Game Gyaru

Chapter 105: Chapter 105: Cat and Mouse

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The pair both turned their attention to the door leading into their classroom. It was where the source of the voice had come from. They didn’t see anyone they recognized, but someone most certainly had been hiding there as they saw a faint glimpse of a person running. Their footsteps audibly echoing along the hallways as they rushed off.

“We were watched?” Ino spoke in a panic. “Quick, we can’t let them escape.” She ran off towards the door first. Which allowed Hakuta a front row seat to seeing her somehow ram half her body into the door frame instead of going through the door like a normal person. She hit it hard with a loud thud and fell down to the ground with an equally loud sound.

“Are you okay?” He ran up to her and helped the girl get back onto her feet.

“Apologies, I’m not wearing my glasses.” She explained the reason for what had just occurred. “If I’m walking, I can survive. But moving too quick means I can’t process the images well enough.”

“Here, give me the keys.” He put out his hand. “I’ll run down quickly and lock the door. It’s the only way out since the gates are closed right now.”

“Use the exit over there.” She pointed in the opposite direction where they saw the figure run off to. “It’s quicker that way, so you’ll probably beat them down there. Just need a key to unlock the door.” Ino then pointed to the correct key in his hand to use for it. He simply nodded his head and followed her directions as the boy quickly ran out of the classroom.

As she had said, he unlocked the door to exit door for staff and rushed through as quickly as he could. Hakuta found himself outside immediately, just off to the side of the school where he ran fast towards the door. The boy quickly looked out of it to see if he had been too late, but didn’t see any sign of the person out in the world.

While this didn’t indicate whether or not he made it in time, he still made sure to lock the door just in case. Hakuta prepared to head back to where Ino was left at when he noticed something far into the distance. He caught a glimpse of a person standing at the front door before they quickly left his sight be heading into the school once again.

It was clear this wasn’t Ino, but while he wasn’t able to get a good look at them. The boy was able to determine they had bright red hair. Something about it appeared familiar, but who was it? He thought for a moment if he knew someone with red hair, but quickly brushed those thoughts off. Not that they weren’t important, but he knew that with them now trapped inside the school. He would be finding out the truth sooner or later.

Now that he had realized the masked gamer was Ino, Hakuta was able to simply use his phone and contact her through it for quicker communication. As he looked at his contact listing of hers, which was given to the boy shortly after their beach trip, he couldn’t help but continue to feel the shock of the truth about her and the masked gamer.

This current situation they found themselves thrust into without warning prevent Hakuta from being able to properly process his emotions. Of all people, it was truly her? The boy normally would not be able to believe such an insane thought, yet here he was and even now he was trapped in a cycle of not understanding.

The worst part of this all was that he was not the only one to now have learned the truth to the masked gamer’s identity. Whoever had followed them into the school and eavesdropped on their conversation had also figured things out. Now they were trapped here in fear wondering what this person would do with this information. As well as who exactly this person was.

The boy figured out a game plan with her as talked on the phone. She would keep an eye on the stairs while he quickly checked every room on the first floor. This was where they began, but unless there was another hidden area in the school. It was likely this would be where the intruder was hiding around.

Hakuta ran through each room while she waited. He was fast, but also thorough in ensuring he looked at each room completely. This usually just meant having to look at the supply locker in the back, but also looking underneath all desks.

While he did so fast, it still took him a while. The school was a large place and he was only one boy after all. By the time he did a clean sweep of the first floor, he returned to Ino exhausted.

“I take it you had no luck?” She said to him once he returned.

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“No…” He answered while taking deep tired breaths. Hakuta took a moment to look at her as he regained his strength. Here they were talking like normal people. Yet just moments ago, well maybe about 20 minutes ago by now, he was building up anticipation on the identity of his masked friend. She really did pull the wool over his eyes and now they had to just ignore this revelation because something more important came up.

“I didn’t see them come by here either.” She told him. “Of course, they might’ve already went upstairs. If so, then it’s only a matter of time before we corner them proper.

“Yeah, we could.” He then took a look up the stairs. There was a monumental task before him if the boy was truly expected to search through the entire school just to find one person hiding. Not only would be unlikely, as the person would have the element of surprise on him. But to be thorough enough to ensure nowhere was missed meant spending nearly an entire hour just looking for someone.

It was like that one game ‘Murdered by Morning’, that people like playing. It was a horror game where there was a group of survivors trying to escape from one person playing as the killer. Right now it was like he was the killer, but unlike in the game, he was far from strong and capable. “Maybe they didn’t go up the stairs.” He said.

“What makes you think so?” While he only made the suggestion because he didn’t want to go through the physical labor of actually searching for someone. There was another reason for his belief.

“You said you went here straight away after I left?” He asked. She nodded, mentioning that she hung around the stair well before he had even called her on the phone. “Hmm, I know they were at the entrance when I locked the door. So there’s no way they could’ve went up without you seeing then.” Even if her vision wasn’t the best in her current state, there would be no way she wouldn’t notice someone walking besides her.

If he could rule out the upper floors as potential hiding spots, then where could the person be? He had searched all around the classrooms down here. If the person moved from a classroom to one he had already searched, then Ino would’ve likely noticed someone who wasn’t him walking out of a room when he wasn’t looking. “What else is down here on the first floor?”

“Hmm, there’s the cafeteria.” She pointed, but noted that she didn’t notice anything coming in or out of there either. When he went to check, the door was also locked so it was out of the question.

“Wait a second.” Realizing the door was locked made him think about other potential locations. What if the intruder found a place to head into they didn’t think could be searched. “The gym storage.” When Hakuta spoke those words, the pair looked at each other in understanding that he may be correct.

Quickly, the pair headed outside towards the school’s gym storage. While it was most certainly locked during the summer break, the door wasn’t the only way inside. As they neared it, he noted the window to said storage. It wasn’t open, but appeared to have been used recently as it wasn’t tightly sealed as it shouldn’t been for the break. “Okay, stand back and before careful.” Hakuta warned her. Even though it was unlikely they were dealing with a dangerous person. There was no telling what would happen with them no backed into a corner.

Quietly, Hakuta unlocked the door and slowly opened it to reveal what was inside. At first, it seemed there was nothing in here. That perhaps they could’ve been wrong in assuming their intruder was in this building at all. But he knew better than to just give up and they both walked inside slowly to take a closer look.

It really did appear empty, but there was one aspect about this room he took note of as they scanned along for any signs of human activity. The vaulting stand for people to jump up on was set in the middle of this room. Given his past experience as a child, these things were actually hollow on the inside. Allowing for someone to hide in there if they weren’t too big for it.

Silently, he motioned Ino to it and showed her through motion that they were to open it up at the same time. To maintain their silence, he put up three fingers, then put on down to indicate the countdown. The moment he put the final finger down, the pair took the top lid of the vault platform and raised it high in the air to reveal what might be hidden inside.

“What that?” He was in immense shock when the pair unveiled the culprit. “Ninka!?”

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