Galactic Officer stranded in a medieval world

Chapter 1: Prologue: A Torn Galaxy

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FGC 2426, Republican Fleet 119th

Inside a simple room, accommodated only by bookshelves, metal desks and comfortable chairs. Were two men in a clear white uniform talking in whispers. One of the men stood as he whispered into the ear of his superior, of which the latter responded by a whisper and a document in a brown folder.

“Commodore.” A young adjutant gave a salute as he left his commanding officer’s office, silence ensuing.

[Commodore, The Galactic Federation has started closing in on our position. You’re orders?] His AI spoke.

“I don’t know.” The commanding officer, young as he may appear, was as at the same mentality of his older superiors. “The ship’s supplies are good, but repairs are nonexistent. I suggest we just surrender by now, I can get a pardon with how things are going.”

He was the young commodore, Kliest Nevell, having served for more than 9 years in the field of both naval and land battles, he was respected by the young and the old. However, it seemed as though his youth and popularity were fading away to obscurity with just no more a single choice.

“Humanity was supposed to be united in this sacred war, to think that even in the dire of events. Humanity would be divided.”

Kliest massaged his temples, as he turned his swivel chair towards the window behind him. Staring to the vast darkness called space, sprinkled with stars from far away, alight and dimmed.

Light travels fast… it seemed the sounds of reality just finally struck me…


7 years ago…

FGC 2419, Galactic Congress of the Federation.

“This bill will enamor the people, not only humans but those of the Xenos. We shall unite, as one sentient species, to combat the threat of clear extermination. The Myrophix!”

The loud voice erupted from the hovering, round floor, currently positioned at the center of the vast congress of the Galactic Federation. His voice was heard above and beyond, not only echoing within the congress, but also at the minds of those whom listened at his heart-pumping speech.

“Long live the Galactic Federation, A unified nation. Now free of discrimination!”

Thunderous clapping soon erupted by the fellow representatives currently present, human or not. They all clapped in uniform, smiles and cheers exuding from the innards of their mouths.

It was at this day, the United Species Bill, passed the Federal congress. It was a bill that formally abolished non-human slavery, the allowance of non-humans to serve the national service, and to give non-humans the same privilege and conditions as that of humans. It was a bill that many expected to be shot down in the human-dominated congress.

It’s passage and enforcement were undeniably— a ground-breaking event that would forever be remembered in the hearts and memories of many.


5 Years ago…

FGC 2421, Office of Colonel Kliest Nevell.

A simple decorated room, resembling a personal apartment of sorts, was currently occupied by one single man. Donning his military uniform dyed complete of gray hues, his face was immediately shocked as he opened his television.

[It has been formally announced, the secession of the Republic of Man. From the Galactic Federation’s 71,000,000-star systems. Around 10,000,000-star systems have formally filed for secession.]

The young marine Colonel, currently awaiting his promotion to Brigadier General, watched the ground-breaking news through his flat-screen television. He was at a loss for words, as a veteran of 3 campaigns that had remained lingering within his mind, never could he imagine such an event to occur.

“What… What the hell’s happening.” He couldn’t yell nor give anything else other than a monotonous voice of shock, “W-why are they separating?”

[This just in, The Republic of Man, has also announced that they are requesting the signing of a non-aggression pact, a defensive-pact, and a trade deal. However, borders shall remain closed for immigrants, unless they are off pure human blood and origin.]

“T-that’s it? Just because of specism? Just because you hate them for being non-humans?” He immediately stood, a clear face of anger, “T-this is—"


Suddenly, a knocking sound erupted from behind his office’s only doorway. Though he was still in shock and anger, he nonetheless recomposed himself and fixed his attire. Kliest then proceeded to walked towards the door and open it in a small angle, enough for both parties to talk without sudden unwanted movements.

“Good Morning. Colonel Nevell”

Immediately, the young colonel was met by 4 familiar faces from behind his doorway. Two of the men were his fellow officers in the marines, whilst two currently wore the navy’s pure white uniform, of which one of the two held the rank of Vice Admiral.

“Good morning, officers.” Kliest gave a salute to the faces before him.

“May we enter?”

“O-of course, please, be at ease.”

Kliest then proceeded to fully unlock the door, to which the 4 men entered and subsequently took a seat of their choosing. Upon preparing some instant coffee for his guest, Kliest followed suit and sat on a chair that made all his guest look at him.

“Well, then, why are my fellow officers and some men from the navy here in my humble establishment?”

Kliest initiated the conversation.

“Well,” Immediately responding, was the vice admiral, to which Kliest presumed to be the main reason of the other 3’s attendance, “I’ve been asking if you wish to transfer to the navy?”

“Me? Navy?”

Although Kliest had graduated from the esteemed National Academy of Military and Naval arts. Majoring in Military Sciences, Engineering, and Logistical Sciences. He wasn’t apart of the respected top 20 students, rather he graduated 174 of the 267 students, due to his failing Engineering grade.

However, he was nonetheless an exceptional student in practicals, strategies and tactics, Logistics, and military theories. He was a decorated marine officer, as shown in the medals he currently had on his uniform, and portraits that were across the room.

“Yes, we’ve heard of the Commandeering event of 2419. About a young major, commandeering a battleship and acting as a fleet commander due to the ineptitude of the former commander. to which, surprisingly resulted in a decisive victory by an outnumbered human fleet. Something to be clearly respected.”

“Well, I was forced into action… because if I didn’t do that, I would’ve died.”

“That’s true. Additionally, many of us in the admiralty have been considering to lobby your transfer into our ranks. However, due to your experience and excellence in the marine corps, we haven’t been getting any progress.”

“So… you’re telling me…”

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“Yes, the navy and marine corps are fighting for your talent. Both are adamant.”

“Wow… that’s amazing. I’ve never expected that.”

“Well, now you know the reason for your sudden vacation.”

Kliest couldn’t help but laugh at such an idea. When he wanted a vacation, it was clear he was going to be rejected by his superiors, however, much to his surprise, they accepted. To think that it was just to get on his good side.

“That’s funny, thinking about it.”

However, that wasn’t the end of their conversation.

“…How do you see the republic,” Immediately, the tone and atmosphere changed, “Colonel?”


“What do you think of the current administration? Of our galactic Federation?”

Kliest didn’t know how to answer such a question. It was common knowledge that many men had different ideas and belief when it comes to certain issues. Kliest didn’t know if the Vice-Admiral wanted an opinion-based answer or a factual one.

“Well, I suppose corruption cannot disappear, for it is already part of the government. However, I think of them as above average— the current administration, that is.”

“I see.” The vice admiral nodded, before inclining his body and clasping his hands.

“Have you ever considered defecting?”

Kliest was stunned.

“E-excuse me? What?”

“The Galactic Federation has been desecrating the purity of us humans. Change is needed, but not change to our current society. Non-humans remain as non-humans. Don’t you think so, Colonel?”


Kliest had mostly remained silent or neutral in this stance. Due to the reason of necessity and tolerance, and because of the current catastrophe they are currently being faced with.

“The Republic of Man is what the founders of the First Constitution have wanted to ensure. To protect the value and purity of Humans. The new government is currently being structured with a new election, however the military is still being reorganized.”

The vice admiral nodded, barraging Kliest with words he never could’ve imagine leave the mouth of an Admiral of the Federation. To him, it was raising treason. However, he could do nothing but listen.

“We are currently looking for talented individuals for the new armed forces of the Republic of Man. You will be given a rank of your competence, talent and value. Nothing like the decaying state of the Federal Armed forces. The Republic of man, is purely the best of the best, the fittest people that can be called “True Humans”.

Immediately standing from his chair, the vice admiral, and his cadre of officers followed suit. To which he immediately took out a white envelope from his uniform and gently placed it on the table, near his coffee.

“Colonel, I hope you make your choice. I assure you, a promising future.” The vice-admiral then looked back to his cadre, “Isn’t that right, boys?”

“Yes! Secretary of Defense!”

Secretary of Defense!?Wait a minute… the Secretary of Defense cannot be an active duty soldier. Don’t tell me, he’s the Secretary of Defense of the Republic.

“Colonel.” The vice-admiral turned politician gave a salute, and a smile on his face, “I hope you make the right choice. For the future of Humanity.”

“For Humanity!”

“For Humanity!”

“For Humanity!”

Following their goodbye gestures, the 4 officers soon left Kliest’s office. Leaving him stunned on what he had just witnessed, completely stunned.


Current Year, FGC 2426, Republic of Man’s Starbase 007, Near Bastion Pass.

Sipping his coffee alongside numerous loyal subordinates within his ship’s canteen. Kliest was currently awaiting the inevitable, alongside his many subordinates whose future may or may not be bleak.

Currently, his 119th fleet was in a state of replenishment and repairs, or atleast could be considered one. Ever since the fall of Planet Silgsberg, a fortress planet, the Republic was split into two. This resulted in clear supply shortages of both munitions and rations.


“What?” Kliest turned around, to which he found his adjutant, the one whom he sent to the starbase to oversee the repairs, “Most of the fleet has been repaired.”

Most, huh… can’t do anything about that…

“And? You seem quite shaken.”

“W-well, we’ve intercepted one of the transmissions from one of the enemy fleets.”

“And… It’s the 226th Fleet under Rear Admiral Pelitz. He has currently mustered around 3000 ships and is en route to Bastion pass.”

“Bastion Pass? Isn’t that the lane that connects the capital?” As much as Kliest wanted to react appropriately, his fatigue has been slowly getting up to him that even his nanomachines couldn’t suppress it, “Isn’t that also that one starbase that was abandoned?”

“Yes, the Capital has continuously been requesting for reinforcements in Bastion Pass. However, apart from our fleet, the republic only has 6 remaining sailable fleets that are currently occupied, the rest are currently docked due to low manpower, abandoned, or scrapped.”

Kliest gave a sigh, he then finished his coffee in only one sip, before standing up and fixing his attire. As he stood, he could clearly feel the gazes of his subordinates piercing his body like knives. As much as he wanted to give them rest— their duty calls.

“Men.” His voice resonated inside the metal-plated canteen, “Take your serving, rest up, and go to your posts. We shall defend Bastion Pass.”

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