Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 12: No Place Like Home

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I slammed my umbrella against a zombie's face.

Me and Perci continued to run around the residential area, jumping from house to house, climbing walls and getting over fences.


"Damn it! Why are they still after us?" I said.

We took a turn to the left and hid behind a van.

The zombies went past us and I took a deep sigh.

"I'm tired….."

I looked at Perci, who was just staring off into space.

He's been quiet for a while. Ever since Wolfis died.

"Perci, are you all right?"

He didn't respond.

"Perci. Perci."

I tapped his shoulder.

"Ah. Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"It's not your fault. You were just trying to protect me."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm fine."

He tilted his head and smiled at me.

That damned smile.

That damned fake smile.

"You're not fine. You've been unusually quiet all this time."

"I'm just contemplating what happened earlier. It's quite bothersome. But believe me, I can handle it."

I remember the words he told me before.

"My grandfather said that once you kill someone, your heart will forever be scarred and tormented."

Is that what he's feeling right now? But it was an accident. He didn't mean to kill Wolfis.

I didn't think it would be good to talk about this further, so I decided to change the topic.

"Um, how far away are we from your house?"

“It’s actually not that far from here. It’s located north of the residential area.”

“North? Isn’t that just mostly forest?”

“Let’s go. Just follow me.”

Oh no, don’t tell me this is going to be some shanty house in the middle of the woods. I’m scared.

Perci went out first and led the way.

"Wait, I'm tired."

"Sorry, but we can't rest now, it's getting dark."

Perci lifted me in his arms and started running.

"Woah! We're doing this again?!"

"You're pretty lightweight, so it's no problem for me."

"Are you sure you aren't just saying that just to make me feel good?" I asked.

"If I were lying, I wouldn't have even considered carrying you in the first place," Perci said.

I'm still skeptical, but he made a pretty good argument so I couldn't say anything.

He called me lightweight……I'm relieved. 

I might have killed him on the spot if he called me fat.

One of his special skills, being able to move elegantly while carrying someone. I should just be grateful.

The way he jumps around and evades every zombie while keeping his hold on me was marvelously impressive. I'm starting to think he vigorously practiced this sort of thing.

Since I was holding two umbrellas in my arms, I might as well just try to thrust the zombies away with them.

“Leave us be!”

“Nice backup, Ori.”

“I just don’t want to be useless.”

We made it over to the path to the forest. The zombies chasing us were gone, so I asked Perci to put me down.

“Thanks for carrying me again.”

“My pleasure.”

“The forest, huh. I’m honestly a little scared.”

“Don’t worry, you’re going to love it,” Perci said.

I'm not just a little scared, I'm terrified!


Imagine, living in a house by the forest. That sounds like something lumberjacks or hunters do. What if his grandfather is some sort of social outcast who decided to live away from the neighborhood?

Ahhhh, I’m already thinking about a creepy old cabin in the woods……I’m not going to love that sort of thing!

We walked over the dirt road until we finally reached our destination.

“Oy, oy, oy! I can’t possibly consider this as a house!”

This is….too much!

Even though it looked old and kind of creepy, with vines and bushes sticking out, the Victorian-style mansion I saw with my very own eyes stood beautifully and left me in complete awe.

There was just something enchanting about the shadowy yet cozy aesthetic the place brings.

“What kind of person is your grandfather?!”

“My grandfather is a rich gentleman.”

Ok, at this point, my doubts about going to a boy’s house have completely dissolved. 

Screw it. Who wouldn’t take the chance to sleep in a place like this?

“You don’t like it?”

“I do! This is too elegant!”

“Glad to hear that.”

Perci walked over to the entrance and opened the door for me.

“After you.”

The interior design was even more amazing. Play me some classical music.

Just from entering the foyer, it was easy to appreciate the house like a work of art. I looked around like a child on caffeine. The smooth wooden floors, the intricate carpet designs, the railings of the staircase, the mini chandeliers on the ceiling, the red curtains on the windows, the pendulum clocks hanging on the walls, the neatly stacked bookshelves, the antiquated couches and tables…….

I might be overindulging on this too much.

They even have a whole suit of armor and a collection of swords!

“You look like you want to live here forever,” Perci said.

“Of course!”

But does that mean I have to marry him first?

I turned red at the thought and pinched myself on the cheek. 

“Well, let me show you to your bedroom.”

Bedroom? Suspicious! Is he planning on doing anything with me on the bed? I must remain vigilant. Stay frosty.

A while later…..


I jumped on the bed, planted myself face first and bounced up and down.

Why is it so fluffy and soft?!

“Please take a bath first before jumping on the bed….your clothes are dirty,” Perci placed his hand on his forehead.

“S-sorry. I’ll do that then. Show me the way.”

"Let me prepare the bathtub for you first."

How embarrassing….After everything I told myself earlier…

I made my way inside the bathroom.

"Here's your towel and bathrobe," Perci said.


"Just call me if you need anything."

Perci closed the door and I locked it.

I took off my school clothes and removed the tie on my hair.

Then I slowly placed my foot into the tub.

"Ah! That's hot….."

It took me a total of 5 minutes to completely bask my entire body in the water.

"Ahhhh, so warm….I love it."

I've never had a bath like this before…I only ever used showers my whole life.

I'm pretty sure I locked the door, right? I wouldn't want Perci to be peeking here. Is he even the type of person who would do such a thing? But he's a guy! He should have thought of it at least somewhat! 

I can't trust him!

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Sigh….I wonder if Perci is okay. It's only been less than a full day since the apocalypse started, but it feels like we've been through so much together. It's something that would have never happened on any ordinary day. He would have probably been a small particle of dust in my memory, just a student from the same school. 

What was that quote again?

Tough times create strong bonds.

It's like there's some sort of attachment between me and him, but I can't completely accept him yet. Deep down inside, I still hated men. If I accept him now, there's a high chance he'll end up being like all the boys I've met. They were all as kind as him, but eventually showed their true colors as time went by. 

I feared that he would just be the same.

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I've fallen for the same trick countless times for me to understand it.

That deep down inside, men are trash.

After a fine moment of bathing in the warm waters, I dried myself up and put on the bathrobe.

I left the bathroom and decided to look for Perci.

"Perci? Where are you?"

I looked around the first and second floors of the house.

"Where did he go?"

I heard a faint sound coming from down below.

I followed the sound and discovered some stairs that lead underneath the first floor.

"Is he in the basement? What could he be doing there?!"

I walked down the stairs stealthily.

"Fuu! Fuu!" 

I heard sounds of quick breathing accompanied with the sound of something being beaten up.

W-What?! Could it be that there's a body down here? And he's beating him up?

I clutched my beating heart and tried not to make any noise.

Taking a peek, I saw it.

He was kicking a punching bag with only his shorts on.

Woah….he's ripped….rock-hard six pack abs, thick calves, brawny arms…I didn't think his body looked like this because he usually seemed slimmer underneath his school clothes.

And my handkerchief is still on his shoulder…..

Ori, you damned hypocrite, why are you objectifying a man?! Cut it out!

The look on his face made it seem more like he was venting out his frustrations rather than just training.

"Perci….don't overwork your shoulder!"

"Oh, Ori…"

I walked further down the stairs, but I felt a sudden jolt of pain on my thigh and I tripped.


Just as I was about to fall down, Perci had caught me in his arms.

"A-are you ok?"

H-his skin is touching me…..ahhh…

I think steam is coming out of my head.

"You seem hot," Perci said.

"D-did you just call me hot?"

"I mean your temperature. You seem to have a slight fever. On top of that, the bruise on your thigh. The painkillers' effects wore off."

"I think I'm just really exhausted."

Perci carried me in his arms again.

Why is this always happening?

I'll admit though, I'm feeling really tired…..

Why didn't I notice anything till now?

I think I'm gonna….zzzzzzzzz…..


I opened my eyes.

I was suddenly on the bed.

Ugh, I feel like a steaming sinking blob of soggy slime….

The door to my room opened and I saw Perci.

I decided to squint my eyes and act like I was asleep.

Oh no….I'm too weak to move….When a girl is completely helpless and sleeping on the bed, that's the perfect time for a man to strike.

Perci must have been waiting for this moment all along. Coming with me all this away, just to be able to do this. 

"Ori…are you awake?"

I didn't respond.

I could feel him getting closer. My heart was beating faster. Is he really going to…..

I could feel his hand on my head, slowly caressing downwards until…

No……please don't….

I clenched my fists. 

Perci grabbed onto my blanket and tucked me in with it.

He lifted up my hair and placed a hot towel on my forehead.

"Sweet dreams, milady."

I told you not to call me that…..idiot.

Why? I thought he would have used this chance to take advantage of me, but instead, he's just doing his best to take care of me. I thought men were vile creatures, so why?

Maybe I should just go to sleep…….



I woke up to the warm radiance of the sun shining from the window.

Taking off the towel on my head, I stretched my arms widely and yawned loudly.

I feel much better than before.

Getting up from the bed, I limped my way over to the door.

"It still hurts…" I held my thigh.

Upon opening the door, I inhaled the aromatic scent of bacon and eggs. This made my stomach rumble.

"I feel so shameless…."

I followed the smell downstairs all the way to the kitchen, where I could see Perci cooking for breakfast.

"Ori, you're finally awake. Good morning."

Perci gave me a warm sweet smile, like a husband greeting his wife first thing in the morning.

Isn't this something every girl dreams about?

A handsome guy cooking a nice delicious meal just for them. It's almost cinematic.

"Just wait on the dining table, I'll be there shortly."

After waiting on the table for a while, Perci had finally arrived with the bacon and eggs.

It looks good, but does it taste good? And is it drugged?

"Is there anything wrong with the meal?" Perci asked.


"Well, you better eat up. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"Is it drugged?"

"No. I would never do such a thing. Especially not in my grandfather's house. I would never disrespect him by doing such acts."

Perci looked sincere with his words, but I decided to test him just in case.

"Prove it by taking the first bite," I demanded.


Perci closed his eyes, then pointed at his mouth while opening his lips.

"H-Ha? What are you doing? Want me to spoonfeed you or something? Are you a child?"

"Yes. If you're the one who chooses which part to eat, I wouldn't be able to tamper with it in any way."

Damn! How is he able to come up with such a convincing excuse to get fed by a woman?!

"Aw, jeez! Forget it, I'll just eat it myself!"

I didn't have the courage to do such an outrageous thing!

Taking a bite from a piece of bacon, my eyes started to widen.


"You seem to be pleased. How was it?"

"It was so-so. Good enough."

It wasn't just so-so. It was great! But I don't want to admit it to him. He's a better cook than me!

"I'm glad to hear that," Perci smiled.

After finishing our meal, I laid on the couch and turned on the TV.

On the screen was an emergency broadcast warning about the zombie outbreak. I tried switching channels, but it was the only thing that was airing.

A robotic voice spoke out.

GLOBAL WARNING! RED ALERT! A deadly virus has spread at an extremely exponential rate throughout the entire world. The source of the virus is currently unknown. Citizens infected with the virus are said to be extremely hostile and aggressive. They have been reported to bite any living creature in their field of vision, display enhanced strength and speed, chase after loud noises and lack any sense of pain. They are no longer humans and must be eliminated at all costs. As much as possible, stay indoors and lock all doors and windows. Currently, the world is in a state of chaos and there is no longer any government or order due to the severity of the situation. You are on your own. There will be no rescue. Survive for the preservation of humanity. Good luck, survivors.

Seriously……we truly are in an apocalyptic age. There's no hope left.

"We're doomed……" I slouched my shoulders.

Perci took the remote from my hand and turned off the TV.

"We can't do anything about it now. We'll just do whatever it takes to survive. This is our new life now."

"What do we do now?"

"We'll just settle down here. It's not like we have anywhere else to go, right?"


Is there really anything we can do at this point?

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