
Chapter 1: Chapter 01- Boys can be forced into marriage as well

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‘You shouldn’t lose your heart in situations such as these. Stand up, fight and give it your all, then trust me you will find yourself out of the mess!’

I remembered my deceased old man’s words.

The times have changed.

The people around me have changed.

Hell, even the composition of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere has changed!

With the end of the previous era, the Warring Tribulations Era, now the era of New Dawn, or that's what they wrote in the newspapers has started.

I don't really get what they meant by New Dawn, the situation of the country has become even worse but I guess you can't expect the newspapers to be true under a corrupted government.

The number of jobs has decreased a lot as well forcing more and more people to commit crimes. Even the ‘patriots’ who were once revered and loved by this country’s people are now being treated as villains because of their protest against this new government’s policy.

With the death of the old emperor, His Majesty Goro Boro and the enthronement of his successor Maro Boro, the political situation of the country is in turmoil as well. There are also rumors that the new Emperor Maro Boro is in feud with his other relatives because of the present situation.

But even in times like these there are people who are trying to live a peaceful and happy life. I am one of those…


Something hit my head whilst I was finishing my monologue.

“What the hell are you staring at!? Serve me the food!”

A 70-year-old old man ordered me as if I was his servant or something.

“Dad, are you sure about this? I don't wanna marry such a plain looking stupid guy!”

It was a woman’s voice.

She was complaining about her to-be-groom to her father

And well, you must have guessed that the guy she was talking about…was me!!!!!

And did she just say plain looking and stupid?

This hag who is more than 50 years old!?

Damn it!!!!

The incident goes back to three days ago, my father had taken a large amount of debt from loan sharks and after his death they started haunting me until one day, they kidnapped me and sold me off to the father and daughter duo.

When I was sold, I came to know about the father’s reason for buying me which was to marry me off with his daughter.

At first, I wanted to escape from there, to run away from this forced marriage. But the thought of getting married to a mature woman and getting laid (getting laid mostly) made me doubt my decision and I ended up staying there.

I was really happy that I would get to lose my v-card to someone mature.


When I saw this hag in front of me, I felt all my dreams going down in drains!

Aah!!! Why do I have to suffer like that!? Is this the end of me, Tomio Yamada!? Damn it! Stupid father!!

“What are you dawdling around for, hah!? Go and bring me some booze!”

One of the old man’s bodyguards kicked me on my butt.

‘Ouch! It hurts dammit!’

I was about to get up and bring the booze when,

“Ah! Are there any free tables available, barkeeper?”

Someone opened the door and entered the inn

It was man, probably in his late teens or early twenties. He came inside the bar-cum-restaurant.

He was wearing a deep blue colored Haori over a black colored kimono and he had two swords at the left side of his waist. The man looked dignified and noble at first glance.

He had long, pitch black hair, blacker than anyone’s I have ever seen, to be honest, for a moment it seemed to me as if he had dyed his hair, well he could have since it’s not uncommon for youngsters’ hair to go white in troubling times like these. His black, abyss-like eyes had a strange allure to them as if they were two black holes which can suck in everything!

The moment I saw that man, I realized two things,

First, I really am a plain looking stupid guy!!!

Second, this guy can be my escape ticket!!

What if...I set up this guy with the hag? As soon as this idea hit my head, I started laughing inwardly

Hahahaha, oh Tomio-kun, you are so evil!

I gave a quick glance to my about-to-be-bride, as expected her eyes were shining.

Damn it this makes me jealous for some reason!

But…it’s going to be fine. I am going to push off this hag onto that pretty boy!

“Ah, I am sorry sir, but the place is all booked earlier by these customers. I am very sorry.”

The owner of the establishment, a woman bowed and apologized to the young man.

‘No! I can’t let this happen!!!’

“F-father-in-law, wouldn’t it be great if we were to share a seat with this gentleman?”

I pleaded in a shaky voice

“You! You dare to…”

The old dog started growling at me

“Yes father, he is right! We should let him sit with us”

My about-to-be-wife said persuading her father. This woman…I don’t even know what I should say with her!

The old dog, unable to ignore his daughter’s wishes invited the man to sit with us.

The man came to the table and sat down politely. Every action of his was dignified as if he was a part of the high society.

“Thank you for allowing me to sit here and share the food, my name is Fuyuki Hayashi. May I know your names?”

The man asked in a polite voice.

Damn! Even his voice sounds so good!!

“I am Taizo Shirohara and this is my daughter Hana Shirohara. These are our bodyguards, Tommy, Pommy and Nommy.”

The man introduced himself, his daughter and even his bodyguards.

And Hana? This hag’s name means flower!? Which part of her seems 'flowery' to anyone!? 

And what’s with the names of these bodyguards!? Are they dogs or something!?

“Ah I see, nice to meet you all”

The man gave a small but courteous bow.

He might seem to be a courteous person at first glance but from the way he acted I can tell, he didn’t even pay attention when the old dog introduced himself.

Not to mention, he didn’t even ask for my name!

The man started eating the food like he hadn’t eaten anything in a few days.

Seeing him eat like that, I don’t know when but I started drooling as well.

“Ah by the way, what do you do Fuyuki-kun? Looking at your face, you must be from a big household. What are you doing here? Are you out on a mission by any chance?”

“Ah don’t worry about it, I am an orphan and I am not on a mission. I was just passing by this place and got hungry, that’s all. And why isn’t this person with a plain face eating with us? I don’t really like eating when others are drooling over my food, please give him something to eat as well”

The man said as if it wasn’t a big deal at all.

This guy…he is an orphan?

Then, isn’t he just like me?

Plus, he even asked the old dog to give me food, although he did call me a plain looking guy but still, he asked the old man to feed me…this guy…he is so kind.

Is it really alright for me to send someone like him to an eternal hell with that woman?

The man was eating his food with an innocent and pleased expression on his face just like a child drinking milk from his bottle before his vaccination. But he didn't know what a cruel fate awaited him in future. For all I know, he might turn into a boy-toy in the near future! 

Oh god, what have I done!?

As expected, the old dog’s expression changed,

“You…you are saying that you are an orphan!? You piece of trash, stop eating!!”

Old dog Taizo tried to snatch the plate from that guy’s hands but for some reason he wasn’t able to.

"Ahh!!! Let go, let the plate go you bastard!!"

You are reading story Fuyuki at novel35.com

“Dad let him be, I have changed my mind, I will marry this man!”

Shit! Now she wants to marry him!? Doesn’t that mean she rejected me just now!?

I don’t know why, I should be happy right now but for some reason I am feeling very sad and angry.

And why the hell is she blushing, hah!? Dammit this makes me even more mad!

“Huh? Marriage? With this old hag? I would rather commit suicide!”

Did he just call her an old hag!? And that too after eating the food, this man is so…shameless!

The Fuyuki guy kept on eating and just after he finished the food, he let go of the plate.

"Ah that was good, thanks for the food!"

Taizo who was still trying to pull the plate away from his hands got thrown away.


His bodyguards went after him to help him get up

“Well whatever, I will be leaving now. I hope I never see you guys again and rather than finding a husband for your daughter, you should find her some kids whom she can take care of. Do you want me to take you to an orphanage or something?” He waited a moment for their reply and then,

“Ah, so you don’t? Well whatever, bye!”

“Oh I almost forgot, the food was great, lady! I will come again later, these guys will be paying my bill. Later.”

After saying that he proceeded to leave the place.

“What are you fools looking around for!? Catch that man, right now! I will marry him to Hana-chan!”

The old man shouted his lungs off.

Why can’t this guy just die from all this shouting and screaming!?

The bodyguards Pommy, Tommy and Nommy got up and unsheathed their swords to catch the man.

This is all my fault, I won’t let any harm come to that man.

I jumped at one of the bodyguards to stop him from catching that man.


“Run away, now! Please go away! Don’t let yourself become a slave of these fools!” 

The bodyguard raised his sword to cut me down.

Sigh…looks like I will be dying without losing my v-card, though it does pain me a bit but I guess it’s fine too.

Hah! This is probably the first time I have done something noble in my life. I hope my next life would be peaceful.

I waited for the sword to cut me, I read in a book that the pain is only there for a moment before it vanishes alongside one’s life.

But even after waiting for a bit nothing happened to me, I opened my eyes a bit to see what happened, it was then that I noticed blood over my clothes but the blood wasn’t mine, it belonged to the bodyguard behind me.

The pretty boy named Fuyuki had thrust his sword in the bodyguard’s shoulder!

The bodyguard had a terrified expression on his face. Seeing the sword pierce him, he fainted on the spot.


Old dog Taizo couldn’t believe his eyes.

The man ignored him and looked at me, then he said,

“You shouldn’t lose your heart in situations such as these. Stand up, fight and give it your all, then trust me you will find yourself out of the mess!”

He said the same thing as my father did.

Now I feel stupid for saving him!

“What do you know!? You don’t know how much I have suffered!”

“Yep, you are right about that. But aren’t you the same? You don’t know anything about me or my sufferings either.”


“Well, you can be a wuss if you want to, it’s not any of my business any way. But…are you sure that you want to live the rest of your life with this hag and this fart!?”


“Do you want to die as a toy whose only use is to play with the hag!?”


“Do you want to have your first time with this hag!?”


“Don’t you want to play with beautiful girls!?”

“No!!! I mean yes!!!”

“That’s good, so if you want to do that then take up your sword and fight for your life!!”

The man threw his other sword at me.

I caught the sword with my hand and brought it out of its sheath.

But my steps faltered…

“But what will I do after this? My father was a ‘patriot’, I doubt I would get any job”

This was the truth.

I thought that I would get access to free food and shelter if I were to marry her. 

"I can't support myself, because of my father being a 'patriot' no one ever gives me a job. I am not even strong enough to fight! I can’t even become a mercenary or anything like that because of my weakness!”

This was the truth, I am undoubtedly pathetic.

“Oh you are plenty strong, I have sensed it from you. Just when I arrived here you tried to set me up with that hag didn’t you? But when you thought that I would be in trouble if I get together with this hag you jumped in to protect me, that’s enough of a show of strength in my opinion. So go ahead and pick up your sword! Cut anyone and everyone that comes I your way! Forge your own path ahead all by yourself!”

I couldn’t stop myself after this. My blood started to boil in my veins, my breaths started becoming deeper and heavier. My eyes also became heavier, it seemed to me as if my body was breaking its limits and becoming something entirely new. It seemed to me as if a different type of strength had awoken inside me.


With a loud cry I attacked the two bodyguards and sent them flying unconscious.



“What are you doing slave!?”

Taizo shouted at me once again but this time instead of bowing my head I punched him across his face and sent him flying as well.

Hana, the hag was looking at me with lost eyes.

I was about to slap her as well when the person who lent me his sword stopped me.

“She might be a pig but she is still a woman. Don’t do it”

I stopped midway and tried to return his sword but he didn’t take it and said,

“It’s fine you can have it now”

“Weee Oooo Weee Oooo!”

Suddenly I heard the police siren

Crap! They came too soon!

“Let’s leave this instant! I know about a safe route…huh? Where are you going!?”

The man left me and ran away.

I was about to run away too when

“Hold it right there! You are under arrest!!”

Shit! Why is my luck so rotten!?

You can find story with these keywords: Fuyuki, Read Fuyuki, Fuyuki novel, Fuyuki book, Fuyuki story, Fuyuki full, Fuyuki Latest Chapter

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