Games Of Throne: The Lost Hero

Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Heading for Valyria

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[Oberyn's POV]

After my niece and Lancel left, I told Ser Arthur to wait for me for a moment. I went after them and looked at them hugging, I felt that I needed to hit Lancel harder during training, but if my niece is happy, I'll leave them alone for the moment

Leaving the Tower I met a servant who knew the Old Tongue and I began to talk with her, I surprised her by communicating with her in that language

"I have a question, what do <<sadistic (good fighter)>> and <<weird (incredible)>> mean? I ask intrigued by the abnormal smile on Lancel every time I say those words.

"Sadistic and weird" The Maid answers me without understanding, why I ask for those two words?. At the moment I feel angry about Lancel's prank on me, so it occurs to me to prank him back

In the gardens...

"What happened?" Ser Arthur asks me when he sees my smile

"I know what the two words I was proud of mean" I reply contemplating how to get even

"What do they mean?" Ser Arthur asks me curiously

"Sadistic and weird" I reply and look at his reaction, his face twitches for a moment and I can see a trace of a smile on his lips

"That's why I thought his reaction was strange at the time" Ser Arthur tells me sighing

"Tomorrow I'll take it out on him" I said with a vindictive smile on my lips

[Lancel POV]

As Rhaenys hugs me, I feel a chill run down my spine. It would be great if it's not a bad feeling

"What do you have?" Rhaenys asks me noticing my chill

"I don't know, I think I had a bad feeling" I reply with a nervous smile

"Do you feel uncomfortable when I hug you?" Rhaenys asks me with a pitiful look

"No way, it's just that I think you should rest. Besides I have to go to Valyria and leave a mark to take you all with me tomorrow" I tell her releasing her arms from my neck and standing up, then we exchange glances between the two, and I see her eyes red from crying so much

"Can you take me with you?" Rhaenys asks me with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Okay," I tell her, wiping the edge of his eyes with a tissue. "Let's go" I tell the system to send me to the location of Tyria

When we arrive we see the sunset about to end...

"It's lit up here" Rhaenys tells me watching the sunset

"Yes" I say taking her hand and guiding her towards the sea

After thirty minutes of walking...

We arrive near the sea, and we see a person in a boat infected with Psoriagris. Rhaenys when she sees him hides behind me

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen to us" I tell her, beckoning the man to come closer

"Help me go to the center of the Smoking Sea" I tell him when he approaches

"Why would I follow your words?" The owner of the boat asks me with disdain in his eyes

"Have a gold coin" I tell him, handing him the coin

"Get on" The owner of the boat tells us taking the coin

"Excuse me" I say to the Princess taking her by the waist and jumping into the boat

"How weird!" The owner of the boat says, noticing that the boat did not move when I landed on my feet inside the boat with Rhaenys in my arms

"Let's sit down" Rhaenys tells me with a red face

"Wait a moment" I tell her taking my coat and letting her sit on it.

After an hour, we arrive at a place where I can leave a mark and bring everyone in the boat without them noticing that it will suddenly appear in the sea

"Stop" I tell him and I look for a piece of wood, with a rope I tie the wood to a rock, I ask the system, to leave a mark on it and I throw it into the sea

"Turn off the lamp for a moment" I tell him passing him a silver coin

"Okay" The owner of the boat tells us taking the coin and went to turn off the lamp

"We're leaving" I say to the Princess taking her hand and asking the system to send me back to the room in Sunspear

Appearing in the room, I notice the Princess with a red face

"I'm sleepy" Rhaenys tells me letting go of my hand and lying on my bed

"I can accompany you to your room so you can sleep in your bed" I tell her taking his hand

"I don't want to, come with me" Rhaenys tells me taking my hand hard and making me fall on the bed with her

"This is not appropriate" I say with embarrassment on my face

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"Stay with me" Rhaenys tells me hugging me and falling asleep in no time

'This is torture' I thought as I smelled a faint faint fragrance coming from her. What am I thinking?, 'I would get sued if I was in my world' I thought and kept scolding myself until I fell asleep

The next day...

I woke up with the Princess still asleep in my arms, I turned my eyes towards the door and there was Oberyn with a frown.

"Did you rest well?" Oberyn asks me, taking my sword from the table near the door.

"Master, we didn't do anything" I tell him quickly, letting go of hugging the Princess and getting up from the bed. I lowered my head nervously with cold sweat running down my back.

"I know" Oberyn tells me lowering his sword and continues "Today the boat arrives, we leave at night" he tells me waking up Rhaenys

"I don't want to wake up yet" Rhaenys says opening her eyes, and the next moment she gets up looking nervously at Oberyn

"Come on" Oberyn tells her taking her hand and leading her out of the room. The princess went with a red face

"Rays, they can fall anytime they want" I say worried looking at the sky

At night we all meet at the dock, this time we are armed and with enough food for the trip.

"All aboard" The captain tells us and we set sail for the Smoking Sea

After an hour of travel, I stand on the bow of the boat with everyone around me

'System send us to the location of the mark in the Smoky Sea' I tell him and at once we feel like we travel through a hole and appear in Valyria

"You are <<weird (amazing)>>" Oberyn tells me with a smile. I immediately feel a tic in my left eyebrow.

"What does <<weird (unbelievable)>> mean?" Rhaenys asks Oberyn

"In the Old Tongue it's amazing, so from now on you can say this word to him every time he does some sorcery" Oberyn tells everyone with a happy smile

"You are <<weird (unbelievable)>>" They all tell me and Oberyn bursts out laughing with his thumbs up and Ser Arthur has a forced smile on his lips

"I'm not, I'm not" I tell them with a red face from embarrassment

"What happened?" The captain comes to ask us when he notices that we are in the Smoking Sea

"Just take us to Valyria" I say going to sit down

"When we go to the combat arenas you will be the best <<sadistic (fighter)>> who will make his Master proud" Oberyn tells me with a kind smile

"Hahaha, yes" I say with a tic in the eyebrow

'Karma sometimes takes time, but it came too soon for me' I thought with a sad smile

After an hour of travel, we reached the shore of the Valyrian coast, I told the Captain to travel to Meereen while we stayed here.

As we look for a place to camp, we see a few people infected with Psoriagris, and they stare at me with fear

"What's wrong with them?, before they attacked whoever they saw" Oberyn asks me seeing the fear in the eyes of these

"Maybe because they are seeing my <<weird (incredible)>> Master" I reply with a smile

"But they look at you, so the <<weird (unbelievable)>> is you, or not you apprentice?" Oberyn tells me with a bright smile

"Good point" I tell him shaking my head at his words

"Let's camp here" Rhaenys tells us taking my hand, to which Oberyn looks at me again with a frown.

"You sleep in the center, we will watch in shifts. Go rest" I tell them letting go of the Princess's hand and helping to set up a camping tent

"I'll take the first turn" Ser Arthur tells us watching while Oberyn looks at me

"What's going on?" I ask him with a frown

"Don't even think about sleeping with my niece again. Only if you marry her can you do it" Oberyn tells me lying down at the entrance of the tent

"Well, I didn't expect that" I say in a low voice looking at the stars

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you up in four hours" Ser Arthur tells me before looking around

"I want to talk to you Master" I tell him sitting next to him

"What do you want to talk about?" Ser Arthur asks me curiously

"What would you do if you had the chance to fight Lord Eddard again?" I ask looking at his reaction

"I heard that he defeated me fairly. Which is not true, so I would like to fight a one-on-one battle and see what he can do now" Ser Arthur tells me with a wistful smile

"I'll help you have that fight later" I tell him making plans for the next few years.

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