Game of Thrones: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Chapter 23: Knight of the Laughing Tree

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[Lyanna Stark’s POV]


I have done it. I have actually done it! I have beaten the three knights in the tourney, although I don’t know if someone recognized my voice, oh gods please don’t be like that.


I was sitting below the weirwood tree of Harrenhal, tired, as I ran from the tourney, afraid someone might have caught on to my identity. It was night time now, people were mostly sleeping, but the guards were searching for the Knight of the laughing tree, for me. King Aerys wanted me dead, I didn’t even do anything except beating a bunch of knights who can’t teach their squires properly.


I had put the shield on the branch of the Weirwood, and I put off my helmet, to catch a breath, but then, a voice sounded beside me, which made me jump.


“What a show you’ve put for us today Lady Stark.” said a voice, I jumped, I looked beside me, and found that a man, A Dornishman, was sitting beside me all along, how did he get there?!


“Who are you!?” I screamed, pointing my sword at it.


“Wow, those blades are sharp Lady Stark, it’s me, Morian.” said the man. Prince Morian?! How is he here?!


“How are you here?!” I shrieked again.


“Calm down Lady Stark, or the guards will hear you.” said the man calmly.


Right, I suppose I should calm myself down. I coughed to clear my throat. “Right… why are you here?”


“What? I’ve been here all along, it’s just you’re the one who’s blind.” said the man innocently. That’s a lie! I didn’t see anything before!


“Please be honest with me my lor- prince.” I nervously said.


“You can call me Morian, Lady Stark, and I am honest, I’ve been here since forever. “


“Then why didn’t I see you before?”


“Because you’re blind?”


“Wha- Ugh… forget it.” I growled at Morian, “So what are you going to do now? Arrest me and bring me to the mad king for execution?”


“And risk contempt between Dorne and the North? Not a chance.” scoffed Morian.


“Then are you going to take advantage of me? Blackmail me into doing something indecent? I know who you actually are, my brother told me that you’re vipers, not honourable at all.” I hissed.


I heard the prince sighed. “Just sit Lady Stark, I’m not going to do anything to you.”


I was still suspicious of him, in fact, I wanted to strike him down at that moment, but something tells me if I strike, I would be dead before the blade hit the man, so I relented, and sat awkwardly beside him, as I was still wearing my armour.


“Was it fun?” he questioned. “The tourney I mean.”


“It was… interesting.” I nervously said.


“We have more of these in Dorne,” said Prince Morian. “Women can also enter, most of the time they even won.”


“Really? Women can enter a tourney there?”


“Well, not exactly a tourney,” said the Prince. “More of a friendly contest between small folks, I sometimes join.”


“Then is it true women are allowed to fight there?” I questioned again.


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“In the army? Sure, they can join, my mother commanded the Dornish army during the war of the nine-penny kings, never saw her command however, as I wasn’t born then.”


I just hummed, playing with the hilt of the sword that I was holding. He then asks a question.


“You like fighting Lady Stark?”


“Hm? Not really, it’s just, being a lady is a bit boring, I like riding though, the rush of air is addicting.”


“Ah yes, I know the feeling.” he hummed. “Although I quite dislike the cold air of the north, it’s like needles hitting your face constantly when you’re riding.”


“Well, we northerners make do of anything here.” I nodded.


I then sneakily glanced at his face, I never noticed his clear blue eyes, it’s so… enchanting.


“Um… Do you know that my father offered my hand in marriage to you, but your mother refused?” What am I saying?! This is stupid, I shouldn’t have said that. I should not have said that.


He raised his eyebrow, looking at me with surprised eyes. “Really? Well, I suppose your father was too late, I was probably already betrothed to Ashara then.”


“Yeah, I thought so…” I laughed nervously, gods, it was a stupid question. “That song… it was for Lady Dayne right?”


“Well, yes and no,” he answered. “Most of it was for Ashara, a bit was about me, and a phrase was a warning.”


“A warning? To whom?”


“To you Lady Stark.”


What? A warning to me? “Excuse me my princ- Morian, but warning me about what?”


He chuckled, and he sang a phrase of the song once again.


The wolf I will follow into the storm

To find your heart, its passion displaced.


Oh, a wolf, is it me?


“I will follow the wolf into the storm.” he hummed. “Your actions because of your passion will cause irreparable damage to the kingdom Lady Stark.”




“And yet I will still follow it.” he said. “As the benefit of following the rebellion will make Dorne change.”


Rebellion? Benefit? Change? What is he talking about?


“Well,” he said as he stood up. “I suppose I should go, the dragon prince is near, choose wisely Lady Stark, both options are optimal to me.”


What?! Dragon Prince?! So he betrayed me all along! This bastard! I turned around and saw nothing. “Hey, what do you mean the dragon prin-” when I looked into Prince Morian’s place again, he had vanished, like I was talking to a ghost this whole time. What is happening right now?!


“You there!” I heard a shout from behind me. I froze, and I turned. I saw Prince Rhaegar with his armour, looking at me with his violet eyes.


“Lady Stark?” questioned Prince Rhaegar, looking at me with surprised eyes.

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