Game of Apocalypse

Chapter 42: 42

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Chapter 42 Black Death Church


Translator: Kyous


“Yes!” Kneeling on the ground, the man shivered. He took his leave and gave orders regarding the matters at Blue Vine University.


While Odin, who was still sleeping like a log, was unaware the people of the Black Death Church tightened their monitor on him. He was still tossing and turning around on the bed, sleeping even tighter.


However, it would be meaningless if the higher-ups of the Black Death Society tightened their monitor on Odin. After all, the Crow God wasn’t an acknowledged God in this world and the strength of its believer was limited. Besides, Odin already was monitored by them, so the threats from the Crow God were minimal.


Out of nowhere, the Church of Death God within the Blue Vine University also somehow received the news of the Black Death Society’s HQ being wrecked apart.


“Lord Father, how may I assist you?” A person in a white robe kneeled. With his right hand on the left side of his chest, he spoke reverently.


“I’ve heard the stronghold of the Black Death Society was desecrated by a single person?” This Father was the one Odin encountered before in the Church of Death God.


He was sitting on a chair and in front of him was a golden goblet with intricate carving on it. Within the goblet was a clear liquid that seemed to be a high-quality wine.


But leisurely, he was whirling the wine glass unceasingly. Despite questioning the man who was kneeling, his gaze was focused on the wine in the goblet. Arching his mouth, it was as though he was admiring a beautiful art.


“Yes. According to the informant we planted within the higher-ups of the Black Death Church, the statue of Crow God was taken away too.” The man answered emotionless akin to a machine while kneeling.


“Interesting. The Black Death Society’s HQ at Blue Vine University seems to be a rather important stronghold, right? It was dug out and even desecrated by someone. Yet, he hadn’t been discovered, this person seems interesting enough. Don’t you agree?” Father sounded indifferent and his expression was stiff. Judging from his expression, he wasn’t interested in this matter in the slightest.


“Then, in Father’s viewpoint?” The man kneeling on the ground slightly lifted his head and serenely looked at the Father on the chair. He was waiting for the following orders.


“I’ve heard, recently the Black Death Society is targeting someone named Odin?” As Father uttered these words, his eyes narrowed. Although his expression was solemn, the action just now caused people an illusion of being strangled by a cold-blooded snake.


“Yes, I’ve heard several conflicts happen on the campus. Most of them should be aiming for Odin’s life.” The man honestly voiced out every piece of information he knew.


“Then, what about Odin? Where is he presently?” Father stopped whirling the goblet in his hand as his expression turned solemn.


“After entering the dormitory yesterday, never once did he come out. There should be nothing worthwhile. There also wasn’t any news of students passing away. Why is Father concerned about Odin?” Unaware of Father’s reason for this question, a puzzle expression hung on his face.


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“Odin is the one being targeted by the Black Death Society and conflicts have happened between them before. Their HQ in Blue Vine University was desecrated but Odin had done nothing. Do you think this matter is related to him?” Father placed the goblet on the table. The metallic goblet made a crispy ‘clack’ sound on the glass tabletop. In the spacious hall, the sound was visibly booming.


“Yes, but Odin is only a student. As far as I know, they have quite a number of strong people. How can a single student overpower them?” The man was still unwilling to believe this matter is related to a student.


“That’s what troubles me too.” Father narrowed his eyes, “Logically, a powerless student shouldn’t be capable of resisting against Black Death Society. However, the timing of this matter is too coincidental. He, too, is the only one with relation to this matter, perhaps Odin isn’t as simple as we believed.”


A while had passed yet Father remained silent. He was just closing his eyes in thought while supporting his chin with his right hand. On the other hand, the man was still kneeling on the ground, silently waiting for Father’s final decision.


“From today onwards, find someone to monitor Odin. If there are any abnormalities, report them to me immediately. My guts tell me this person isn’t an ordinary person.” Widening his eyes, Father’s icy gaze landed on the goblet, as though trying to peer into Odin’s true intention through it.


The Church of Death God was one of six churches acknowledged by the world. Their authority was above the country itself and various industries in the country were within their grasp. The connections and power of the Black Death Society were nowhere near against the Church of Death God. So, it would be a child-play for them to monitor anyone.


If one were to be targeted by the Church of Death God, it was virtually impossible to leave from their sight. Those who lack powers might even be clueless that they were targeted by the Church of Death God.


“Yes.” Raising himself up, the man’s right hand was still placed on the left side of his chest. Slowly, he retreated before gingerly closing the door of the hall.


Father remained on the chair, tapping his finger against the table. He squinted his eyes, “Odin… We’ll wait and see.”




The following morning. After resting, Odin stretched his body and left the bed drowsily while yawning. Although he didn’t have enough sleep, this was the greatest sleep he ever had during these days. Furthermore, it was almost school time and he was graduating soon. If he continued missing any classes, his graduation might be deferred.


Being deferred required him to remain on this campus. For Odin, not only was this inconvenient but it was also dangerous too.


However, just as he was leaving the dorm, he felt something was off. The senses he trained a while ago allowed him to discern more than a pair of eyes staring at him.


It wasn’t a gaze of curiosity from passersby. Odin could clearly discern the malicious intent hidden underneath these gazes. Moreover, there weren’t many people around him. Most of them were either walking with their heads lowered or chatting with their friends. None of them noticed Odin.


Besides, Odin wasn’t a celebrity on campus. Despite being targeted by the Black Death Society before, a huge part of the student was unaware of it. So, it was impossible for him to be the center of attention.


Which meant, someone was secretly spying on him and it was more than one person. He could sense from the air, gazes from various directions converged on his body.


Odin frowned, Is it the Black Death Society? Since their HQ was destroyed, so they increase their surveillance on me?

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