Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 22: CH 22

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Chapter 22 

Hunting Legally (Arc 1)

The Escape 22

Xue Chen Xin hid himself in the school building.

The dormitory building had long been unsafe, and who knows when those people would go crazy and try to kill each other if they failed to rob anything.

Although the academic building was locked except for the third floor, the toilets were not, and he hid in the women’s toilet, so he would not be discovered.

He wanted to await the end and see what the situation would be.

If there were less than five of them, that would be good, he could just surrender and join up with the team.

Xue Chen Xin vaguely heard the sound of footsteps against the wall of the ladies’ room.

Xin Lan:  This guy was really a creep, he was hiding in the ladies’ room.

The corners of Xin Lan’s mouth curled up in a sneer, who could do something like that would be a very good person.

Even in a society governed by the rule of law, they might do something like that.

“Wait for me here, I’m going to the toilet.”

Xin Lan looked in the direction of the ladies’ room and walked over there.

“Then I’ll go and look for Zou Yun Fei first, Xu Deng, you wait for her here.”

Shen Shuiyan knew that there were ears on the wall, so she didn’t speak very loudly.

Xu Deng nodded, indicating that she knew.

“If anything happens, just yell, I’ll come out immediately.”

Xin Lan instructed her two teammates before going in.



The sound of Xin Lan’s footsteps was deliberate.

Xue Chen Xin held his breath, unable to suppress the excitement in his heart.

It must be a girl coming in, he heard her.

When she came in, he would immediately throw her to the ground and grab the fragments of her clue.

If you’re good looking and have a good body you can ‧‧‧‧‧‧ hehehehehe ‧‧‧‧‧‧

The footsteps were getting closer.

On the verge of arriving in front of him, Xue Chen Xin had already assumed his posture.

But before he could make a move, a hand grabbed his sleeve and he was pulled down to the ground.

There was a suppressed cry of pain in the back of his throat, and as he wobbled to his feet, his head was grabbed and slammed against the wall again.

The impact made Xue Chen Xin lightheaded and dizzy, and he felt something hot dripping down from his head.

“What is your fucking problem?”

“What are you trying to do? Go on.”

Xue Chen Xin was not willing to be provoked by a girl, so he shook his head off and struck out at Xin Lan in the faint light from the window.

Xin Lan grabbed him by the shirt and hit him in the abdomen with a vicious kick.

Xue Chen Xin fell to the ground with a dull thud as his body hit the ground.

Xue Chen Xin fell to the floor on his back, making a dull thud as his body fell to the ground. Xu Deng was startled by the thud inside and ran in, turning on the light in the bathroom.

She was stunned by what she saw and thought she might have disturbed Xin Lan when she hit someone.

There was a boy lying on the floor, unknown whether he was dead or alive.

Xin Lan looked at Xue Chen Xin and knew that he was pretending.

He probably wanted to wait until she went over to get the clue pieces and then counterattack.

That wasn’t her ultimate goal.

Xin Lan walked over and stepped on Xue Chen Xin’s chest.

Xue Chen Xin almost couldn’t catch his breath, but he was still playing hard to get.

“Come here.”

Xin Lan hooked her finger at Xu Deng who was standing in the doorway.

Xu Deng nodded and hurried over, glancing at Xin Lan and then at the boy on the ground.

“What did you do to that boy who was chasing you this afternoon, remember?”

Xu Dang knew what was happening, and pointed at herself.

“Well, as heavy as possible.”

Xu Deng was given her orders. She had been a bit scared of this girl from the beginning, she felt unexplainably dangerous, and after a series of events, she decided to follow her lead and kick him.

Xu Deng lifted her foot and stomped on it hard.

Xue Chen Xin let out a scream that sounded like a slaughtered pig, covering his body and rolling around.

“I was going to cut you there,” Xin Lan took a folding knife out of his hand and twirled it around, “but then I would definitely have to see you down there, forget it, I’m still afraid of dirtying my eyes.”

The cold blade reflected an icy light that sent a shiver down one’s spine.

Xu Deng moved a little to the side in silence. This man had done something wrong to make Xin Lan hate him so much.

“But it would be too cheap to let you die like this.”

Xin Lan muttered that if she stabbed the man in the heart and allowed him to die of excessive blood loss, it would be too easy a death compared to that of the original owner who had suffered so much pain.

He must be tortured to death in fear and pain, so that he could repay the wrong he had done.

Xin Lan took one look at Xue Chen Xin’s few clothes and had a good idea.

She grabbed the collar of the unresponsive boy and slammed the back of his head into the ground.

There were limited supplies, so this was the only way.

The back of the head is a very fragile part of the human brain, one bad blow and he would die, so Xin Lan specially controlled her strength to knock him out without killing him.

“Lift up his shirt and shove the jumper or whatever as far up as you can.”

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Xu Deng didn’t know what she was going to do, yet she did as she was told.

Xue Chen Xin was unconscious, unaware that his clothes had been lifted, exposing his stomach.

Xin Lan was playing with the knife in her hand, thinking about where to strike first.

She bent down and slid the tip of the knife over Xue Chenxin’s thighs.

First, she would take away his legs so that he could not escape.

Then she would disable his hands so that he would not be able to move at all, and then she would block his mouth so that he would be unable to scream.

Xin Lan was satisfied with her plan and nodded.

However, with the limited tools available, Xin Lan could not use the folding knife to cut off the man’s legs, despite her strength, as she was not holding a saw.

Xue Chen Xin was probably not wearing thick trousers for the sake of running away, which made it easier for Xin Lan to move.

Xin Lan stabbed the knife through Xue Chen Xin’s thigh and pulled it out again. The blood stained the fabric red.

Xue Chen Xin’s body shook for a moment, but he still did not wake up.

Xin Lan pierced several holes in his legs and made several cuts on his calves.

His trousers were already stained with blood, and under the intense pain, Xue Chen Xin came out of his stupor.

“You’re awake? Good.”

Xin Lan waved the knife towards Xu Deng, who took it as soon as possible.

Xue Chen Xin’s eyes widened as he watched Xin Lan grab his arm and twist it fiercely.

The pain was so intense that he almost lost his voice, and the sensation of pain from the waist down almost made him faint.

“Give me a break, I never should have tried to sneak up on you just now, take all the pieces I have, please.”

Xue Chen Xin didn’t know how he had provoked this deranged person, but his face showed a pleading look and tears covered his face.

If he could move his legs, he would have knelt down and begged for mercy, but it was too painful, and when he moved, it hurt.

“I will take the pieces of you, but not now.”

Xin Lan seized his other arm and unceremoniously dislodged it too.

“You either give me the pain and torture me like this ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

Xin Lan didn’t wait for him to finish before dislodging his jaw as well.

“It’s so noisy.”

“Don’t you know what kind of person you are?”

“Do you want to know why I hit you?”

Xin Lan stomped on Xue Chen Xin’s stomach and leaned down to look at him, her gorgeous face a bit shadowy, if not for the occasion, Xue Chen Xin would have found her low smile very provocative.

Xin Lan saw him look confused for a moment and frowned, unchanged.

“If you want to be beaten, I’ll beat you, do I need a reason?”

Xin Lan straightened up and let go of the leg she was stepping on, looking at Xue Chen Xin’s sudden change of face.

Do I need to pick a day to beat you?

She took the knife from Xu Deng’s hand and slashed the bloodstained tip of the blade across his stomach.

He tried to escape, but he had no way to move his arms, his legs were in pain, and even the slightest squirming movement made his face contort.

It was over, it was really over.

Xin Lan picked a good spot and stabbed it in.

The blade tip was not pulled out quickly, but deliberately wiggled around in the wound a few times.

Under the light, Xin Lan’s face was cold, and the corners of her lips were curved in a creepy way.

Xin Lan deliberately avoided the areas where he could easily lose too much blood and die quickly, and stabbed Xue Chen Xin in the chest one stab at a time.

“Do you feel desperate?”

Xin Lan said with a smile, knowing that the original owner had also felt the same despair.

Xue Chen Xin couldn’t say anything, his eyes were staring at the ceiling.

His body seemed to be getting colder and colder.

With resentment in his heart, he stared deadly at Xin Lan’s direction.

Xin Lan made a confused expression and moved closer to his direction.

“How can I forget about this? It’s a good thing you reminded me.”

The tip of Xin Lan’s knife landed on Xue Chen Xin’s eyelid, where she felt the restless turning of the eyeball underneath.

Xin Lan didn’t hesitate, even though Xue Chen Xin had closed his eyes, she slashed them open and gouged out the eyeballs inside.

The eyeball rolled to the ground and was crushed by her without mercy.

Xu Deng was so frightened by the brutality that she could not speak and tried to minimize her presence.

She decided not to say anything and just hugged her thighs in silence.

Zero Nine was already resilient to this kind of gory scene, and it was quite a sight to see with a cuddle pillow.

If only there were chips, but the system is prohibited from bringing food into the mission, or else eating chips and eating melon seeds in the host’s head would be 100% complaintable.

“Have a good time feeling good here, dying in the women’s toilet is kind of an honor for you, right?”

Xin Lan patted Xue Chen Xin’s face with the tip of the knife, used his clothes to dry the blood on the knife, and folded it up and put it back into her pocket.

Xue Chen Xin’s eyes were hollow and his abdomen was covered in stab wounds, including his legs, which were bleeding more and more, and his body was getting colder and colder.

He would die here, no one would come to save him.

He still couldn’t understand why he had to be treated like this.

Xin Lan put her hands in her pockets, took away the fragments of clues from his body and walked out.

Xu Deng followed behind her, looking at her back, and inexplicably composed a BGM in her head.

The author has something to say: Ahhhhhhhh my hairline has moved up! My hair loss is getting worse and worse! Help!


lightheaded and dizzy 头晕眼花 (tóuyūnyǎnhuā): to faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed

BGM: To possess one’s own background music. This Internet slang term describes a person who is so unique and impressive that when he or she comes up, you could hear music playing on the background. This slang term comes from the fact that important TV or movie characters tend to have their signature background music.

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