Games Of Throne: The Lost Hero

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Reborn

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Third person POV


It was a cold night in Starfield, the ancestral place of the lords of the Dayne house, in a small room in the servants' quarters you could hear the cries of pain of a woman, she was giving birth, and she was suffering since that the birth of his son was brought forward.


Since the seventh month of pregnancy she has been having pre-natal pains, and this has had Grace worried, because she doesn't want anything bad to happen to her baby.


Grace called her friend Mary, to help her in the delivery, Mary has a daughter with Robert the blacksmith, her daughter's name is Lisa, she is 8 months old.


At the eighth month of pregnancy, the delivery was brought forward, so the child was born prematurely, the strange thing is that the child will not cry even when Mary patted her legs, Mary was surprised by this strange event.


Having her son in her arms, Grace the maid of the Dayne house asks her friend to take care of her son, she is weak, and the blood does not stop, she already feels that she is at the gates of death.


Grace "Mary, take care of my son and ask Lord Dayne to give him a name, since he is the father of my son" she said, with tears in her eyes because she would not be able to see her son grow up


Mary "Grace, you know how lords are, he won't take care of an illegitimate child, but don't worry, I'll take care of him, and I'll go to Lord Dayne to give him a name" she said, taking the child in her arms


Grace "Thank you Mary" she said, before falling unconscious


With tears in her eyes, Mary says goodbye to her friend, who took her last breath before leaving this world.


Host POV:


When I opened my eyes I had the feeling of being in an unknown place, after my death I felt

that I was in a tunnel and that I was short of breath, when I came out of said tunnel I could not see anything around me, I could only hear a woman suffering and another consoling her.


Suddenly a voice appears in my mind saying "Welcome Host to the world of Games of Thrones"


I couldn't believe it, finding myself in the world of the series of books that had fascinated me. But I had a doubt, and it was because I couldn't see or move my body as I wanted, so I tried to

strike up a conversation with the voice in my head.


Host "Hello, who are you, and what's wrong with me, why can't I see?"


System "The Host has just been born so it is in a weak state, it is recommended that the Host rest to replenish energy since it will be like this for a month" said the voice again


Host "So what or who are you?


System "I am the system that reincarnated with the Host, as the Host is weak I will remain suspended for one year, it is recommended that the Host rest until then" said the voice in my mind


Host "Wait, can you explain more... Hi... Ummm... I'm sleepy"


Mary watched the child sleep, who was weak after birth


Mary's POV:


Mary "From this moment on I will be your mother, I will take care of you and give you the love that Grace cannot give you"


Mary left for her home, after commissioning a worker to cremate Grace's body.


Arriving home, Mary put the baby to bed next to her daughter Lisa, who was sound asleep after waiting for her mother.


Mary will be in charge of nursing the child, and will wait until he is three months old to go to Lord Dayne so that he can give him a name.

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After three months, Mary finds herself outside of the House Dayne's castle, asking for a meeting with Lord Dayne.


Guard "What do you want?"


Mary "Guard, I request an audience with Lord Dayne"


Guard "You think he'll let you see him"


Mary "Tell our Lord that I am here so that he can see and name his son"


Guard "Why would Lord Dayne do such a thing? You know that even if he is his son he is a bastard"


Mary "I just want he to name baby, I'll take care of it him"


Guard "Wait, I'll go right now to report to Lord Dayne"


third person point of view


Lord Dayne is sitting on the throne, listening to the guard say what Mary told him, Lord Dayne is left considering what to do.


Lord Dayne "Bring her in" he said, with a decision made as to what he would do next.


Guard "At your orders" replied


Mary "My Lord" said getting down on one knee.


Lord Dayne "I will only name the child, and when he grows up he will be a guard in my castle, you will take care of him, and I will give you 4 silver coins a month" he said, taking the pen and writing an order on it


Mary "At your service my lord, what name will you give this child my lord?" he said, showing him the baby's face


Lord Dayne "His name shall be Lancel Sand, you may retire"


Mary "Thank you my Lord" she said, getting up to leave with the child in her arms, who was fascinated by the child's smile


Mary "Son, now you have a nice name, Lancel"


POV Lancel


At least my name is not as bad as I thought, now I want to find out what year I was born, and if the voice in my mind was a hallucination of mine or not.


He hoped that these remaining 9 months passed quickly. The current problem is that I am sharing a crib with a girl and it is very uncomfortable, due to the physiological needs of babies.


My birth mother passed away, but Mary said she would take care of me, and has been since I've been at her house.


The climate in Starfield is warm since it is surrounded by the sea, the air is a bit salty, I am already getting used to the climate. It is because children adapt faster to a place than when they are of age.


Lance 'It's so comfortable being a kid again, at the moment I have to enjoy not worrying about anything'


Mary "Child, from now on I will be your mother, you will be the little brother of my daughter Lisa" said Mary to the child who was sleeping soundly in her arms.

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