Gantz, As The Game Master

Chapter 28: Chapter 28, Aftermaths. Paris and…

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Chapter 28. Aftermaths. Paris and...

France, Paris and Japan, Tokyo.

A week after the stunning announcement, it was still the top story on every news network in the world.

Everybody, being individuals or organizations wanted to know who the gantzers were, how and where they lived, with whom, how they trained, where they got their technology.

Most were happy of their presence and their fight for humanity. Some, saw them as advertisement opportunities, trying to contact and contract them as fast as possible. Others saw them as menaces and sources of every conspiracies theories possibles.

Between the J.J. Jamesson’s copyrighted drones outside, who thought that:

- they were at the alien’s invasion’s origin,

- they were at the alien’s war’s origin,

- they were the aliens’ pawns,

- the aliens didn’t exist and they were trying to conquer the world,

- they were at the origin of global warming,

- they were at the origin of global warming hoax,

- they must have kidnapped Elvis and killed Kennedy,

- they were eating human flesh or drinking their blood,

the list kept going on and on, endlessly.

The cannibalism and vampirism issues were answered in a funny interview by Victor and his group.

None of the gantzers I know ever ate human flesh, but Frederic and Camille do eat snails and frogs. As for their thirsts, the two sure could be easily found in some dark wine’s cellar, while Richard and I would voluntarily assault our favorites breweries, beer bottles are so defenseless.”

What about Zoe?” Asked the journalist Laurence Ferrari, a thirties woman with a serious gaze fixed on them, quick to notice that the youngest was left for last.

And Victor to continue saying, “She will outrun the Concorde to get an HappyMeal box.

The audience laughed then, making the teenage girl blush, the whole world considered her as the “little sister” of the group.

Since that famous night a week ago, she became the most loved gantzer in France and was ranked in the top five around the world. The others contestants being Reika, Sei, a Brazilian girl and a Finnish one.

Protests were voiced about the Brazilian girl unfair popularity tactics, her gantzer account showing her Rio’s carnival costume. It was pretty much a bikini with strass.

Zoe still couldn’t fathom that she was a celebrity now, at not even seventeen. Thankfully, she had the full support of Reika, Takashi and her group. She had stopped being homeless now. Officially at least. Her group having given her shelter from the moment they learned of her living conditions for some time now. Now she had a full apartment for herself, donation of one of the people they saved that night. She had spent some of the money Takashi gave to each gantzer as a salary to furnish it. Well, more like refurnish it, her style and the former owner’s didn’t match at all. The old man joked on TV when she tried to apologies, about her being seventeen and him seventy, which could explain their differences in tastes.

Zoe still talked to Reika and Takashi every day. The young Japanese woman helping her separating her private and public life. Imposing limits early was the best way for her to keep her life as calm as possible.

What were the consequences for your privates lives?” Asked the journalist. “How did your wife react?”

Well, pretty normally I think. She slapped me.” Victor said with a smile.


Yes, she learned what I did on live television you see, so she was as the same time, angry, scared and relieved. She told me later at home that she previously thought I was having an affair with Camille. With all the late home-coming, nights out and the fact that we were often talking secretly together by texts and in hushed voices on the phone.”

Well, at least she can be reassured now, can’t she?”

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Since Frederic and Camille got drunk together at the celebratory party? Yes!”.

Victor’s second in command’s face was pouting and blushing as that time, while she and the oldest member of the group bumped his arms playfully. Comments about the age difference in their couple were voiced online. She was twenty one for his forty two. To which she responded with a splendid “Fuck You” on her gantz account.

As the interview continued, the journalist had to ask.

What about the group’s interactions, any problems?”

Since Frederic and Camille…” started Victor as Richard interrupted him, while the firefighter got himself two simultaneous head-slaps.

Actually I hate Frederic!” he said, only half joking.

Oh… What happened between the two of you for you to hate him?” asked the journalist.

He can’t go to strip-clubs without thinking of my joke about the dancing ape. And you’re welcome!” Said the museum employee.

Not everyone in the public liked the way Richard enjoyed his private time, but the jock was staying true to himself and made it his personal claim, while pretending to die on the floor, bereaved of his life goal.

As she left the class’ clown agonize ridiculously on the floor, Laurence put the discussion back on track for the next topic.

I know it’s not a subject any of you really want to talk about, but I have to ask. What do you think about Tom ELLISON’s fate, the way he acted. Did any of you see this coming?”

Well, we did notice some jealousy from him. Especially when it came to Reika. But never did we ever think he would jeopardize the entire mission for that.” Said Camille, making her first comment this evening.

It’s actually worst than that.” started Frederic. “He purposely waited for the worst moment to betray us. We could have failed the mission. The tower could have crashed on the neighboring buildings, making countless victims.”

What are your thoughts about his conviction? Endangering the life of others, murder attempt, destruction of a national monument, and last but not least, treason.”

I know it was sudden for us when they dropped that one on him, but the bastard had it coming.” Spat Richard, his hate showing. “He tried to hit on Reika more than once. She even slapped him for that. Then he went woncko on all of us”.

Every gantzer worth his suit out there know the risks, but they also all know the mission. Protect the world. It sound cheesy and pompous, many will say it’s rehearsed, but it’s not. This asshole putt Paris at risk that night. Squirrel was torn apart like in some antique or middle age execution. The only way I want to encounter him is in court and he can forever rot in jail for all I care.” As he ended his passionate speech, the crowd watching cheered for Frederic.

The interview kept going.

United States of America, District of Columbia, Washington. Crisis Management Room.

The long rectangular table was dimly lighted, as every seat was occupied along it. Every face present was focused on a large wall-screen, showing a video montage of the Paris events. Images were taken from the press, the Paris’ CCTV cameras they got access to and lately some records from their locals agents on the ground. As the video ended, a man seated just right of the one seating at the head of the table got up.

As you all have seen, the group calling itself “Gantz” is in possession of not only vehicles but weapons based on technologies we can’t access or control.”

The screen then showed still-captures of said artifacts.

We already tried to approach WATANABE Takashi, known as G-GM Zero. All our request were denied, included veiled attempts to coerce him through his parents dealings.

During the past week, we were able to acquire various intelligence that the target already contacted most of the biggest industries in planes, boats and road vehicles manufacturing. Target also contacted various communication companies be it here or world-while to spread his technology and amass more financial power.

It is our estimate at the agency, that by the end of the next month, target will have became the most richest and influential man on earth.

At which point, any attempt to try to control him, his technology or his group will be void.”

Various voices made themselves known at that point, each with their own opinions.

What they decided, would only be known after the cliffhanger.

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