Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 31: Heart of a Demon

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"It was Perci who should have died," Lucio smiled.

"W-what…was that?" I said.

“That time with Bryce, it was I who suggested to him the idea of manipulating Perci to kill himself,” Lucio said. 

“How could you do such a thing?!”

“He told me he was planning to kill you, but I convinced him not to,” Lucio said. “I told him, ‘Wouldn’t it be better to let Ori feel how you feel by killing the person she cares about most?’ That way, you would understand Bryce’s pain.”

“You should have just stopped him from doing anything! Why did you have to involve Perci?”

Lucio snickered.

“What’s so funny?!”

“You haven’t noticed? Poor girl,” Lucio played with my hair, but I slapped his hand away.

He laughed it off like it was nothing.

“I’ve had my eye on him from the very beginning.”

“What do you mean?”

“From the moment you entered this resort, I’ve already sensed that you had some sort of special connection with him,” Lucio said. “Because he was a guy that had captured your interest, he became my primary target.”

“Are you telling me you’re gay for Perci?” 

“Hahahaha! No, not at all. I only see him as a rival for your love,” Lucio made a heart sign with his hands.

“So, you still haven’t gotten over me, huh. Figures,” I bent my elbows and flicked my hands up.

“Of course, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. How could I?” 


“As for what I do with every opponent, I first observe their actions and test their abilities. That was why I decided to propose the underground fight. It was to test his physical ability and his devotion to protect you. Perci exceeded my expectations by fighting two people at the same time. That was when I realized how amazing of a person he is! It gave me all the more reason to take him down.”

“Such a selfish jealous douchebag!” 

“From then on, I had spies observe your relationship the next day, which was the day you had your date and reported to me every single detail about his personality and your relationship together.”

“Creepy bastard…how low can you get?”

“With the information I gathered, I decided to test how much you cared about Perci.”

“When did you do something like that?”

“Hmm..What would happen if he invited you late at night to be alone on the rooftop? Would you willingly accept it?”

Something clicked in my head.

“The letter! So it was you too who convinced Damien to fall off the building with me?”

“Wow, you’re smarter than I thought, Ori! Very good!” Lucio clapped his hands. “I told him, ‘If you were to die, wouldn’t it be more poetic if you did it with the person you love?’ And just like that, he agreed to my plan.”

“You fucking psycho!”

I tried to grab his shirt, but he continued to maintain his unwavering smile.

“Violence doesn’t suit a beautiful lady, you know?” 

The two staff members tried to approach me, but Lucio stopped them.

“It’s ok, don’t worry, guys. I have it under control,” Lucio said.


“If it were any other guy, you wouldn’t have even considered accepting the letter because of how cautious you are. But since Perci’s name was on the letter… went there anyway. Goes to show how much you like him.”

“So what? You should just leave us alone.”

“It was such a blessing when Damien died. I got the chance to save you like a charming hero and have another test subject for my experiment. Sadly he turned into a zombie.”

I grasped my fist and gritted my teeth. 

I had to hold my anger in. There’s no way I can take on all of them at once.

“After analyzing the results of my observations, I set up the plan to kill Perci. The event involving Bryce. I did this for two reasons. One, a strong man like him would be a perfect specimen for my hybrid experiment. Two, it would eliminate any threats to my love for you. Killing two birds with one stone, that’s what I would say!”

"The only thing I didn’t anticipate was Robin. If it weren’t for him, Perci would have been dead by now," Lucio made a gesture like he was holding a bow.

“You’re a selfish greedy douchebag. What happened to creating a utopia for everyone?”

"Heh, I can't consider it a utopia if I can't get what I want," Lucio lifted his arms. "Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made to achieve your goals."

“Ok. So, why are you telling me all this, then?”

“Well, because of that incident, you destroyed your relationship with Perci. I suspect it’s because you want to protect him from me. I’m pretty sure you know what I’m capable of.”

Sweat began to fall from my cheeks.

“I have a proposal to make. Let’s revive the contract.”

“The contract? No way! I don’t ever want to go back to being your plaything!”

“You should listen to me before you even reject my proposal. Because if you don’t accept it, I’ll make sure Perci is dead for sure,” Lucio looked at me with a smile.

But this time, it was different.

It was a dark sinister devilish smile that made my body shiver.

“Let me repeat the contract. I will offer you all of my protection and provide you with all of your needs and wants. But in exchange, you will become my property and you will always follow my orders.”

I remembered why I accepted this contract before. My previous boyfriend, Kenji, threatened to physically assault me if I ever left him. That was when Lucio came to my rescue and protected me from Kenji.

Kenji may have been the strongest in terms of physical ability, but it was nothing to the genius named Lucio.

With superior intelligence, vast wealth, social connections and influence, he was powerful enough to take Kenji down with just one order from his mouth.

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He isn’t a man who fights with his fists, but a man who fights using strategy and tactics.

At first, he was the kindest person I’ve ever met in my entire life, so I didn’t really care about the conditions. I’m such an idiot.

Well, the first part of the contract was very rewarding. Lucio had given me a truckload of gifts and bought me whatever I wanted. I also didn’t have to worry about being hurt by anyone, like my crazy ex-boyfriends. I absolutely loved him for it.

Ok, I sound like a gold digger. Damn it!

We were basically in a symbiotic relationship.

“The catch is that if you reject my orders, everyone you care about will die. That includes Perci and Agnes,” Lucio said.


“You don’t have much of a choice here, Ori,” Lucio said. “Just come back to me and everything will be fine.”

Lucio showed me his hand.

I was hesitant, but I had no choice but to hold it.

“Fine, I’ll do it. I’ll accept the deal. As long as you don’t hurt my friends, I’ll stick by your side,” I said.

“Good girl,” Lucio patted my head.

I resisted the urge to slap it away.

“Now, don’t go telling anyone about what happened tonight, ok?”

“I get it, I get it.”

“You’re going to be sleeping in my room tonight.”

“H-huh? Already?”


I was taken to the presidential suite of the resort, which was a wider and fancier room compared to all of the other rooms. It was like a house.

It had a piano, two sets of couches, a kitchen, a round table, a giant TV and an amazing view of the beach by the huge windows.

“H-hey…don’t you care about privacy?” I asked, concerned about the windows.

“Why? Are you afraid everyone will see us together like this?”

Lucio pushed me against the window and breathed on my neck.


“What did you say?”


“Hahahaha! Don’t worry. It’s only see through from this side,” Lucio let go of me. “I still find it cute how you feel so intimidated around me!”

What a sadist! I hate him!

Lucio hopped on the bed and tapped on it.

“Well, let’s get down to business, shall we?”

“Um…I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

“Are you disobeying my orders?”

I bit my lip and laid down on the bed.

“Do you understand what we’re going to do, right?”


“Take off your hoodie.”

I removed the hoodie, revealing only a bra underneath, exposing my skin.

This is embarrassing….

Lucio played with my hair and twirled it around. 

“What beautiful red hair….”

W-Why am I blushing?! This can’t be!

He then proceeded to caress my cheek and place his thumb on my lips.

“Such pretty lips…”

He then proceeded to slide his hands all over my shoulders and waist, then down to my thighs.

“You have such smooth silky skin too.”

I can’t say anything rude…..resist the urge!

“Your body is just as perfect as ever,” Lucio patted my head.

It’s not like I’m going to say thanks, you idiot.

“All right. Body inspection is over. Now it’s time for the main event!”

Lucio whispered into my ear his nasty desires.



I have no choice but to do it…..

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