Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 5: The One Who Shot An Arrow To My Heart

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“It’s time to go,” Perci said.

“Please be gentle with me,” I said.

Perci carried me up slowly and began to breathe in and out.

“Are you ready?” he asked me.


“Hold on tight.”

He opened the door of the greenhouse and stealthily walked past the zombies.

“Llamrei is in the parking lot, so we’ll have to make our way to the football field first to get there.”

As soon as we made it to the football field, I was surprised to see that there were only a bunch of dead zombies on the grass. 

(Readers note: In case you’re American, they’re referring to a soccer field)

“It’s an open area accessible to anyone, but why does it seem so safe?” I said. “Why are the zombies all dead here?”

“I don’t know why, but this is good for us. Let’s hurry,” Perci said.

Perci began to run on the grass and we spotted a zombie running from a distance. 

An arrow shot from a distance and hit the zombie precisely on the head. We looked in the direction where the arrow came from and saw a short brown-haired boy wearing an archery club jacket. He looked at us with sharp green eyes and a serious expression.

Oh no.

“Oh, it’s the archery club’s ace Robin. How lucky of us to meet him,” Perci said.

“Um, it’s quite the opposite actually.”

“Huh? Why?”

“He’s one of my ex-boyfriends.”

“How many ex-boyfriends do you have?”

“Seven. He’s my third ex-boyfriend.”


I can’t believe we had to come across him.

“Hanging out with another guy, I see,” Robin said. “How shameless can you be?!”

“He has nothing to do with my lovelife, we’re just trying to escape school!” I yelled.

“Really now? I can’t keep my eyes off you for one second! I’ve always found it annoying whenever you talk with other people! Maybe I should start disciplining you again!”

He’s very possessive as usual. The reason why I broke up with him was because he was always restricting me from doing what I want, like hanging out with my friends, both male and female. Even hanging out with my family!  I always have to ask him permission just to do something, he’s super strict. He even goes as far as checking all my messages on social media because of that stupid insecurity of his. I never wanted to break up with him and tried to endure everything, but being treated like a bird on a cage for so long was beyond my limits.

“What is your name, boy?!” Robin asked.

“I am Perci!”

“Ah, the white-knight weirdo. Would you mind handing her over to me? I’ll keep her safe!”

Perci thought for a moment. Then asked me.

“Are you okay with a guy like him?” 

“No way. I’d rather stick with you than that controlling dickhead.”

“Very well then.”

Perci looked at Robin once again.

“It’s fine, she doesn’t need your help! I’ll take care of her for you!”

“I won’t allow it!” Robin said.

“Well, maybe you can just come with us?!” Perci said.

“Hey! I don’t want that guy near me ever again!” I said.

“No thanks. I can’t allow another guy to be with her!” Robin said.

"Well, she doesn't want you around anyway…" Perci said.

"If you're not going to hand her over to me, then I'll have to take her by force!"

Robin shot out an arrow and headed straight towards Perci’s head.

Perci jumps away to dodge the arrow.

“Hey! Are you trying to kill us?!” I said.

“No, just Perci! I’m confident I won’t hit you, I promise!” 

“Crazy bastard!” 

“If that’s the case, then this is a duel between men!” Perci said.

Perci lay me down on the grass and looked me in the eyes.

“Is it ok if I leave you here for a while?”

“Yes, I’ll only be a burden if you insist on carrying me,” I said.

Besides, I don’t want to get hit by those arrows.

“Can’t we just talk about this instead?!” Perci said.

“No! I only see you as a threat to our relationship!”

We’re not even together anymore….

“Then I have no choice but to fight!” 

Robin started shooting arrows towards Perci again. Perci dodged each and every one of them with shifty movements,  rapidly switching directions left and right while being constantly bombarded with arrows.

“Tsk! You’re really good! I’ll have to take this more seriously!” Robin said.

Robin shot another arrow towards Perci, but he quickly dodged it again. However, this time, another arrow was already on its way as if it had already been predicted that he would dodge in that direction. The arrow grazed Perci on the shoulder and he dropped to the grass.


An arrow was already on its way to Perci, causing him to roll around at the last second and get back up again. The arrows wouldn’t allow him to stop moving, he wasn’t given enough time to breathe.

Perci ran over to the center of the field, where there was a football lying on the ground. He picked up the football and sprinted towards the opposing archer.

He continued to dodge the arrows directed towards him and got hit on the shoulder.

“Krhh! ‘Tis but a scratch!”

He continued to keep running and was already reaching close by towards Robin.

Perci threw the ball in the air and proceeded to kick it with a powerful force.

The ball flew up in a curved path and locked in towards Robin.

Robin shot an arrow towards the ball and it exploded into many bits and pieces, making a loud popping sound.

He was distracted by the sudden explosion, giving Perci the chance to close the gap and swipe his bow away Perci hit Robin in the face with a heavy slap and knocked him down into submission.

H-he actually did it!

"I win, Robin."

Perci carried Robin's body and ran somewhere.

"Hey! What are you doing? Why not just leave him alone?" I said.

"I can't just leave him to die out here. As a gentleman, I have to have some courtesy for everyone."


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This guy…his kindness doesn't only extend to women? He's also being respectful to a guy who tried to kill him. I can't process it. 

Hmm…They're both still men, so maybe there's some sort of bro code I don't know about?

Perci carried him over to a tree and placed his body high up in a thick branch, where he couldn't be reached by the zombies.

"Ouch!" he said as he extended his shoulder.

Perci ran over to me with a panted look on his face.

"H-hey! There's still an arrow on your shoulder!"

"Just a flesh wound," he smiled.

"But the arrow is stuck inside!"

"Taking it off will only make the blood leak out."

"I have some experience in first aid. Please let me help you!"

"All right, I trust in your abilities, Ori."

I held the arrow and looked at Perci.

"This is going to hurt, are you ready?"


I took deep breaths and started to count.

"3, 2!"

I pulled the arrow out before reaching the next second.

"Ouch! I thought you were going to count all the way to 1!"

I picked up a pink floral handkerchief from my pocket and proceeded to wrap it around Perci's shoulder. I tied the knot and sighed.

"It's done. Don't worry, my handkerchief is clean."

Luckily, the arrow that hit him was the one used in archery competitions, where the tip was just a simple metal point and not a thick arrowhead. Otherwise, it would have been much more complicated. Perhaps even requiring surgery.

"Let's go. Time to carry you again," Perci stood up.

"Hey! I just treated you! You can't just do that! I'll just walk instead."

"Won't it hurt?"

"It will."

"At least put your arm over my strong shoulder, I'll help you lessen the pressure on your thigh."

I placed my arm over his neck and we both proceeded to walk.

"How'd you learn how to do first aid?" 

"I learned it from my mother. She's a doctor. I used to want to be like her someday."

"Used to?"

"At first, I wanted to help the world out by being a doctor and saving lives. But when high school came, I gave up on my dream and stopped caring about everyone because they all treated me like trash. Why should I help a world that subjected me to a cruel destiny?"

"Even if the world is a terrible place, there will always be people who will make it better. The only difference is whether you will choose to be one of those people." Perci looked at me and smiled.

I looked away and pouted.

"Aw jeez, why am I even sharing this to you anyway? Ah, whatever!"

I'll have to admit, I'm giving him points for that quote though.


"Damn it, we have no choice. Hop on my back!"

"W-what? But your injury!"

"Forget it. We'll die before we get the chance to worry about it."

"This is kind of embarrassing…."

I crossed my arms over his chest and blushed.

He's grabbing on to my thighs…….Wait! Now's not the time to think about it! The zombies are on their way!

I hugged him tightly and he proceeded to sprint towards the parking lot.

I'm still honestly impressed with that speed of his…..

I noticed a zombie reaching his hand towards my back.

"Eeeeeek! Get away!"

I slapped the zombie's hand, causing it to hit its own head and stagger on the ground.

We made it over to the parking lot and saw a few vehicles, but no sign of any horse?

"Hey, are you sure you parked your horse here?"

"Yeah, it's right over there. Llamrei."

He pointed at a black motorcycle.

"Quit horsing around! In what world can you call that thing a horse?!"

"I like to pretend it is, being a knight riding into the sunset with Llamrei. Isn't it poetic?"



Perci lifted me onto the motorcycle and turned on the engine.

"Hold on to me, ok?"

"Of course. But it's not because I want to hug you, ok?"

"Yep, yep, I get it."

The zombies are about to close in.

"Hurry up!" I said.

"Ah. It's out of gas."


"Just kidding," Perci grinned.


He spun the motorcycle around and knocked down the zombies surrounding us.


The motorcycle took off and went down the road.

"That wasn't very gentleman-like at all!"

"Is it wrong for a gentleman to joke around and have fun?" he asked.

"I think I feel a little dizzy."

"Sorry, sorry, milady."

"I told you not to call me that!"

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