasing to smell so I never got worried even if I sweated too much. 

My body was glistening with sweat while I wore Gym vest and shorts. My long hair were made to lie backwards with a sporty headband. My white yellowish body was shining all over with all the sweat due to the vigorous workout. 

Sania came out from the bedroom and looked at me standing in the hall. She was dumbfounded looking at me and very quickly her face turned red. I was not ashamed as this reaction was what I earned after those years of hard work. 

"We... well, Ritik you... you want to clean up", she asked stuttering. 

" I would surely love to take a shower", I said with a smirk. 

"Oh.. Ok, you can go, that... I'll just play the video games", she said quickly moving away towards the television. 

I shook my head and moved towards the bathroom. 


Oh my God, he's so hot. I could have had nosebleed at that moment like those cartoon characters. 

My god that glistening body, even his sweat doesn't smell bad. He's really a male God. 

Actually, now that I think about it, I cannot start the PS4. Should I try it myself. Wait a minute, I could ask him and hehe... ( inner smirk), just take a peek at his body. Oh no, such a bad girl. But, I just want to ask him how to start the PS4, I'm not doing something bad. 

Thinking all that I moved towards the bathroom. 

Outside the bathroom door I started thinking of how to ask him but I decided to let everything go with the flow and just opened the door slightly. 

As I peeked through the door, I saw a naked Ritik standing inside looking directly at me with a smirk on his face. 

"I... I.. I didn't want to peek, I just wanted to know how to plug in the video game", I hurriedly asked him taking my head back from the door. I was so.. so..... ashamed. Oh my God, he caught me peeking at him. 

Ritik opened the door and came out in his... his... underpants. I can't believe what I was seeing, such a greek-god sculptured physique. Broad shoulders with toned 8 abs lean sporty body. Above that such a handsome face. Oh my God, I feel like I am going to have a nosebleed. 

"Hey, don't you want to learn how to plug it in", he said after reaching in front of the T.V.

" I... I do", I stuttered. 

He taught me everything, how to start plug in and initiate the game. It was a torture to learn as I was fully concentrating on his body. After about 5 minutes he told me he's going back for the shower and I nodded repeatedly like a madman. 

I started playing still dazed thinking about that godly person whom I'm residing with now. 

After sometime Ritik came out and we started playing. This time we started enjoying the game a lot as I even tried to get near him, pushing my shoulders onto his and having a little skin contact. He did not respond like any other boy and did not shy away rather I felt he was accepting my initiations. 

Time passed by, I got up to mop the floor, I cleaned the house and at eight at night Sister Natasha came back. 

We welcomed her and after eating we went to the sofa to enjoy the rest of the time. 

We watched the T.V. for some time after which I felt Sister Natasha started getting bored. Ritik did not act like yesterday but I thought they do want to continue from the day before so being the family member I tried to clarify with Sister Natasha.

"Well, Sister you see, Ritik told me about both of you, so, if you want then both of you can sleep in the bedroom and I could sleep in the hall, well, I don't want to cause a rift between the both of you"

"HAH! Wh.. what did Ritik tell you", Sister said with a shocked expression.

" He.. he told me.... ", I told her everything. 

" Wait... that much to such a little girl, Ritik, come here", A head peeked out from inside the blanket and as soon as it came out, it received a severe ear pulling from Sister Natasha. 

"You... you think everyone's as perverted as you, telling such things to such an innocent girl, I should not have left you alone with the girl, you're such a bad influence, tell me Sania he didn't try to pull some foolish tricks on you or did he", she asked me. 

I quickly shook my head left and right denying in response. 

Like that the whole night passed by as Ritik got a punishment of no sleeping alone with Sister Natasha for a week along with a little ear pulling and spanking. He was crying explaining himself saying he just wanted me to know everything about the family but who is Sister Natasha, she did not bet him an eye and hugged me to sleep. He could just console himself by hugging her back from her behind.

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