Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 1: CH 1

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The Escape 01

Xin Lan thought that she had never been defeated in her life, but frowned as she looked at the display in front of her that showed a failed mission.

“How could I have failed?”

“What do you think?”

Breathlessly, Zero Nine dragged her tired body out from behind her and leaned back on the couch.

“Nine-nine, I think I’m doing quite well.”

“Host, don’t talk to me yet, let me take a breather.”

Zero Nine pushed up the frames of his glasses and began to sort through the data from this mission.

Having taken two hosts, Xin Lan was the third one she took, giving her the biggest shock in the history of Unified Life.

She was transferred from a different department. She heard that she was in the villain department and there were too many people there, so she was reassigned to their face-slapping department as a great employee.

Zero Nine took over and excitedly took her into her first world, and not even a day later she was popped out, showing that the mission had failed.

Her entire system was dumbfounded.

It was not that Xin Lan had done a bad job, but it was just too …… too …… dazzling.

“Host, next time let’s be a little more gentle, shall we?”

“I thought I was doing a good job of meeting the department’s purpose and mission requirements, I just didn’t think that piece of crap was that fragile.” 

Xin Lan also sat down on the sofa and said very helplessly.

The purpose of the face-slapping department is to bring the scum to their knees in tears and make all those who despise the original owner fall to their knees and sing their congratulations.

The first world Xin Lan goes to is urban, her identity is a domestic violence victim who is bullied by her mother’s family and bullied by her colleagues and bosses. Her mission is to reverse the situation, get rid of the abusive scum, make him kneel down and admit his mistakes, and then go to the top of her life.

Zero Nine felt that according to Xin Lan’s fierce fighting ability, this mission would be a trivial matter, but he didn’t expect Xin Lan to be too fierce.

As soon as Xin Lan crossed over, the original owner was finished being bruised and battered by domestic violence. 

Xin Lan removed the legs of the wooden chair with her bare hands, took a stick and knocked on the door, and then beat up the scum.

The scum wanted to fight back but couldn’t.

His act of fighting back made Xin Lan angry again, so Xin Lan locked the man in his room and beat him for a long time, unhinged his jaw, broke his arm and made the scum fall to his knees and cry bitterly, saying he would never commit acts of domestic violence again.

Xin Lan ignored him, remembering that the scum man also committed marital rape. Rape, but also cheating, a direct kick to abolish the scum younger brother, closing the door and leaving. 

Zero Nine was so frightened by Xin Lan that she shivered and crouched in the system space painting circles.

After Xin Lan had done this, she leisurely went to the kitchen and washed her hands clean and made herself dinner.

As she ate she also asked if part of her mission was completed, Zero Nine thought so, after all, she had already made the scum fall to their knees and cry in pain, though the tactics were not quite the same as she had thought they would be.

Together, one person and one system thought it should be.

Xin Lan finished her meal, took the money and went out to the hospital.

Her body is currently bruised and purple, her face is wounded, the blood on her forehead has dried up, the original owner was beaten to death before she crossed over.

Xin Lan sat in the taxi, and felt that she had struck lightly; after all, that beast had killed the original owner with his own hands.

After refusing to call the police as the taxi driver and hospital doctor had said, Xin Lan went home with her gauze on.

As soon as she returned, she saw a group of people gathered around the place where her nominal scumbag husband, whom she had just beaten and ruined, had jumped off a building and killed himself.

But the mission was not completed, and she and Zero Nine were ejected from the mission world, having failed the mission.

It had only been a couple of hours in total.

Zero Nine finished recalling, her eyes full of changes, this was probably the fastest failed mission world she had ever taken.

The host’s style of painting was too clear-cut.

“Host, I will screen the next world for you properly, please rest well first.”

Xin Lan nodded, went back to her room and collapsed on her bed.

When her old boss sent a communication asking how she was feeling about her new job, Xin Lan depressingly told the story and got a bunch of hahahahahahahaha.

“Sister Lan, no, Master Lan, you are the only one who is estimated to be like this.”

” Laughing fart, what’s the point of transferring me over, I was doing quite happily.”

Xin Lan was doing her merry villain thing, not to mention how happy she was, when suddenly a transfer was ordered and she failed her mission.

It was a stain on the history of missions!

” Did you want a change of mood, cheer up good good good!”

Lest Xin Lan ask again, Baiou finished and cut off the communication.

Almost all of the department’s knew that most of the villain department were crazy.

Xin Lan was the lunatic of lunatics.

She had no problem with all the villains, and had never lost a single one since she had started her job.

The villain can oppress the protagonist but is bound to fail, but there are many taskmasters who get so upset that some even do things like kill the protagonist to the point of mission failure.

But Xin Lan had never been, and even when she died, she died cleanly, killing herself without mercy.

That is what is most terrifying.

According to her seniority, Xin Lan could have been the head of the villain department long ago, but she was not interested in this and went to the missions every day. Baiou was afraid that one day Xin Lan would not be able to distinguish between the reality of the missions or would be bored and would commit suicide, so when she heard that there was a shortage of people in the face slapping department, she moved someone there.

She is probably impatient to have Xin Lan go into a relationship, but this kind of face-slapping mission would be great, Xin Lan has been a villain for so long, it’s time to be a protagonist and maybe have a relationship on the way to the mission.

Xin Lan, unaware of what was on Baiou’s mind, stretched out on the bed and stared at it with her eyes open.

Without realising it, there was a feeling of sleep.

Perhaps it was the failure she had never experienced before that made her dream a dream she hadn’t had for a long time.

She was in a vast and endless sea of stars, with smoke and cannon fire filling her surroundings.

“General Xin Lan, we are surrounded.” The soldier’s expression was sombre.

“Where’s the vanguard fleet?”

“……… All destroyed.”

“General, you should go first, we can still hold up for a while.”

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“We can’t leave, the vanguard can’t be all gone so quickly, there’s definitely a rebellion ……”

“General, the right flank has been hit hard!” Someone came in a hurry, interrupting her words.

“Where’s the main ship touring party?”


“What?!” The soldier exclaimed.

“Rather a miscalculation on my part, inform the control room and proceed at full speed.”

“But ahead is the main enemy ship ……”

“Charge through.”


“Heavenly Providence Imperium.”

The roar of cannon fire was almost deafening as Xin Lan donned her mecha and rushed into the sea of stars.

Gloriously illuminating the vast expanse of starry sky with fire, forged in the glory of blood and tears.

Xin Lan’s eyes snapped open, wiping away the sweat from her forehead, and she took a cigarette out of the box, nipping it into her mouth but not lighting it.

She put the cigarette aside and walked into the bathroom.

The reflection reveals a beautiful face, extremely attractive and aggressive, but those eyes are full of darkness, like a rose blooming by itself in the darkness of the night.

Xin Lan washed her face, wiped the water droplets off her face with a towel, and sighed in an almost inaudible way.

She had been here a long time since she had died in battle, so long that she could no longer remember how many quests she had done, how many protagonists she had bullied, and how many she had been slain by them.

Some villains are born with rebellious personalities, deviant and antisocial personalities, while others are forced by life to blacken step by step, and Xin Lan has done each of them.

But after coming out of the mission world, she washes away all those emotions and memories, and she just wants to be herself.

But her personality can’t help but be somewhat affected; she was already competitive and so much more belligerent.

She had seen many strong protagonists who could not be beaten to death, and she did not expect the scum in her first assignment in the new department to be so vulnerable, and to kill himself over the slightest thing, and she had no idea of how far she had gone.

Xin Lan despises this kind of person who looks for a sense of existence in others through domestic violence, it is not enough to die a million times.

She pushed open the door and Zero Nine was on the sofa eating chips while looking for information.

The host and the system are bound and live together.

Xin Lan’s last system was a ball that always rolled around and pouted, this time the system looked like a die-hard otaku girl, with a bunch of nerdy hair on her head, black-framed glasses, long black hair and a pretty interesting personality.

If she hadn’t looked at her toes charging in the custom-made plugboard, Xin Lan would have thought she was a living human being.

“Does the host want some? Cucumber flavor.” Zero Nine lifted the bag of chips and shoved one hand into her own mouth with a clicking sound.

Xin Lan took it and followed along with a click.

“There you go, pick this for the new mission, you should like it, host.” Zero Nine’s eyes lit up and the numbers flashed in her eyes as if she had seen something.

” Ex-girlfriend mission sequence ah ………” Zero Nine trailed off and turned her head to look at Xin Lan.

“Does the host mind ex-girlfriend status?”

“I have to deal with that?”

“Ex-boyfriends, but their status is different from the first mission, and they usually have a higher status.”

“That is, the protagonist?”

“No, you’re the protagonist, they’re the villain.” Zero Nine corrected.

“That way ……” Xin Lan raised an eyebrow and gave an amused smile.

” They must be pretty tough to beat.”

“Stop your dangerous thoughts!” Zero Nine remembered the fear that had dominated her.

“And what would be more appropriate for me to do to complete the mission?” Xin Lan was lost in thought.

” Kick him down, be the boss yourself, and make him kneel and sing congratulations!”


“That’s just how I described it.” Zero Nine waved her hand, afraid that the host would actually beat someone up again.

“I got it, I’ll be sure of my measure this time.” Xin Lan nodded, and Zero Nine took the task, quickly finished the chips, took a sip of iced coke, wiped her mouth and hands with a paper, and led Xin Lan into the task world.

The windows were bright and clear, and the books sounded great.

Xin Lan looked at the textbook in front of her and blinked.

Beautiful Campus World?

Zero Nine: The data has finished loading, class will soon be over, the host should hurry up and get ready.

Xin Lan read the background of the world and the original host’s memories, and retracted the beautiful sentence she had just said.

It was nearly dusk, and she glanced at the expressions of the students around her; everyone’s expressions were stiff, even though their mouths were reading, and on closer inspection, some were shivering.

A campus timetable was taped to the desks.

8:00-9:00: Discussion

9:00-11:30: Classes

11:30-2:00: Recess

2:00-5:00: Classes

5:00-7:30: Recess

7:30-12:00: Hunting

The last two words are circled in red pen, filling the air with an unsettling meaning.


Breathlessly 有气无力 (yǒuqìwúlì): weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited

excitedly 兴致勃勃 (xìngzhìbóbó): to become exhilarated (idiom); in high spirits

bored 了无生趣 (liǎowúshēngqù) : to lose all interest in life (idiom)

bright and clear  窗明几净 (chuāngmíngjījìng): lit. clear window and clean table (idiom)

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