Gamer’s Manual to Survive in an Insane World

Chapter 2: Raid

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Timeline: Fate/Zero (?)

Location: Unnamed City (Japan)

Date: xx/xx/1994


Takashi Nakamura and Araki Nakamura grew up in an orphanage in Japan and one fateful day, they found themselves sheltered in Yakuza, which they consider their home now.

They may not be brothers by blood, but the bond they formed along the years made them stronger than ever. 

And today wasn’t any different than any other day.

“Aniki.” Takashi called his brother as both of them were smoking on the balcony. “Did you catch any news about the branch from Fuyuki? I heard that they were moving away from there because some crazy stuff was happening in the city.”


Araki let out a cloud of smoke from his mouth and a frown appeared on his aged face.

“It must be those crazy monsters.” He said with some venom in his voice. “I have met one of those in the past, they don’t think anything besides their ‘research’ or some shit about that. I don’t doubt that they would let the world die just for the sake of it.”

He looked at Takashi and said seriously. 

“Brother, if you ever met one of those psychopaths, promise me that yo–” Araki couldn’t finish what he wanted to convert, because suddenly a crowbar flew directly to his face.

*Blood Fountain Noises* *Thud*

Araki died in that instant. Takashi’s brain couldn’t properly register what was happening until a few seconds later, when the corpse of his brother fell on the ground with a crowbar stuck on his face.

“ANI–!” Takashi’s desperate scream was cut off by another crowbar that pierced his heart. 


Takeshi also died that day. 

Seconds after, someone landed beside the corpses without making any sound. 

He was, of course, Andrius Lewis himself. 

“That was close. I can’t let them waste any bullets, because soon their weapons will be mine.” Andrius said with a grin.


(Andrius POV)

I am standing on the balcony. Luckily, no one noticed their deaths yet, which means the situation is still under control. I retrieved my crowbars and their weapons at the same time. 

[You killed a Yakuza Shatei! You gained 100XP! Bowie Knife, Semi-Automatic Pistol, 20000¥ have been added to your Inventory!]

[You killed a Yakuza Shatei! You gained 100XP! Seal Knife, Semi-Automatic Pistol, 15000¥ have been added to your Inventory!]

[You leveled up!]

[Archery] has leveled up! x2

[Clairvoyance] has leveled up! x2

[Reinforcement] has leveled up!

[Structural Analysis] has leveled up!

‘There are around 20 people inside, maybe I should just blow up the whole building?’ I thought, but shook my head since I didn’t have any means to do that now. ‘In other words, I have to do it the usual way.’

I stored the crowbars back in the [Inventory] and took out the pistols. Then I reinforced my legs and kicked the corpses, breaking the door and crashing inside.


*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

[You killed a Yakuza Shatei…]

[You killed a Yakuza…]

[You killed a…]


“Kill him!” 

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

I ducked to the side and used the other corpse as a meat shield from the bullets.

‘Fuck! I can’t let this continue or I will have less bullets to use!’ I thought as I charged forwards.

“Bastard! He is using Takashi–”

*Bang!* “Bang!*

More bullets shot towards their heads and I threw the corpse at them. God, I wished I had a grenade to blow everything here up. 

Using [Clairvoyance] and reinforcing my body, I could dodge a majority of the bullets that were coming at me by anticipating the trajectories and ducking in expectation. 

I ignored the notifications that were popping up as I continued shooting.






“Fuck!” I cursed out loud, some bullets grazed my arms and legs. But despite it, I could feel my facial muscles tensed.

 ‘Am I smiling?’ I thought for a second before I turned over a table and jumped over it. Touching it with my hand, I reinforced it enough for it to resist some bullets.

‘Forget it, I don’t have time to think about that!’ 

I took out pepper sprays from [Inventory] and threw them at them. 

“Take cover!” Someone shouted as all of them ducked.

I quickly upended myself and shot at them while they were  mid air, releasing a thick cloud of orange smoke. 

I waited for a few minutes, until the effects finally started to kick in. Cries of pain echoed through the room and finally an opportunity.

As I had [Gamer’s Body], I didn’t need to breathe, and I was using protection glasses for my eyes. 

I jumped over and dashed at them while they were crawling at the floor. 

I looked around and used both [Clairvoyance] and [Structural Analysis] in the building to check for any life readings nearby, thankfully there were none..


‘I guess I am lucky that this is only a small branch.’ I chuckled but I could still feel the excitement and adrenaline of the battle.

‘I truly have become a battle maniac.’ 

I ran over the corpses and took everything of value. Money, weapons, and jewelry they had in this building. 

This process took only a few minutes as I put almost everything in my sight in [Inventory] while I rushed all over the rooms. In the end, the house was nearly empty and I bolted away, not knowing if there were reinforcements or not. 

Thanks to my trait, no one paid attention to me while I walked among people with tattered clothes and some blood (which wasn’t mine) here and there.

I let out a breath of relief when I caught a bus back to Fuyuki (without the driver knowing) and looked at the notifications. 

Skill Gained!

[Sprint] (Active) – Lvl 1/100

Run Barry, run!

Effect: +1% Boost to DEX

Cost: 1MP/S

[Sprint] has leveled up! x4

[You killed a Yakuza Shatei! You gained 100XP!] x18

[You killed a Yakuza Kyodai! You gained 150XP!] x2

[You leveled up!] x4

[Archery] has leveled up! x6

[Clairvoyance] has leveled up! x6

[Reinforcement] has leveled up! x4

[Structural Analysis] has leveled up! x4

Quest Completed!

[Get your beginner gear!]

Objective: Loot everything from the local Yakuza.

Bonus Objective: Kill every Yakuza there. 20/20

Rewards: Random Skill Book, +5 stats points, 10000¥, 1000 EXP.

Bonus Reward: Mona Lisa Painting, [Magecraft for dummies Part: II]x1, +10 stats points, 1500 EXP. 

Failure Condition: Jail, death.

[You leveled up!] x5

Skill Gained!

[Craftsmanship] (Passive) – Lvl 1/100

One day you can start making nukes with your own hands. 

Effect: Passively increases your creativity and hand skills. The higher DEX, INT and WIS, the higher success and quality of the product.

Cost: None. 

‘Sweet.’ This brought a smile to my face. ‘But damn, am I tired…[Status].’

Andrius Lewis

Level 11

Class – Archer

Race – Human

Title – Reincarnator, Descendant of Heracles

Age – 22

Tier – Human

HP – 100 [20 per hour]

MP – 1750 [50 per hour] 

STR – 10 (F)

END – 10 (F)

DEX – 70 (E)

INT – 70 (E)

WIS – 10 (F)

CHA – 10 (F)

LCK – 20 (F)

Stats Point – 65

I rubbed my chin as I looked at my own [Status]. 

‘I should prioritize END, and WIS for now, as my miniscule amount of HP and MP regeneration isn’t enough to keep me alive for long in dangerous situations.’ I thought to myself. 

WIS +1


In the end, my stats became like this. 

Andrius Lewis

Level 11

Class – Archer

Race – Human

Title – Reincarnator, Descendant of Heracles

Age – 22

Tier – Human

HP – 350 [70 per hour]

MP – 1750 [180 per hour] 

STR – 25 (F)

END – 35 (F)

DEX – 70 (E)

INT – 70 (E)

WIS – 36 (F)

CHA – 10 (F)

LCK – 20 (F)

Stats Point – 0

‘Now this is somewhat acceptable.’ I thought as I looked at the window and without knowing, I fell asleep.


You slept in a bus seat. HP 25% restored. MP 25% restored. All abnormal status cleansed. 

I opened my eyes just in time for the bus to arrive at Fuyuki’s bus station. 

I got off and went directly back to my home. How I miss my home~. Although I know I won’t live there for that long, it’s a good thing to have a place to return. It was in human nature after all.

‘But am I still human? And if I am, will I remain as a human in the future?’ Random thoughts crossed my mind, but sadly I didn’t have enough fucks to give an answer to them.

After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at the front door of my house. When I entered home, a screen suddenly popped in my vision.

Chain Quest Added!

[Fuyuki 4th Holy Grail War! Part I]

Objective: Prepare yourself and summon your Servant for the upcoming war.

Reward: Part II of the Quest, a Noble Phantasm from Heroic Spirit [Heracles], Random Skill Book, [Magecraft for dummies Part: III]x1.

Failure Condition: Death.

Do you wish to accept the quest? 


My lips curled up on their own and I couldn’t help but grin ferociously. 

“My bad, this is a bad habit to have.” I said to myself, trying to calm myself, but the excitement didn’t go down at all. 

“I accept.” I said and immediately, three red marks appeared on top of my left hand. Not only that, the knowledge of the process of summoning a Servant came to my mind. 

‘Command Seals.’ They formed an ouroboros snake divided in three parts. I took a glove and covered them under it. 

I don’t plan to summon my servant today.

First, I need to raise my stats before anything. I don’t want to limit my Servant because of my low MP reserves. 

So I plan to raid [Dungeon] after I recover my HP and MP to max. So the [Dungeon] raid will be tomorrow.


“Griik, gigguk, gariya!”

“Giggu gara gerei!”


Green creatures roam around the cave-like system. Some of them had clubs, bows and very few of them had something like a staff.



Class – Warrior

Race – Goblin

Tier – Monster 

You are reading story Gamer’s Manual to Survive in an Insane World at

HP – 200

MP – 250

STR – 50 (E)

END – 20 (F)

DEX – 30 (F)

INT – 10 (F)

WIS – 5 (F)

CHA – 0 (F)

LCK – 5 (F)


Class – Archer

Race – Goblin

Tier – Monster 

HP – 150

MP – 500

STR – 10 (F)

END – 15 (F)

DEX – 40 (F)

INT – 20 (F)

WIS – 10 (F)

CHA – 0 (F)

LCK – 10 (F)



Class – Shaman

Race – Goblin

Tier – Monster 

HP – 100

MP – 1000

STR – 5 (F)

END – 10 (F)

DEX – 10 (F)

INT – 40 (F)

WIS – 30 (F)

CHA – 0 (F)

LCK – 0 (F)

[Observe] has leveled up! 

‘Goblins…they are truly ugly as hell like they are portrayed as.’ I thought as I readied my pistols. 

Applying [Reinforcement] to my legs, I charged forward and pressed the trigger. 

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

[You killed a Goblin Warrior!...]

[You killed a Goblin Archer!...] 

[You killed a Goblin Shaman!...] 

Notifications popped at the corner of my vision field, but I ignored them as I was too busy laughing like a madman and killing every being that appeared in front of me.

You are poisoned! Effect: –5HP every minute for 5 minutes.

You are cursed! Effect: –5% Every stat for 10 minutes.


“The shamans…!” 

They were behind everyone, some buffing their teammates, others cursing me and firing elemental spells at me. 

Individually, they were weaker than me, but when grouped up they would become a pain in the ass to deal. 

However, I didn’t come unprepared. 

I broke out from their encirclement and created some distance from them. Then I took a carboy filled with gasoline from [Inventory] and opened the lid. Then I threw it over the enraged goblins. 

“Eat this bitch!” Then I proceeded to shoot at one of them and…


A series of notifications popped up as I grinned at the art. 

“Perhaps I am beginning to understand the art of explosions.” And maybe Deidara just wanted to show his artistic side, albeit in a much too direct way. 

Afterwards, I just killed the survivors and waited for the debuffs to wear off. 

“Let’s see…”

[You killed a Goblin Warrior! You gained 250XP! Rusted short sword, Tattered Leather Armor, Goblin Ears, 25000¥ have been added to your Inventory!] x10

[You killed a Goblin Archer! You gained 200XP! Wooden bow, poisoned arrows, Goblin Eyes, 24000¥ have been added to your Inventory!] x15

[You killed a Goblin Shaman! You gained 300XP! Wooden staff, Goblin Shaman’s Earrings, Goblin Shaman’s Necklace, 30000¥ have been added to your Inventory!] x5

[Sprint] has leveled up! x5

[Archery] has leveled up! x4

[Reinforcement] has leveled up! x2

[You leveled up!] x7


Andrius Lewis

Level 18

Class – Archer

Race – Human

Title – Reincarnator, Descendant of Heracles

Age – 22

Tier – Human

HP – 350 [70 per hour]

MP –  2625 [180 per hour] 

STR – 25 (F)

END – 35 (F)

DEX – 105 (D)

INT – 105 (D)

WIS – 36 (F)

CHA – 10 (F)

LCK – 20 (F)

Stats Point – 40

Perk Gained for reaching 100 DEX!

[Faster, but not Furious]

Effect: When running, DEX is increased by 50%. 

Due to [Faster, but not Furious] perk, you gained [Blink] skill!

[Blink] (Active) – Lvl1/100

One day, one step of yours can cover many mountains.

Range: 5M.

Cost: 50MP/use.

Perk Gained for reaching 100 INT!

[Mana Battery] 

Effect: Your MP pool is doubled. 

Due to [Mana Battery] perk, you gained [Telekinesis] skill!

[Telekinesis] (Active) – Lvl1/100

You can move objects at will with a mere thought.

Effect: Can only move objects 1/10 of your body weight at a moderate speed.

Cost: Varies. 

“Holy shit…” I couldn’t help but grin at the notifications. “New skills are always welcome.”

In the end, I rearranged the stats points before leaving the [Dungeon], as I used quite a lot of MP and lost a bit of HP.

Andrius Lewis

Level 18

Class – Archer

Race – Human

Title – Reincarnator, Descendant of Heracles

Age – 22

Tier – Human

HP – 500 [100 per hour]

MP –  5250 [205 per hour] 

STR – 45 (F)

END – 50 (E)

DEX – 105 (D)

INT – 105 (D)

WIS – 41 (F)

CHA – 10 (F)

LCK – 20 (F)

Stats Point – 0

In the end, my [Status] was like this.

I returned to my home, in the living room to be exact. I took a shower and changed to clean clothes before leaving home. 

On the way, I kept using [Clairvoyance] and kept attention on every animal around me, especially birds and worms. 

‘I think I am not being followed.’ While my trait was very useful under some circumstances, I knew the fact that it wasn’t absolute. So the chances of some magus following me wasn’t off the charts. 

After a few minutes of walking and looking around, I went to the outskirts of Fuyuki, which was a small forest. 

Without wasting any more time, I took a bag of blood (not mine) out of the [Inventory] and let it drop on the ground while I walked around, drawing a complex circle with goblin blood. 

I was making the summoning ritual to summon my Servant. 

“This should be enough.” I said and I took out the painting of Mona Lisa on top of rock, next to the summoning circle. 

“Let’s get this thing done.”

“Let silver and steel be the essence.”

“Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.” 

“Let my great Master Zeus be the ancestor.”

As I chanted, I felt my command seals reacting to the summoning ritual as they glowed in red. The magic circle started shining brightly and the wind became more agitated. 

“Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.”

“Let the four cardinal gates close.”

“Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.”

“I hereby declare.”

“Your body shall serve under me.”

“My fate shall be your sword.”

“Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.” 

“If you submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!”

“An oath shall be sworn here!”

“I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.” 

“I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!” 

“From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power.”

“Come forth from the ring of restraints.”

“Protector of the Holy Balance!”

 When I finished the chant, a giant pillar of light was shot from the magic circle to the sky before someone appeared in the middle of the magic circle.

I grinned upon recognising the Servant I just summoned.

“I have answered your summons. Servant caster, Leonard Da Vinci, at your disposal.” A melodic voice reached my ears as I looked at a live version of Mona Lisa talking to me. “From now on, call me Da Vinci-chan~♡!”

Chain Quest Completed!

[Fuyuki 4th Holy Grail War! Part I]

Objective: Prepare yourself and summon your Servant for the upcoming war.

Reward: Part II of the Quest, a Noble Phantasm from Heroic Spirit [Heracles], Random Skill Book, [Magecraft for dummies Part: III]x1.

Failure Condition: Death.

Skill Gained!

[Battle Meditation] (Active) – Lvl1/100

Fighting is a form of meditation. 

While battling, your concentration will be augmented and easier access to the ‘Zone’ and your battle instincts will increase greatly.

Effect: +50% HP REGEN, +50% MP REGEN.

Cost: None

Noble Phantasm Gained!

[Nine Lives: Shooting the Hundred Heads]

The most trusted combat technique devised by [Heracles] to end any lengthy battles. 

This combat technique can be used with any weapon. 

Currently it is in the original form of a Bow and Arrows.


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