Game To Kill Humans and Get 100 Points. But My Priority Is To Play With Neko Girl

Chapter 1: 1

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A Forced Game

It was a pleasant surprise. My torn and dirty uniform had been fixed?

I put my hands on top of my chest. The heart that should be calmly beating was not transmitted to the palm of my hand … how is this possible?

I felt a sensation of blood in my veins perhaps. No, if the heart isn’t moving, it doesn’t make sense for blood to go around, let alone for me to have my former bloody appearance, but that theory may be irrelevant this time.

Anyway, if I’m thinking about things even now then that means that I’m dead, and only thoughts and feelings remain … I think I am a so-called ghost.

If you arrive at a conclusion like that, things will naturally fall into place. At least I am convinced.

And at the same time as I understood the situation sensuously, one student lifted his hand.

It was Mizunoha Yanagi, our class president, who stretched her back and raised her hand in an upright posture.

She had a dignified appearance and a soft look. A beautiful girl with long glossy black hair and beautifully trimmed bangs, she seemed like a young maiden. It is no exaggeration to say that she not only possess a notable title but she is also a central figure in the class because she is well-mannered and has the courage to pay attention to the bad students.

Perhaps she understood the situation better than the others as she asked a question in a calm manner…

To the person who mercilessly killed us earlier.

“Mr. Al Somah. It seems that we are dead. What are you planning to do to us after this?”

In response to Yanagi’s question, Al Somah happily distorted his mouth.

“Hmm, when you are this quick to understand then it really helps. Mizunoha Yanagi. After all, I chose this class to which someone like you belong. And I am happy that it was the best decision I could have made.”

“I’m fine with your entrustment with me but can you answer my question?”

“Aren’t you scared? I was the one who killed you all. I thought that there will be resentment at least.”

“Oh come on. It was less than three seconds after Mr. Al Somah came to the classroom that all thirty-two classmates died under a single breath. Who will believe that this situation is normal? After that I find myself regained consciousness in an unnatural classroom with nothing on my body and no scratches. It seems that I have no pulse and I am not even alive to do anything.”

“There is no way that a mere human being can create such a situation. And, it makes no sense to be afraid of someone like you or to be angry. ”

Rather than being resentment, it was more right to say that only confusion and confusion arose. Our deaths were to quick to wrap our heads around.

Also, if you look closely at the surroundings, as Yanagi says, the outside of the window is white and you can’t see any clouds or sky. The classroom was so clean that I couldn’t find any scratches or dust.

Yanagi seemed to be doing more thought and observation than me, even though I was busy grasping my situation too. As expected, the class president is truly smart.

“That’s fine, but let me correct one mistake. You seem to thinking of me as a god, but not exactly. I’m not so omnipotent. Just part of the system that builds the world. It would be better to describe it as just a piece of what is called a god, but oh well, it matters not in either case. ”

“I understand. So what do you, as a part of God, want us to do as students?”

When Yanagi asked, Al Somah grinned and laughed.

“I want you to go to another world and win a certain game.”

game? Another world? It’s a common occurrence in anime and light novels, but for what reason … I’m curious, but it’s not the right time to waste my breath here.

“… A game is it?”

Yanagi, who had some thoughts, didn’t ask why she was forced to play the game she was not interested in. She made no revolts.

Well, that decision is correct. Whatever your speculation, it doesn’t make sense to oppose someone who can easily kill us instantly and keep us in this space. If we revolt, we may be forced to participate or we might be easily erased.

Because Yanagi knew that, it seemed that she omitted the questions and answers that would cause some people to repel in vain.

“So, can you tell us the rules and winning conditions for the game?”

“That’s right, but before that, let me explain the world you are going to be sent out to.”

“The name of the world is Iprisis. The civilization level is about 300 years behind the earth. With the wisdom you gained in modern society, living here would not be so difficult. However, it should be noted that there are certain universal laws that apply here, that did not exist on Earth.

For example, magic. Have you ever read a fantasy novel or played a game? Similar to the ones that appear in them, it is technology that can cause a specific phenomenon to occur using a new kind of energy called mana as the medium. That’s what magic is.”

“And there’s skills too. Certain people are born with them. It’s a unique ability that certain people of the world possess. ”

It’s finally becoming a light novel-like content. Now the question is… Is it a place in a different universe from the earth? And then there is magic? Or is it a planet somewhere in the vast universe of ours? But, it makes me wonder…. does the fact that it is a fantasy world mean that “THAT” thing also exists?

“As for the rules of the game, it’s pretty simple. You can use whatever means you want. Earning 100 points is the only victory condition. And the victors will have the right to fulfill one wish. It’s okay to ask to reign in that world. Or, you can return to Earth too. You can choose whatever you like. ”

There were some delightful voices in the class. There are a few people who whistle like whispers and raise their voices as if they were happy with the turn of events.

Sure, if you take his story for granted, the rewards seem pretty extraordinary. But how difficult is it to get the points that are the conditions for victory?

“By defeating a target, all the points possessed by that target will be added to yours. The initial points are uniformly one point for each person. In other words, as an example, defeat one target who has ninety-nine points, or if you defeat 99 people who have one point, you will win. ”

“What exactly does it mean to defeat? And did you describe the target mentioned here?”

“That’s right. Because the target for getting points would be a human being. And stopping the life activity of the target is a condition for judging that it has been defeated.”

“–! Is he telling us to f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g̲ kill people !? For real!!”

It seems that Yanagi, who was being calm till now, couldn’t help but make a loud voice. The words contained a strong vocabulary that was not suitable for her calm till now.

But-should I say, I expected that? The condition that any wish could be fulfilled was certainly not meant to be easily achieved.

“That’s right. You will be competing for life in another world.”

Yanagi, who was disappointed with that word, couldn’t find the next word and kept silent.

There was a person who raised his hand making his presence the center of attention. Till now perhaps it was only Yanagi taking the role but now the situation had changed a bit.

“I have something to say. I am Ryusei Kirihara.”

The person who raised his hand was Ryusei Kirihara. He was the leader of bad students and school bullies.

However, I haven’t heard Kirihara to have a particularly special physique or being strong in a fight. It was just that the bad guys naturally followed him. Although it perhaps arrogant for me to say this, but he seemed to be a relatively quiet type without any noticeable problematic behavior.

Still most people were feared just by the friends he had, so he never really had to raise a fist. But he also made me wonder if he is actually strong but never showed it?

But one thing was clear, Kirihara was good at influencing others. I can’t see those bad guys around him to be with him otherwise.

He had the appearance which intimidating his surroundings without him even yelling or being violent. Perhaps that confidence was what allowed him to use his resources and to crush his competitors at any given time.

There must be a huge number of incidents in which he was involved, without dirtying his own hands of course.

At least, I think so.

His remarks disregarded ethics, but they were important and accurate.

“If you kill everyone in this class, you’ll only get 32 points? How do you collect the rest?”

“Sure you can … but you seem to be a little misunderstood. I don’t want you guys to kill each other in this class. There are separate opponents for you.”

“… Is it an enemy? Are there other people like us?”

“That’s right. If you ask me for an explanation, if you killl someone from your own class only the murderer will get one point. But if you kill the opponents, 1 point will be added to the whole class.”

“However, only the person who stabbed the last hit can get all the points possessed by the opponent. If you want to survive with more than one person, be careful about the distribution of points earned. ”

“That’s right. Then another question. What will happen to the game if there is a winner who has scored 100 points?”

“The game will continue until there are less than 100 points in the field and no winners can be given. However, those who do not reach 100 points until the end of the game will disappear as they are. Be careful.”

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“Last. How many enemies are there? Tell me the exact number.”

“I can’t answer that. Think of it as one of the game’s charm to guess the points that remain on the field.”

When Al Somah said so, Kirihara laughed with his nose and then said, “Yes,” and finished the question.

“Finally, let’s talk about the benefits of you as players. First of all, about this bracelet.”

Out of nowhere, Al Somah took out a dull, shining metal bracelet and showed it up.

“When I send you guys out, I will distribute them to each one of you. This is an important thing that will make your life much easier.

There are many functions, but the one that is frequently used is [Search]. This is a function that identifies the specified item. It will tell you all the information about said item.”

“And the second feature is [box]. You can take things in and take them out at any time. Think of it as a simple storage space. You can also customize it on your own based on your condition and abilities, so you should try out various things. ”

Ah, I see. Isn’t it similar to Inventory and appraisals, which are common in things of light novels of reincarnated in different world themes? If there are things like abilities and magic, do we also have levels? Isn’t this really unpleasant? Then, rather than participating in the said game in a different world, it would be no different than being thrown into the game itself.

“One more thing. I will give each one of you a special skill. The skill would be just random, so I can’t explain the details, but when you arrive there, check it out with this bracelet. It will at least help you to understand what it is. right??”

I’m glad that you give me the promised cheat skill, but it’s a pity if it’s going to be distributed to everyone, had I alone got it, I might have been able to boss around a bit. Ah well… at least there are no levels.

“That’s all for the explanation. Do you have any questions?”

The classroom was calm and quiet.

To be honest, everyone had a desire to ask to something, but they don’t know what to ask.

If you’re sent to another world and you’re forced to play a game that kills people, you’re usually anxious and can’t stay calm.

However, for some specific people, it would only be a reward to be transfered to another world.

Well, considering the situation where we are forced to be murderers and the whole class gets special power, it might not be an ideal isekai and nobody would be able to live in peace, but oh well. ..

… But I still have a question. When I heard that it is another world, I wanted to know something important that came to my mind first. But oh well… Is there nobody who’s gonna ask?

I observed the surroundings carefully, but no one tries to step forward.

… I can’t help it. Do I really have to ask ?…

When I made up my mind, a certain person raised his hand. Oh boy…

Seeing that, I stroked my chest. He seems to be reliable. I hope he did what I thought he was going to do. He is the type of guy to come up with such a question without any problems.

The name of the student who raised his hand is Kunai Matsuda.

Contrary to his cool name, he is die heart and genuine anime otaku.

Perhaps he knows all about reincarnated in another world, and he is going to ask exactly what I want to know. I believe so.

“Did you mention that there is magic in that world earlier? If so, of course, there are also monsters perhaps??…”

“… Hmm, I don’t know if it’s called a monster, but the ecosystem is quite different from Earth so far. I don’t know what it means, but there are large creatures equal to or larger than dinosaurs. imagine”

“If so, then it is to be expected that there will be a wide variety of human races?”

“That’s right. Human races might vary from from country to country no matter the world. There are different races there as well.”

…different! UGh! This God mistaken. That’s not what Matsuda wants to say. I don’t am not satisfied with his answer yet.

“G, specifically, I would like to ask. Is there a Demon King … does it exist?”

…Huh? Demon King huh?

“Oh, there is a person who reigns as the pinnacle of the species, though it’s unclear if it’s called the Demon King.”

“Well, then, there must be fairy and spirits too … and an elf … maybe”

… Hey, Matsuda. No way. How can you be missing out on one important race?

“I don’t know what kind of races are you supposed to be mentioning?”

Saying that, Al Somah squinted while staring at Matsuda. It seemed that he was reading him or something like that.

“Hmm, I see. You seem to have a strong attachment to that elf race. I hope you’re happy. There are races that are close to what you imagine.”

Having been told so, Matsuda ended up giving out a small guts pose. It seems that he doesn’t care that his inner desires were easily exposed and that he was being seen with cold eyes from the surroundings students.

And I sighed alone.

I was expecting it, but when I realized that he really didn’t care, I was a bit disappointed  … Matsuda, you’re the type of man who can’t even hold back being an otaku. But even so he missed on important detail. I was expecting him to ask it but oh well.

Matsuda doesn’t seem to ask any more questions, so Al Somah tried to wind up the questioning.

I’m reluctant, but I can’t help it.

I stand up slowly, raise my hand and ask for permission to speak.

Then Al Somah turned his chin and urged me to speak.

Inhale of me, I took a breath as I lightly inhaled and exhaled.

And I ended up saying it.

“Therianthropes … In other words, are there girls with fluffy Neko ears and a tail?”


I felt that the air in the classroom was turning ghastly white.

I felt that cold gazes were piercing my entire body.

When I glanced back at them, I saw a female student who wore disguested expressions on their faces. Among them, I saw Yanagi too, who usually showed a kind expression to everyone, stiffened up for a moment.

With a deep wound like a knife being thrust into my heart at being subjected to such gazes, I turned towards Al Somah with eyes that made an appeal.

I guess a little more push is needed.

And after a while of silence, I raised my voice again.

“Is there a beautiful girl with fluffy ears??”

Those intimidating words of mine seemed to falter the god’s balance. However, when he loosened his mouth and smiled, I found that he nodded a little.

I try hard to pretend to be calm and sit quietly.

I was deeply injured. It may be a fatal injury. My hierarchy would have fallen to the bottom in the blink of an eye.

But it’s okay. No problem!

Those who are ridiculing don’t understand.

A killing game? Isekai World? magic? Elf?

All of that is not that important.

Since I had the opportunity to go to a different world, it would be more important to flirt with a beautiful girl with real Neko ears!

You can find story with these keywords: Game To Kill Humans and Get 100 Points. But My Priority Is To Play With Neko Girl, Read Game To Kill Humans and Get 100 Points. But My Priority Is To Play With Neko Girl, Game To Kill Humans and Get 100 Points. But My Priority Is To Play With Neko Girl novel, Game To Kill Humans and Get 100 Points. But My Priority Is To Play With Neko Girl book, Game To Kill Humans and Get 100 Points. But My Priority Is To Play With Neko Girl story, Game To Kill Humans and Get 100 Points. But My Priority Is To Play With Neko Girl full, Game To Kill Humans and Get 100 Points. But My Priority Is To Play With Neko Girl Latest Chapter

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