Gentle to the Bone

Chapter 3: 3

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Shen Yansheng and Lu Jingce met for the third time a week after New Year’s Eve.

During that week, Shen Yansheng was still running around for his father’s affairs, and everyone who might beg for it had been begged..

She even put down her last dignity and went to the Fu family for help.

But Uncle Wang told her that Uncle Fu and Aunt Fu went abroad, and Fu Shiyu was not in the country recently.

But she was standing at the door of Fu’s house, and she clearly saw a flashing figure by the window upstairs.

It’s not that Fu Shiyu is not in the country, it’s just that he refuses to see her.

On the way back to the hospital, she sat in a trance on the bus and almost passed the station.

After getting out of the bus, she took a deep breath, restrained her emotions, and thought about going to buy food for her.

Unexpectedly, something happened on the way to buy food. When she was about to walk into an alley, someone covered her mouth from behind and dragged her into the car in a few seconds. .

The moment she was thrown into the car, she could see who had caught her. She immediately sat up straight and tried her best to hide in the corner of the car, looking vigilantly at the men in front of her, “What are you trying to do?! You are committing a crime. !”

The man in the lead sneered, suddenly pulled out a dagger from behind and put it on Shen Yansheng’s cheek, “Crime? Seeing that the Chinese New Year is about to come, the family of us old men can’t lit the pot. Since you, Miss Shen, won’t make us feel better, neither will we let you have a better life.”

The cold and sharp dagger stuck to Shen Yansheng’s cheek, she was so afraid that she needed to grit her teeth tightly to control her body from trembling.

She stared at the other and asked, “What do you guys want? I really don’t have any money. If I had, I would have given it back to you.”

“I don’t care if you have it! No matter if you steal, rob or sell it, don’t think of not repaying the money you owe us old men!”

He patted Shen Yansheng’s cheek with a dagger, and said, “Besides, isn’t your boyfriend the son of the Fu family? Will there be no money? I fucking see that you just don’t want to pay it back!”

While speaking, he suddenly grabbed Shen Yansheng’s neck fiercely, and said: “I tell you Miss Shen, we are all people who lick blood with the tip of a knife, we are in a hurry. If you don’t want to risk your life, give us the money or I’ll kill you!”

Shen Yansheng was almost breathless, her face flushed red, and her tears fell uncontrollably.

Just when Shen Yansheng felt that she was about to die, that man finally let go.

For the rest of the journey, Shen Yansheng was blindfolded, she didn’t know where she was going to be taken, and she didn’t know what would happen next.

The unknown two hours in the dark were the most terrifying time in her life. Every minute and every second, she was so terrified that she almost suffocated.

Two hours later, she was taken out of the car, blindfolded and her hands tied, not knowing where they took her to.

She felt the whistling wind, as if she was in a world of ice and snow.

The moment the black face towel was lifted, she looked down and saw the vast sea. The man who was holding her behind sent her forward. She stepped on the gravel on the edge of the cliff and almost fell off the cliff.

She screamed in horror and burst into tears.

She was never brave, she was vulnerable and scared.

At this moment, she suddenly hated Fu Shiyu. She has been with him since she was in college. After so many years of relationship, after an accident at her home, he left her.

He knew that she was in a desperate situation, but he was able to ignore her, let alone accompany her. For so long, he hadn’t even made a phone call.

The man at the head waited for Shen Yansheng to cry almost, and then moved to her again and said, “How about Miss Shen? Have you figured it out? To pay or not to pay? You pay the money today, and your father’s debt is gone. A write-off. If you don’t pay it back today, don’t blame me for being cruel and throwing you into the sea to feed the sharks.”

Facing the sea breeze, Shen Yansheng closed her eyes in despair.

After a long time, when she opened her eyes again, her firm expression had replaced the fragility and tears in her eyes. She looked at the man next to her and said, “I still..”

Lu Jingce was in a company meeting when he received Shen Yansheng’s call. .

The theme of the meeting was about taking over the unfinished business of the Shen family, but it reached a deadlock in the middle of the meeting.

The reason is nothing more than the fact that the Shen family’s projects cannot be touched at all. If they could be touched, developers would have taken over them long ago. No one took the order, just because it couldn’t be touched, it was a business that lost money. And the loss is not a little bit, a little attention is a huge loss.

Coupled with the liabilities of the industry chain, it is also a huge expense.

Zhao Cheng, as a confidant who has been with Lu Jingce for many years, everyone put their hopes on Zhao Cheng, hoping that Zhao Cheng could persuade President Lu to give up this idea.

Zhao Cheng knew that Lu Jingce’s decision could not be changed, but he still insisted: “Mr. Lu, all the data show that these sets cannot be touched, otherwise…”

Lu Jingce interrupted him and made a final decision. “There is no room for negotiation on this matter. I didn’t come to you to listen to your opinions.”

He dropped the documents in his hand, got up and picked up his jacket, and said, “All losses caused by that time will go to my personal account.”

When he came out of the conference room, Lu Jingce’s phone in his trouser pocket rang.

He took out his mobile phone, looked down and saw that it was Shen Yansheng’s call, somewhat surprised.

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He picked it up and asked, “What’s wrong?”

There seemed to be a whistling sea breeze on the other end of the phone, followed by Shen Yansheng’s crying voice, “Lu Jingce, save me.”

It took two full hours from the center of Beicheng to Heifeng . Lu Jingce arrived within an hour and a half.

He drove the car very fast all the way, approaching Heifeng Cliff, and when he saw the scene of Shen Yansheng being held on the edge of the cliff, his face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were really killing intent.

The man who was holding Shen Yansheng was named Cheng Jiu. He turned his head vigilantly when he heard the sound of the car. Seeing Lu Jingce coming alone, he smiled and said, “Mr. Lu arrived quickly.”

Lu Jingce walked over, threw a box of money in front of Cheng Jiu, and said coldly, “Let her go.”

Cheng Jiu grabbed Shen Yansheng with one hand and held it with the other. Holding the dagger on Shen Yansheng’s neck, he smiled and said, “Don’t worry, let us brothers count first.”

After saying that, he winked at a few younger brothers beside him, one of them picked up the box, and the others walked to Lu Jingce’s car and searched the other boxes in the car.

After a while, the money was finally counted, and one of the younger brothers raised his head and said, “Ninth brother! Enough!”

Cheng Jiu smiled and said to Shen Yansheng, “That’s right, it’s only natural for you to pay your debts. If you were willing to repay the money earlier, I wouldn’t have to suffer you from this flesh and blood.”

Even though he said this, he still did not let Shen Yansheng go.

While holding Shen Yansheng as a hostage, he motioned for the younger brothers to bring the money into the car. When he got to the car, he asked Lu Jingce to hand over his phone.

Lu Jingce narrowed his eyes slightly, his face more gloomy.

Cheng Jiudao: “Don’t take offense, i don’t think you came out to be a fool and don’t have the vigilance at all. I have been careful all these years. If we don’t take the phone away, what if you call the police and arrest us?”

Lu Jingce gave Cheng Jiu a cold look, then took out the phone from his trouser pocket and threw it away.

Cheng Jiu took the phone and grabbed Shen Yansheng directly into the car. He was extremely fast. The moment he got into the car, the younger brother kicked the accelerator and drove the car out. The car ran a few hundred meters away, and Shen Yansheng was thrown out of the car.

Lu Jingce drove the car and followed closely. The moment Shen Yansheng was thrown out of the car, he slammed on the brakes and scolded swear words in his mouth: “Fuck!”

He suddenly pulled the handbrake and got out of the car immediately. .

When Shen Yansheng was thrown out of the car, she landed on his face, and a blood hole was hit on the ground on her forehead, causing her to faint.

Lu Jingce squatted down and helped Shen Yansheng up. Seeing that blood was pouring out of Shen Yansheng’s forehead, and the person fell into a coma, he couldn’t help frowning.

It was the second half of the night when Shen Yansheng woke up. She opened her eyes and found herself lying in a white room with a strong smell of disinfectant in the air.

The nurse was about to give her infusion when she saw her awake, and said with a smile, “You are awake.”

Perhaps it was because of her falling on head. Shen Yansheng felt dizzy, and her consciousness was not clear. She looked at the nurse blankly. Asked: “Where is this?”

The nurse smiled and said, “It’s Margaret Hospital. Miss, you fell on your head and bled a lot. Fortunately, you were sent to the doctor in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.”

At this time, Lu Jingce came in from outside after calling. Seeing that Shen Yansheng was awake, he walked over and asked her, “Are you feeling dizzy or not, is there any discomfort?”

Shen Yansheng looked at Lu Jingce, and her chaotic consciousness finally recovered, and subconsciously shouted, “Lu Jingce.”

Lu Jingce looked at her with a glance, gave a rare smile, and said, “You still recognize the person, and it looks like you didn’t have a concussion.”

The nurse hung up the infusion for Shen Yansheng and went out first. After a day of tossing, Lu Jingce was also a little tired, so he pulled out the chair beside the bed and sat down.

Shen Yansheng looked at him and couldn’t help but ask, “Where are those people?”

Lu Jingce leaned back in his chair lazily, and said lightly, “Illegal lending, plus kidnapping, is enough for them to get into the prison.”

Shen Yansheng asked, “Have they been caught?”

Lu Jingce gave Shen Yansheng a look and said “Are you still thinking about this? Does your head hurt?”

Shen Yansheng nodded honestly and said, “It hurts.”

She lowered her eyes and was silent, and after a while, she said slowly, “At that time, the company’s capital chain was broken, and the major suppliers all came to collect debts. My dad was afraid that the construction of the real estate would stop and he sold a lot of private assets to repay the debt. He wanted to appease them to continue the project. But the funding gap was too large, and my dad was unable to recover by himself and got some loan sharks.”

“After the assets were liquidated, almost all the debts that could be repaid were repaid, and the loan sharks owed to Cheng Jiu and the others really couldn’t be repaid. I sold my cello and repaid most of the principal, but these days the profit has become an astronomical figure…”

Speaking of which, Shen Yansheng seemed to have experienced the despair and pain of the past few months again, she couldn’t continue, she closed her eyes, but tears still flowed out of the corners of her eyes.

Lu Jingce sat next to her and looked at her, at her pale and thin cheeks, at the tears that spilled out of her eyes. With indescribable distress in his heart, he reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Shen Yansheng opened her eyes, she looked at Lu Jingce with tears in her eyes, and her throat couldn’t help choking, “Lu Jingce, can you save my father? As long as you are willing to help me save my father, I can give you anything you want. You…”

Lu Jingce looked at her deeply and asked in a low voice, “What do you think I want?”

Shen Yansheng took Lu Jingce’s hand and looked at him pleadingly, “I know, I know everything. As long as you are willing to help me save my dad, I can give you anything.”

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