Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 7: Put Your Head On My Shoulder

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Perci continued to run with me on his back.

The bikers didn’t seem to show any mercy towards us as they were relentlessly chasing us around.

“Where the hell are you?!!!!!” Ryder screamed.


The sound of footsteps can be heard rushing over to our area.

“Tsk, the zombies are here, retreat!”

“Huff, huff, huff.”

We hid over at a pharmacy nearby and locked all of the doors.

Perci and I hid behind the counter and rested for a while.

“T-this is too much,” I said.

“Despite all our troubles, we were still able to persevere. We kept on fighting,” Perci smiled.


Suddenly the atmosphere started to feel awkward.

W-what's up with this silence? It's suspicious!

Or maybe I'm just overreacting.

It's not like we're close anyway, we barely interacted in school. It's normal enough that we don't have much to talk about.

It's me and him alone again…..

I still could not bring myself to let go of the garden knife I had hidden in my pocket.

I can't ever let my guard down when I'm with a boy. No matter how kind they seem, there is always a monster that lurks deep in their heart.

I thought about the time with my teacher. I thought he saved me because he cared, but it was all so that he could fulfill his lustful desires.

It’s the same with my boyfriends. They would always try to get too intimate with me whenever we were alone. It’s a miracle I’m still a virgin. 

However, it still felt terrible, knowing that they’ve all already kissed me and touched me in certain parts. 

I’m a dumb and naive bitch for letting them do that to me.

Especially that boy….

I recalled a moment with that blonde boy. My last boyfriend. He massaged my shoulders and bit my neck like some sort of vampire. It hurt too. 

What’s funny was he was the kindest out of all of them. A great example of what a nice gentle man should be. He had the same vibe as Perci. 

In fact they were really similar, which is precisely why I hate his guts. I view Perci the same way I viewed him. That’s why I can’t feel calm when I’m with him.

Especially when he grabbed my breast earlier….it could have been done on purpose, the sneaky bastard!

But I have no proof it was intentional, so there's no point in arguing.

Ah. I feel like my thoughts are just wandering. 

Wait, my eyes are closed. 

Because of how boring the moment was, my mind was already floating around and unconsciously diving into a nap.

No! Don’t sleep!

I slapped myself in the face.

T-that was close! I nearly fell asleep!

I can’t doze off now! It’s such a rookie mistake! He’ll take advantage of me if I do! Don’t let your guard down!

I slowly tried to take a look at Perci.


He was already trying to lean over towards me!

“S-stay away!”

I knew it! That was his motive all along!



Perci was fast asleep on my shoulder.


It was him that ended up sleeping instead.

This made me shiver in place…..I began to sweat profusely as I felt his head touch me. 

I’m quite sensitive to the touch of a boy, so I could not help but feel so intimidated.

“Please don’t touch me….” I muttered silently.

I observed his sleeping face as he breathed softly.

He must be exhausted after carrying me all this time. I shouldn’t be too harsh on him. Now I just feel too cruel. He just wanted to get some rest, although involuntarily on my shoulder.

Or maybe he’s just acting!

This time, I stared at him intensely, trying to look for any signs of deception.

He looks really cute when he’s asleep…

His lips seem quite alluring……

The delicate black hair that stuck out from his fedora suited his seemingly innocent appearance. 

I think I might end up falling for him.

I slapped myself in the face.

Hey! What are you saying? How easy is it for you to fall in love? 

Aw jeez, come on…. Why am I so hopeless? This is precisely why I ended up with 7 boys. 

It’s not about looks! It’s about personality! And every boy has a terrible personality! Don’t let his face fool you!

Yet, my face felt flushing red.

Damn it!

My heart rate is moving faster……Am I really this nervous around a boy? It might be because of the emotional trauma……..

But…I guess he deserves it…..

I’ll consider it as thanks for carrying me all this time. NOTHING ELSE!

“Grandfather……..I did it. I finally bought a motorcycle…..” he muttered.

He’s talking in his sleep…….

“I wish you were still around to see it…I miss you….”

His grandfather…..that’s sad…..Poor guy.

I slowly lifted my hand and patted his head.

“I’m only doing this because I feel bad……” I said.

I looked away in silence and waited for the time to pass.

An hour later…..

Perci lifted his head off my shoulder and opened his eyes.

“Um, did I really just sleep on your shoulder?” he asked.


Perci got down and prostrated himself on the floor.

“Ah. I’m so sorry. I got too careless and fell asleep. Was I too heavy?”

“No, it’s fine.”

“You can rest on my shoulder instead. I have to return the favor.”

“No thanks! We better get moving again.”

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“But your leg…”

“Don’t worry about it!”

I stood up and tried to limp over to the storage area of the pharmacy.


“Don’t force yourself! Let me help you.”

Perci got up instantly and offered his arm.

“Use it as support,” he said.

“I don’t need it.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure!”

I went inside the room and began searching through the stacks of medicines placed on the shelves.

“Where is it?”

I noticed that Perci had followed me and looked at him annoyingly.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m just here to make sure you don’t fall down and injure yourself.”

I scratched my head.

“Sigh, fine. Just don’t do anything weird.”

I continued to keep looking for a certain drug…until I finally found it at the highest part of the shelf.

I tried to reach it over with my arm, but I was too short.

“I can’t reach it!”

“You need some help there?” Perci asked and tilted his head towards me.

“I can handle it myself! I don’t want your help.” I said.

I tried tip-toeing and stretching my arm even further.

“Almost there!”

I was finally able to put my hand on the drug container.

“I did it!”

But then, it slipped and went further inside the shelf.


Perci clapped his hands and smiled. 

“It’s ok, you can do it!” he cheered.

I stared at him and twitched my eyebrows.

“You’re mocking me aren’t you? You really are.”

“No, I’m not. I’m just giving you words of encouragement.”

Perci picked up the container and offered it to me.

"Here you go."

“I wanted to do it myself, you know. I was getting close!” I said.

Perci placed back the container at the very top of the shelf.

“Hey! Are you messing with me?”

“You said you wanted to do it yourself, right?” Perci said.

He walked over to a certain area of the room and picked up a stool.

“Here you go.”

“Hmph. Thanks. That doesn’t count as helping!”


I went on top of the stool and picked up the container.

“What did you get?” Perci asked.

“It’s painkillers. So you don’t have to carry me all the time. I don’t want to slow you down.”

I took two pills and swallowed them whole.

“Is that really going to work?”

“Yeah, for a few hours at least. I’ll just take another two again when I have to.”

We picked up some more medical supplies and placed them inside the bags.

I clapped my hands and put them on my waist.

“I’m ready to go!”

“All right.”

Just right after he said those words, there was a loud growling sound coming from my stomach.

I held my stomach and crouched in embarrassment.

“T-that wasn’t me.”

“I guess we better eat first. It’s already way past lunch.”

He let out a small chuckle and tried to stop himself by covering his mouth.

“Pfft. I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t. Sorry. As a gentleman, I can’t laugh.”

His squinting eyes told me he wanted to laugh badly, but he was trying to contain it so as to not be so rude.

This guy gets on my nerves. Men really are annoying.


I picked up a club sandwich from the bag and started munching on it. 

Perci also picked up the same sandwich on his bag and opened the packaging.

“Hey, are you copying me?” I asked.

“No, it’s just a coincidence.”

“I don’t believe it.”

“Suit yourself.”

He took a bite on the sandwich with a warm look on his face.


C-cute…..How is this possible?! He’s just eating a sandwich. My heart is being played with. I can feel it! 

There’s no way I can fall for him so easily! I won’t allow it. I barely know this guy!

“You look cute when you eat, milady.”


I grasped my sandwich and looked down.

“Don’t call me….milady. Can’t you just call me Ori?”

“Sorry, Ori. It’s just a habit.”

“Calling me cute so casually, what a typical textbook move. Men these days…” I muttered.

“What’s wrong?”


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