Game of Thrones: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Chapter 41: Summit of Prince’s Pass

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Dorne's army:

-Warriors of the Torentine - Starfall

Commander: Lord Beric Dayne

Soldier Count: 4500 Men; 2000 footmen, 1500 cavalry, 800 archers, 200 ???

Equipment: 10 Cannons; 200 Rifles


-Dornish Fleet - The Tor, Heading to Salt Shore

Admiral: Lord Trebor Jordayne

Ship Count: 50 Dornish Warships; 20 Brig

Equipment: A shit ton of cannons


-Boneway Defender - Boneway, duh

Commander: Lord Anders Yronwood

Soldier Count: 5000 Men; 3000 footmen, 1500 cavalry, 300 Archers, 200 ???

Equipment: 20 Cannons; 200 Rifles


-The Army of the Two Princes - Prince's Pass

Commander: Prince Morian Martell

Soldier Count: 7500 Men; 4000 footmen, 2000 cavalry, 1000 archers, 500 ???

Equipment: 25 Cannons; 500 Rifles


Oberyn stood in front of all the lords present in Prince's Pass. his snake eyes watched over the lords and commanders sharply, making even Lord Tyrell uncomfortable. The atmosphere inside of the tent is heavy, the fact that the lords of opposite forces could sit together and not have any accidents are a miracle by itself, especially that the infamous Lord Robert Baratheon is sitting with them.

"So are we just going to sit here while you stare at us like a hawk?" Robert grumbled. "Where is your brother?!"

"Patience Lord Baratheon." Oberyn chuckled. "He's bringing the hostages here now. So they can tell their story personally."

Robert frowned deeply. "What is that supposed to mean? That bastard prince—"

"Don't sully the name of the crown prince, rebel." Lord Tarly barked. "Speak with respect."

"I will call that cunt whatever I want, Lord Tarly." Robert eyed Lord Tarly with hatred. "As I was saying, that bastard prince kidnapped my betrothed, he is no saint, he belongs in hell."

"That is a heavy accusation, Lord Baratheon." Lord Tyrell interrupted. "Surely he hasn't—"

"Why don't you go back to your dancing whores, Lord Tyrell." one of the Northern lords jabbed, laughing as he did so. Tyrell's face turned red, but he didn't say anything.

Not a second later, Morian entered the tent, bringing with him the battered Rhaegar, and the pale Lyanna. Ned looked at his sister anxiously, while Robert's eyes softened as he saw her, though he didn't say anything.

Meanwhile, the other faction's reaction is not 'calm' at all.

"What is the meaning of this, Prince Morian?!" Lord Tarly slammed the table in front of him, the two kingsguard behind him held their swords tightly.

"I don't understand the question, Lord Tarly." said Morian in amusement.

"The punishment of what you are doing is to be executed, Prince." Lord Tarly sharpened his eyes. "You clearly have hurt The Crown Prince."

"There was no rule like that, Lord Tarly." Morian chuckled, walking towards his seat. "You are just delusional."

Lord Tarly was about to walk towards Rhaegar, but the Dornish guards unsheathed their swords, pointing it at the lord of Horn Hill.

"Sit down, Lord Tarly." Oberyn threatened. "You will not touch the merchandise before you pay."

"Is this all a joke to you, Prince Oberyn?" the teenage Jamie Lannister spoke out. "That is the crown prince, not a slave from Essos."

"A glorified guard should shut his mouth." Oberyn barked in amusement. "If not, I will send your cock to your sister."

Morian could only cough to stop his brother as the teenage Lannister frowned. Thankfully, the boy didn't say anything.

"My lords. Let us start this parley." said Morian, looking at all the lords inside the tent. "I will be honest with you, I will not see sides, I will not favour others. You can ransom the two of the hostages in front of you."

"That is preposterous, Prince Morian!" Lord Tarly roared. "So are you willing to sell your crown prince to the rebels?!"

"He is not our crown prince, Lord Tarly." Oberyn reminded. "Dorne is free. We are not a part of your squabbling mess of a kingdom."

"The king does not—"

"We don't give a damn about what the mad king says, Lord Tarly!" Oberyn shouted angrily. "I suggest you shut your mouth before the rebellion earns another ally, Lord Tarly. You might be a good commander, but you are not a good politician."

"By the looks of it, Prince Oberyn. They already have." Lord Tarly countered, his eyes full of hatred as he looked at Ned Stark, who was sitting calmly besides Robert.

"Be quiet, all of you." Morian warned. "Shall I continue? Or do you want to continue your childish debate?"

The entire room went silent, and all eyes focused on Morian.

"While we don't look at the two sides differently, the demands will be different," said Morian. "For the rebels, that means the Stormlands… we will give you Rhaegar and Lyanna, but in exchange we want you to give us your part of the Dornish Marches, and—"

"What?!" Robert questioned. "You want to trade an entire region for two hostages?"

"I wasn't done talking, Lord Baratheon," said Morian sharply. "And we will join you in your war."

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"And what about the crown?" Lord Tyrell asked. "We can give you money. Food supplies, wine, ship—"

"None of that." Morian cut him off. "For the crown, give us your small part of the Dornish Marches, The Three Towers, Sunflower Hall, and the Uplands."

"That is outrageous!" Lord Tyrell protested.

"It's fair, Lord Tyrell." Morian countered. "The rebels will give The Dornish Marches, or you will give us those three holdings."

"What if we only want one of the hostages?" Lord Tarly asked calmly.

"It depends," said Morian. "If nobody wants to take that offer, then we'll move to the next deal."

Morian looked at Lord Baratheon, who was staring hatefully at Rhaegar, and then to Lord Tyrell, who was seeking council to Lord Tarly.

"We can't give you those three holdings." said Lord Tyrell, nervously looking at Baratheon.

The Storm Lord was thinking deeply, Ned Stark whispered to him, and Morian could see that Baratheon was clenching the table really hard, even though it's starting to show cracks.

Finally, he closed his eyes, and shook his head. "I cannot give you the Dornish Marches."

"Well, worth a try." Oberyn chuckled casually, playing with a feather on the table.

"Then let's go to the next deal." Morian nodded. "For the rebels, for Lyanna, 5000 Golden Dragons, and you will have a truce for a year with the crown. Same with the crown. For Rhaegar, well, because he's a crown prince, 10.000 Golden Dragons instead, and a truce with the rebels for a year."

"The price drops considerably." Lord Tarly raised his brow. "What are you planning, Prince Morian?"

Morian just looked at Lord Tarly, but didn't answer. "But, before you will agree to anything, the two hostages will speak their minds."

"About what?" Robert grumbled.

"About what really happened between them, Lord Baratheon."

The Storm Lord frowned deeply at the statement, but he turned towards Rhaegar, as if saying to go on.

"I–" Lyanna spoke out, surprising everyone. "I was not kidnapped."

Robert stood from his seat, his eyes widened. "What do you mean, Lyanna?"


The Rebel lords that were once proud and staring hatefully to the crown's side could only despair at the revelation here. The entire point of the rebellion is because Lyanna has been kidnapped, and the crown lost the trust of the northern lords.

But now the kidnapped admitted herself that she was not kidnapped at all, rather, they planned it from the start.

"And do you have any proof that they were married?" Lord Tarly asked, he was quite shocked too, especially that Rhaegar has annulled the marriage of Elia, and it will surely bite them later on, as it was a blatant insult to Dorne.

Morian just threw a piece of paper on the table, to which Robert and Lord Tarly came over, looking at the paper.

The Storm Lord turns towards Rhaegar, his eyes full of hatred.

"You pale bastard!" he roared to the battered Rhaegar. The man rushed towards Rhaegar, it took the whole Northern lords to stop him. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY YOU DRAGONSPAWN! RELEASE ME! I WILL STRA—"

"Stop this!" Lyanna cried suddenly. She quickly rushed towards the man, but storm lord is like an unstoppable bull, and Lyanna was thrown to the side with a single push by the man.

Lyanna was now on the ground, her dress dirtied, and her face full of sand.

Robert realised what he had done, and calmed down, he looked at Lyanna, not full of love, but full of disgust and hate, yet, a tint of sadness also appeared in his eyes.

"So, my lords." Morian said calmly. "What will it be? Will you accept the deal?"

"The crown accepts the deal," said Lord Tarly. "But this marriage must be annulled."

"I agree." said Ned Stark, calming the storm lord down.

"What about the rebels?" asked Oberyn. "Will you accept the deal? 5000 Golden Dragons and a truce to the crown for a year."

Ned looked at Robert, who sat down on his chair as he was thinking. "Ned… I cannot break the promise that I made for you, that I will bring your sister back home… but…"

"I understand, Robert." Ned nodded. "Consider the betrothal cancelled."

"This is my last act as your betrothed." said Robert, looking at the disgruntled Lyanna. "You will go home to Winterfell, But I do not want to see you ever again."

"It's settled then." Morian clapped his hands, he spread a scroll, containing the agreement and the truth. "Please, sign it."

Robert and Lord Tarly stared at the scroll, their eyes full of confusion and fatigue.

The Crown paid the ransom at the place, a full 10.000 Golden Dragons from the pockets of Lord Tyrell, while the Rebels will need time to give them the money. The truce treaty has been signed, that the rebels and the Rebels will not attack each other for a full year.

As the coffers of Dorne are full of gold, Rhaegar and Lyanna travelled their separate ways. Rhaegar didn't even bat an eye on Lyanna, which made her heart broken even more.

The Rebels went home first, as they only brought a small entourage, so Ned Stark will bring his sister to Winterfell, along with the rebels to their own homes.

Meanwhile, Morian and Oberyn were on top of the tower, overlooking the army of the Reach that is just going to go to Highgarden.

"All according to plan?" said Oberyn sarcastically.

"Of course. A realm will still be split up by the end of the year." Morian smiled. "Tell the army to prepare, we're marching forward."

"What?" Oberyn was confused. "What do you mean?"

"The treaty said that only the rebels and the crown can't attack each other." Morian explained. "While we… could do anything. If we don't make them sign the treaty, Robert will be king by now… and the realm will be united... broken, but united."

"Then why not fight with the rebels?"

"And you want the Maesters to say that the Dornish independence is because of the rebels, and not in our own hands?"

Oberyn just stood there in silence. Morian opened a map, then he pointed at a ground between Prince's Pass and Highgarden. "We'll attack here. Flat, dry, our cavalry will do wonders."

"The Reach has a lot of cavalry too." Oberyn pointed out. "Heavy cavalry at that. and from what I see, more than 10.000 soldiers have camped in front of us, while we have only around 7000 soldiers."

"Good thing we have those guns, right?" Morian smiled. He patted Oberyn's shoulder. "Trust me brother, it will be an overwhelming victory. After all, they don't know what will hit them, literally."

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