Games Of Throne: The Lost Hero

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Coming to Thenn

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[Lancel POV]

We entered a passageway that was narrow and twisting, and so low that we had to crouch to get through. Oberyn banged his forehead against a thick

white root that protruded from the wall of the tunnel and from whose fingers hung cobwebs

"Hahaha, Master be careful" I said to Oberyn

"Let me carry the torch" Oberyn tells me with a frown.

"I'm sorry Master, but I going ahead, so I have to carry her" I tell him with a smile

The layer of leaves whispered behind the daughter of the forest, but the tunnel turned so many turns that we soon lost sight of it and we can only follow the

light reflecting off the walls. The woman stopped for us to catch up

"What are these things?" Oberyn asks the Daughter of the Forest pointing to the walls

"They are weirwood roots" the Daughter of the Forest tells him, illuminating the walls

"Fine" Oberyn tells him seeing that they were just white roots like the one he had run into on his head

The daughter of the forest started off again quickly, towards the depths of the earth. We went through another fork, then another. And at last we came to a cavern as big as the size of a living room, with stone teeth hanging from the

ceiling and made their way from the ground. The little woman in the cloak of leaves made her way through they. From time to time he stopped and urged us on with the torch. Saying "This way, this way, hurry"

We found more passageways and nooks and crannies on either side, and heard trickling water to our right. When we looked in that direction we realized that there were eyes that were watching us, large eyes with vertical pupils that reflected the light of the torch.

"They are other Children of the Forest" the Daughter of the Forest tells us when she sees us look in that direction

"Bones" Ser Arthur tells us looking down at us stepping on a bone

The floor of the tunnel was covered with the bones of birds and other animals. But there was also

others, some so large that they had to be giants, and other little ones that correspond to the fact that they were children's bones

The last leg of their dark journey was the steepest. Soon we came to a natural bridge that hung over a deep chasm

"I'm not going to go through there" Oberyn tells the Daughter of the Forest

"No, boy, look behind you" the Daughter of the Forest says to Oberyn

"What will I see?" Oberyn tells him, turning around and jumping in fright, Ser Arthur took the handle of his sword in fright as he turned his gaze along with Oberyn.

There was a pale man, dressed in ebony clothes, lost in his dreams and sitting on a tangled nest of roots; a throne of intertwined weirwoods that embraced him with their atrophied limbs as a mother would with her child. His body was so skeletal and his clothes so ragged that at first we thought he was a corpse, a dead man who had been sitting there so long that roots had grown over him, under him, and through him.

"Who are you?" Oberyn tells him seeing him open his eyes

"A... raven?" Brynden Rivers asked us with a dry voice, he spoke slowly as if he forgot how words were constructed, and continued "I was it, right. Black my outfit and black my blood"

"Hello, Lord Brynden Rivers" I say with respect seeing him guarding this side of the Kingdom

"How do you know me boy?" Brynden Rivers tells me looking me in the eye

"I just know, I had to come through here with a request" I tell him seeing beside him the Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister and a longbow made of weirwood

"You want them?" Brynden Rivers asks me seeing the weapons

"That's right" I say with a sparkle in my eyes

"You will have to bring me the next three-eyed raven" Brynden Rivers tells me making his decision to give me the weapons

"So I will" I tell him, then he beckons the Daughter of the Forest to hand over the two weapons to me. Receiving the two weapons in my hands, I feel joy to have in my hands weapons that have a great story behind them.

"Where they are going?" Brynden Rivers asks us, although he seems to know the answer

"To Thenn, it will soon be the first time I fight against the Others" I answer, still nervous about what awaits us

"Go, it will be a difficult battle for you to have" Brynden Rivers tells us pointing to the exit

"See you Lord Brynden" I tell him, then I follow in the footsteps of the Daughter of the Forest to the exit with Oberyn and Ser Arthur behind me, both of their faces are full of stupor

"He's not immortal is he?" Oberyn asks me in a whisper

"It's not, it has a longer life, but with restrictions" I answer remembering the roots of the tree going through his body

"I see" Oberyn tells me, shaking his head.

"You only kill the Others with dragon crystal or Valyrian steel swords" the Daughter of the Forest tells us leading us through the exit

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"The Others do not exist" Oberyn tells the Daughter of the Forest

"You'll see with your own eyes" the Daughter of the Forest tells him and remains silent for the rest of the way

Reaching the cave entrance, Oberyn breathes a sigh of relief, and Ser Arthur turns to look at the cave entrance.

"Thank you for letting us come to see him" I say to the Daughter of the Forest

"He was waiting for them after seeing them on the road" the Daughter of the Forest tells us looking at the sky illuminated by the northern lights

"How? If he can't get out, then he won't see us on the way" Oberyn says with doubts to the daughter of the forest

"He has a thousand and one eyes, but there is too much to watch" the Daughter of the Forest replies to Oberyn

"What's your name?" Oberyn asks looking into her eyes

"I'll tell you if they survive" the Daughter of the Forest tells us and then goes back into the cave

"That was strange, let's continue the journey" Oberyn tells me going towards the horses

"It seems that the stories are true, there are truths that are forgotten over time, and they become myths" Ser Arthur tells me shaking his head

"There are still things to discover" I tell him leading the way

After three days of travel we arrive at Milkwater, the cold that gets worse the further we go, so the horses need more rest along the way

"I've looked around, and we haven't found any wildlings yet" Oberyn tells me puzzled

"We have deviated from the road so as not to find them, so they will not complicate our being late for the battle" I tell him

"So that's why you go astray sometimes" Oberyn says denying traveling this way

"It is better to go as fast as possible without encountering inconvenience in the journey" Ser Arthur tells Oberyn and then takes a drink of water

"Since we passed the Wall you have been talking more often" Oberyn tells Ser Arthur with a smile.

"It is better not to waste words" Ser Arthur tells him and then falls silent and does not respond to Oberyn's comments.

"Let's continue, there are still mountains we have to go through" I tell them getting on the horse and leading the way

It took us a full day to reach the mountains, it's not long before we reach Thenn

"Let's get ready, I don't know when the Others will attack, so when we arrive we must be alert" I tell them activating my spiritual sense

Two more hours, and we arrive at the outskirts of a large village, there we see the savages, each one covered with furs and large coats. Suddenly we see how some warriors approach us, with wooden shields and wooden spears with pointed tips bronze

When the leader starts talking to us, we don't understand anything he says

"The Host doesn't speak the Old Tongue, the system will take care of the translation as well as the speech so you can communicate effectively" the System tells me in my mind

"Who are you?" a Savage ask us pointing guns at us

"We are warriors who are passing through your village, if you allow us entrance to rest, I promise that we will not cause any inconvenience" I say to the savage

"Here is our King, only he can allow you to enter" the Savage tells us with a frown

"Tell your King that we are warriors from Westeros, that he allow us to pass" I say to the savage

"You, tell the King" the Savage tells him pointing to a savage next to him

We see a boy approaching us, the boy's age is under twelve

"Father, who are these people" the newcomer says to his father

"They are some warriors who are passing through" the Savage tells his son, without stopping to see us

"What did you tell them?" Oberyn asks me puzzled by the language

"That we want to meet his King" I reply looking at his surprised expression

"Who?" Ser Arthur asks me curiously

"You'll see soon" I tell him, and I look at a group of savages that approach us

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